Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1442: : Control 3 companies

After Guo Jia finished talking about what happened tonight, Lu Bu's complexion was a little low. After he entered Linzi, he had predicted that his time in Qingzhou would not be easy, and he did not expect that the family in the city could not help it so soon. It's going to be shot.

"After the three families are under control, no one is allowed to come close. Bring the heads of the three families to the prefecture and animal husbandry mansion, and Benhou will personally interrogate them tomorrow." Lu Bu slowly said.

"Here." Guo Jia arched his hands.

"Feng Xiao, Benhou has repeatedly fought against the family since he took charge of the merged state, but he is getting stronger and stronger on this road. Didn't these aristocratic families see their own shortcomings?" Lu Bu questioned.

"How can the lord’s long-sightedness be understood by these families who only care about immediate interests." Guo Jiadao, to this day, Guo Jia has completely accepted Lu Bu’s strategy of treating the family and the people from the heart. The essence of the family, he basically I have seen it through that they will provide talents for the monarch. Of course, these talents will bring corresponding benefits to the family after they become officials. This kind of thing is extremely common in the family, and even some children of the family will do whatever they can for the benefit of the family.

"Perhaps these aristocratic families can understand the benevolent's actions after the ruler is more stable. The aristocratic families need power and want to affect the officials and even the monarchs in the city, but they did not expect that their actions would bring the people to the people. What kind of disaster, Benhou would rather offend all aristocratic families than to see the people trembling under the authority of the aristocratic families." Lu Bu said firmly.

"The lord is wise, the people of Qingzhou will definitely be grateful to the lord." Guo Jia said.

"When did Feng Xiao become so slick. Benhou is just doing his best to enable the people to have a stable life. Today's wars and sacrifices are for stability in the future. Maybe some people don’t. After understanding Benhou's approach, one day they will understand Benhou's painstaking efforts." Lu Bu said.

After listening for a long time, Guo Jia left at Lu Bu's signal. He knew that this was the confession of Lu Bu's inner thoughts. Guo Jia could also understand Lu Bu. At a high position, there were more things to consider. It's a feeling of loneliness.

When Ji Ling sent soldiers to surround the Gongsun family, the Yu family, and the Lin family, the three families were shocked. The people of the three families even argued with the leading generals. However, the people of the family were greeted by bright swords and guns. They were soldiers in the army and needed What they do is just execute the order, and for those who disobey the order, they will show their weapons.

Among the three, the Gongsun family performed the most intensely.

"Patriarch Gongsun, what should I do now? It must have been discovered by Jinhou." Patriarch Yu said in a flustered expression, there is no mentality that Cai Zhizhu is holding.

"Patriarch Yu, now Jin Hou has sent a large army to surround Gongsun's family. It is extremely difficult to escape, but as long as the three families insist that this matter has nothing to do with the three families, even if Lu Bu's strength is tyrannical, can he still dare to do it arbitrarily in the city?" Gongsun Patriarch Road.

"But the head of the Patriarch and Patriarch Lin are in Gongsun's house. If the Marquis of Jin asks, how should he answer?" The Patriarch Yu said.

Patriarch Gongsun thought for a long time and said: "After the old man goes out to inquire about the situation, he will make a final conclusion."

To deal with generals in the army, Patriarch Gongsun asks himself that there are still some ways, unless these generals do not have the slightest greed, such things rarely happen, as long as they are humans, there will be weaknesses, and greed is even more important for everyone. Avoid what will happen, but some people can hide their shortcomings very well.

"Patriarch Gongsun is going out?" Ji Ling, who was riding on the horse, saw the Patriarch Gongsun laughed and said, "But at midnight, there is no one walking on the street. What happened to the Patriarch Gongsun?" The lieutenant has a certain understanding of the family in the city.

"General Ji, it is important for the old man to go out." Patriarch Gongsun said coldly, "Is it possible that General Ji wants to stop him?"

"I can't talk about blocking, I'm just worried about the safety of Gongsun's family." Ji Ling said sternly.

"It's nonsense. The old man has been in Linzi for many years. How can there be any danger in secret to threaten Gongsun's family."

"Since Patriarch Gongsun has done what he has said, this general will naturally not reluctantly, but before that, please ask Patriarch Lin and Patriarch Yu to come out to see you, Jin Hou would please." Ji Ling said lightly.

Patriarch Gongsun looked calm when he heard the words, but there was a storm in his heart. Patriarch Yu and Patriarch Lin went to Gongsun's house. It was absolutely an extremely confidential matter, but Ji Ling learned.

"What about Patriarch and Patriarch Lin, General Ji Xiu is going to talk nonsense here." Patriarch Gongsun retorted without hesitation.

"Since Patriarch Gongsun didn't want to let the two out, this general had no choice but to send someone into the house to invite." Ji Ling sneered.

This smile is absolutely terrifying in the eyes of the Gongsun Patriarch. From Ji Ling’s look, he has already concluded that Ji Ling is quite sure about the affairs of the two Patriarchs in the Gongsun The Gongsun Patriarch snorted coldly. : "The general is so rude. When the Marquis of Jin entered Linzi, the Gongsun family did not help much."

"Patriarch Gongsun does not need to delay any more time, no one can go out without this general's order." Ji Ling said in a low voice.

Patriarch Gongsun was silent for a long time and said to the guard beside him: "Go and ask Patriarch Lin and Patriarch Yu to come out."

"Why should it be so troublesome long ago." Ji Ling said.

Patriarch Gongsun’s complexion turned red. From Ji Ling’s tone, he knew that it was impossible for the two Patriarchs to stay in Gongsun’s house. He could only see what Lu Bu’s attitude towards the three families was. As long as Du Yu died, everything would be impossible. It's all easy to say.

After Ji Ling entered the prefecture and animal husbandry with the three family heads, Ji Ling suddenly said: "Just now, I forgot to tell the three family heads. The Yellow Turban leader Du Yu was detained in prison, but he was attacked by an assassin. "

Patriarch Gongsun was overjoyed in his heart, and said calmly: "It's not a pity that you have died hundreds of times like Du Yu and other wicked people."

"Patriarch Gongsun really is jealous and hateful, but it is a pity that Du Yu did not die. Those who were assassinated fell into the hands of Jin Hou, and the words were all that was said. The military division was still waiting for the three Patriarchs." Ji Lingyan After that, turn around and leave.

The complexions of the three Patriarchs kept changing. They wanted to return home. Even if they rely on the power of the family to fight Lu Bu for the last time, how could the guards of the prefecture and animal husbandry make them leave easily? Patriarch Gongsun is sure just now. It was done deliberately, in order to make them completely desperate.

Entering the room, and seeing the respectful Gongsun Lu, Patriarch Gongsun flashed a sharp look in his eyes. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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