Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1441: : Flying Eagle dispatched

"Who are you?" The leader asked again. From Li Jin's body, he felt an extremely dangerous feeling, and the other party revealed his identity as soon as he opened his mouth. How can it not be frightening.

Li Jin laughed and said, "This general is naturally under the command of the Marquis of Jin. Do you take the initiative to lay down your weapons and surrender, or let the generals under your command kill you to surrender?"

"Not ashamed!" The leader said angrily. As the private leader of the Gongsun family, he also has a certain status in the Gongsun family. He also asked himself whether his martial arts was weak.

"Do it!" Li Jin shouted loudly.

More than twenty people poured in quickly from outside the cell. Unlike the Qingzhou sergeants, these soldiers were all in black clothes, and they held strong crossbows in their hands. Soldiers.

The private soldiers of the aristocratic family were excellent in blade armor, but compared to the strong crossbows in the hands of the flying eagle soldiers, their protection was much weaker. After a round of crossbow arrows, nearly twenty private soldiers fell.

Noting the commander of the private soldiers in this scene, I was shocked. There were only more than 20 people in black behind Li Jin, but after a round of crossbow arrows, nearly 20 private soldiers were killed. This shows the horror of these black soldiers. Place.

"Kill out!" the commander commanded in a low voice. He is the commander of a private soldier. He hasn't enjoyed enough of his current life. He doesn't want to die like this. Now the only way has been blocked by Li Jin and he wants to break through. The cell can only be killed out.

The flying eagle soldiers showed extraordinary qualities in front of these private soldiers. After they fired the crossbow arrows, they did not pause at all. They wound the crossbow arrows at a very fast speed, and then pulled the trigger to the private soldiers, and with precision, Compared to the first round of crossbow arrows, it is only stronger or not weaker.

Then the strong crossbow was thrown to the ground by the flying eagle soldiers and slew towards the private soldiers.

The same was the first round of swords, and the combat effectiveness displayed by the flying eagle soldiers was far beyond that of the private soldiers of the family. A private soldier fell softly under the attack of the flying eagle soldiers.

When the private soldier saw the scene of the war, he was stunned. The battle in front of him was obviously beyond his knowledge. He knew the bravery and toughness of the private soldiers, but the number of private soldiers facing them was far less than theirs. The flying eagle soldiers behaved so unbearably.

What shocked the commander of the private soldiers the most was that the flying eagle soldiers killed people simply and swiftly, making full use of the advantages of the ring first knife.

After the numbers were combined, there were only more than ten private soldiers who could fight in the cell. On the other hand, the flying eagle soldiers, except for two wounded, were not damaged.

"How is it? The soldiers under this general's command are justified, are you still resisting now?" Li Jin smiled.

The smile on Li Jin’s face was so terrifying in the eyes of the leader of the private soldier. After a moment of silence, the leader of the private soldier put down his weapon. The higher the position of the person, the less he wants to lose his life. If he gave an order The private soldier who followed would definitely rush forward without hesitation, but the leader of the private soldier was scared, he didn't want to die like this, the money he secretly got had not been spent yet.

"Take everyone away!" Li Jin shouted, capturing the private soldiers alive, so that they can play a greater role.

Seeing that there are more than ten flying eagle soldiers outside the cell, their commanding faces are like ashes. I am afraid that their fate has been doomed from the moment they just entered the cell. Moreover, after Li Jin entered the cell, he directly named them from Which one.

After eliminating the private soldiers who entered the cell, Li Jin escorted the private soldiers to the prefecture and animal husbandry.

Although it was late at night, Guo Jia still did not fall asleep. Since entering Qingzhou, the burden on Guo Jia's shoulders has not been relaxed. It was not until Xu Rong arrived a few days ago that Guo Jia was fully responsible for the affairs of the family. Today, only the family can affect the stability of Qingzhou. With the remnants of the Yellow Turban, Zhao Lu and others' refuge is a good start. As long as the forces of the remnants of the Yellow Turban are disintegrated, it will be of great help to the stability of Qingzhou.

"A member of the Gongsun family?" Guo Jia asked in a low voice.

The commander of the private soldier kept his mouth shut. On the way to the prefecture, he had already thought that he could not expose the Gongsun family. Otherwise, even if he could survive, it would not be much different from death. The strength of the family, The commander of the private soldiers understands.

Seeing that the leader of the private soldier did not answer, Li Jin nodded to Guo Jia and stepped forward: "Military officer, since this person is unwilling to speak out, let him go out and kill him. Anyway, there is Du Yu, and the same thing as the assassination of the lord is possible. Check it out clearly."

After listening to Li Jin's words, the private soldier commander's expression changed greatly. Obviously, he knew a little about the family secretly taking action against Lu Bu.

"I am willing to say it." Faced with the threat of life and death again, the private soldiers can no longer think about it. As long as they can survive, it is equally important to him. Originally, he didn't talk about the secrets of the family because he was afraid of the family's revenge.

"In the next place, the private soldiers of the Gongsun family commanded Gongsun Lu. On the order of the Patriarch, they went to the cell to assassinate the Yellow Turban leader Du Gongsun Lu slowly said.

"Why do you want to assassinate Yellow Turban leader Du Yu?" Guo Jia asked, although he had some speculations about this matter, he could confirm his conjecture only after he heard it.

"A few days ago, Jin Hou was only able to encounter the assassins, and the Gongsun family was involved." After Gongsun Lu said these words, the whole person felt that he had lost support. He knew that perhaps because of his own words, the Gongsun family was plunged into disaster. Among.

"Oh, there are such things unexpectedly." Guo Jia questioned.

Gongsun Lu gave Guo Jia a surprised look. From Guo Jia’s voice, he could feel that Guo Jia had a deep understanding of this matter, but he could show his own value. Gongsun Lu was still the Gongsun family he knew. Said the plan slowly.

"First detain this person." Guo Jia ordered.

"Military strategist, I have already said everything, and I hope the strategist can forgive me." Gongsun Lu struggled.

"Your life or death will be determined by someone, but if you report the merits of the Gongsun family, this official will inform the Marquis of Jin." Guo Jiadao.

Gongsun Lu showed gratitude and followed Li Jin away.

Guo Jia immediately ordered Ji Ling to send soldiers to surround the three houses, and then went to Lu Bu’s residence. After all, the affairs of the three houses are of great importance. If you do not do it in time, once the people of the three families find that something is wrong and escape, there will be one more hiding place. Enemies in the dark.

Aristocratic families are related to each other, even in Linzi City, it is still more troublesome to find the hidden family members.

Seeing that it was Guo Jia begging to see him, Dian Wei, who was guarding the door, knocked on the door without hesitation.

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Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. Book Fun Pavilion_Mobile version reading URL:

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