Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1440: : Family shot

"The Zhang family has taken refuge in the Jin Hou, and now the Zhang family's proposal is to open the Donglai prefecture. How can the people of the Zhang family cooperate with me and others? The other aristocratic families who helped the Jin Hou in the first place are all members of the family who served as officials under Lu Bu's rule. ." Yu Jiazhu said.

"Now it seems that there is only one desperate move. As long as Du Yu is dead, no one will know about this." Gongsun Patriarch gritted his teeth.

"The soldiers guarding the cell are elites under Lu Bu's command. It is not an easy task to enter the cell unconsciously." The Lin family said, originally they wanted to buy the guards of the prison cell, but they almost caused it. After the soldiers' suspicion, this made the three more fearful of Lu Bu's methods, and they could make their soldiers not greedy for money. They asked themselves that it was difficult to achieve this.

"In any case, Du Yu must die, otherwise the Marquis of Jin will interrogate Du Yu tomorrow. If Du Yu confesses the three families, it will be dangerous." Patriarch Gongsun gritted his teeth.

"Okay, all follow the words of Patriarch Gongsun." Patriarch Lin and Patriarch Yu agreed.

Guo Jia never let his guard down on the family in the city, especially after the assassination in the city a few days ago, Guo Jia was even more secretly wary of the family. He knew that there must be a shadow of the family behind this incident, from Du Yu’s words on that day. One or two can be detected in it.

Just when the private soldiers of the three families rushed to the cell quietly, Guo Jia got the news that the flying eagle soldiers and the shadow guards had achieved close monitoring of the family in the city. As long as there were any changes in the family, they would be in the first place. Pass the news to Guo Jia's hands in a moment.

Guo Jia said coldly: "Since these three companies want to plot something wrong, you should lead people to follow them and see what the three companies intend to do."

"Here." The flying eagle soldier clasped his fists and left.

This time the three changes were first discovered by the Flying Eagle soldiers. The leader of the Flying Eagle Right Battalion, Li Jin, was very satisfied. Although the Shadow Guard and Flying Eagle both worked for Lu Bu, whoever showed greater value would be more affected. Lü Bu's attention. When Lü Bu attacked Du Yu, it was among the shadow guards who contributed the most, and the flying eagle soldiers were left in the city, which made Li Jin a little depressed.

"Immediately inform the brothers in the city to go to the cell and not to disturb other people." Li Jin ordered.

The three private soldiers add up to a total of 100 people. This is only part of the strength of the three families. After all, they are in the city. If too many people act, it will cause the defenders to notice. As long as Du Yu is dead, the three families will be temporarily safe. As for whether they will cooperate with Lu Bu's policy in Qingzhou in the future, that is another matter.

Until the last moment, the aristocratic family will not give up the interests in their hands. Now they can only be regarded as succumbing to the power of Lu Bu. Once this system is shaken, the aristocratic family will light up the butcher knife without hesitation.

What the private soldiers of the three families did not expect was that there were already more than fifty flying eagle soldiers on their left, right and rear.

The soldiers guarding the cell were extremely alert and were spotted by the private soldiers when they approached the cell.

Seeing this scene, the private soldiers of the three families rushed forward without hesitation, trying to resolve the battle as quickly as possible. Even though the two jailers rose up to resist, the huge gap in number caused the two to be quickly caught. The offensive of the private soldiers was overwhelmed.

These private soldiers had obviously made plans before. The two private soldiers stood directly at the door of the cell and transformed into jailers. The clothes on their bodies were all prepared before. The remaining private soldiers, except for ten people, disappeared. Outside of the darkness, the rest of the private soldiers all entered the cell.

There was a sneer on Li Jin’s face. These private soldiers ignored the speed at which the Eagle soldiers responded. After all, private soldiers of the family did not dare to walk blatantly on the streets. They needed to avoid patrolling soldiers. The Eagle soldiers had no concerns in this regard. Yes, long before the three private soldiers entered the cell, Li Jin had ordered Du Yu to move away.

Li Jin coughed slightly and walked out of the darkness.

Looking at Li Jin's clothing, the two jailers guarding the cell were taken aback, glanced at each other, hurriedly clasped their fists and said, "General."

Li Jin nodded slightly and said, "What happened to the prisoner inside?"

"Report to General, everything in the cell is normal." Cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of the two jailers. If Li Jin enters the cell, their behavior will definitely be discovered.

It seems that the secret prayers of the two jailers have worked, and Li Jin said, "If this is the case, this general will not go in."

"Respectfully send the general." The two jailers clasped their fists and saluted.

At this moment, Li Jin, who was about to turn around and leave, looked back suddenly, a cold light in his hand toward the jailer's throat, and the flying eagle soldier who had just followed him closely stabbed another jailer with the general stabbing.

The two jailers opened their eyes wide and kept making ho-ho sounds. Obviously they did not expect Li Jin to make a sudden move at this time.

As for the private soldiers hiding in the dark, they have already dealt with the flying eagle soldiers. In terms of hiding their tracks, the private soldiers of the family are much worse than the flying eagle soldiers.

The private soldiers who entered the cell didn't realize the flying eagle soldiers had appeared behind them.

"Why is there no Du Yu in the cell?" The leader in charge of the private soldier confused ~ ~ Commander, is Du Yu not locked here? "

The leader shook his head and said: "Impossible, look around."

When the people detained in the cell saw these private soldiers, they seemed to have seen a savior, lying in the cell constantly calling for help.

"If you dare to make any noise, kill them directly!" The leader said, Qingzhou is Lu Bu's territory after all. Infiltrating into the cell to kill is an extremely risky move in itself. If the movement in the cell affects the plans of the three families, The gain is not worth the loss.

Hearing the commander's cold words, the voices all around for help stopped abruptly.

"You don't have to look anymore, the person you want is not here." Li Jin shouted.

"Who is your excellency?"

In the light of the fire, after the commander saw Li Jin’s attire clearly, his complexion changed drastically, and he encountered military generals in the cell, which is extremely unfavorable for the situation at this time, but how can anyone who can become a deputy general in the military be? Easy generation.

"Don't you notice when you enter the cell, there are very few soldiers in the cell?" Li Jin asked with a smile.

The commander appeared in a daze. When he entered the cell, no wonder he gave him a sense of incongruity. It turned out to be ignoring this point.

"Kill out!" The leader is also a decisive person. After seeing his whereabouts were discovered, he immediately ordered, as long as he slammed out of the cell, what would happen if Lu Bu found out that someone had entered the cell.

Li Jin sneered: "You think that after this general appears here, it will make you leave easily. The Yu family, Lin family, and Gongsun family are really brave and dare to send private soldiers into prison? What do you want to do?” The online service of the real lady sister will help you find books and chat with you. Please wechat/search/search hot web or rdww444 waiting for you~

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