Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1444: : Soothing Yellow Scarf

Zhao Li also has red eyes. Zhao Li was also an ordinary citizen. The village was ravaged by the yellow turban, and he could only become one of the yellow turbans. With his extraordinary skill and strategy, he reached the present situation step by step. If there were no yellow towels, how wonderful his life in the village would be now.

Two thousand yellow turban soldiers lay down their swords and surrendered, spreading among the people at an extremely fast speed.

And Lu Bu didn't embarrass these yellow turban soldiers too much. According to the agreement with Zhao Li, all the poor and vicious people with the people's blood on their hands were all executed, and the less responsible were to enter the construction team.

Many of the leaders of the Yellow Turbans kept scolding Zhao Li when they were sentenced to be beheaded. At the beginning, Zhao Li told them that there was nothing serious, and most of the Yellow Turban soldiers were comforted.

Although Zhao Li's heart was heavy, he didn't justify these people. It was mainly because of the actions of the yellow scarf leaders over the years. Even if they were executed, it would not be a pity. At this moment, Zhao Li was still a little worried about his own situation. The credit is like this for the leader, but too many people have died because of Zhao Li's orders over the years.

"Commander Zhao, the military division would like to ask." Dian Wei said as he walked into the room.

"General Lao leads the way." Zhao Lu said.

Dian Wei glanced at Zhao Li in surprise. Judging from Zhao Li's performance, it was not much better than the original three family heads.

Zhao Li saw Guo Jia, who was slightly younger at the top of the head, for a moment. He clasped his fist and said, "Zhao Li pays homage to the military division."

There was also news about important people in Qingzhou in the Yellow Turban before. Guo Jia looked younger than the news he received. It was this person who was in charge of the fate of Qingzhou Yellow Turban. Not only the Yellow Turban, but also the fate of the family at this time was also in Guo Jia’s. Under control.

"How good is Commander Zhao in Linzi?" Guo Jia asked with a smile. In any case, Zhao Lu has a great contribution to Linzi. He led the Yellow Turban Army to join, and it was a great impact for the rest of the Yellow Turban Army. The impact of the Yellow Turban can be imagined, but those who do evil in the Yellow Turban must be committed to crimes, otherwise, how will the people think about these insignificant bosses can be put to death, Zhao Li must survive, Zhao Li At this time, it represented a banner after the Yellow Turban Army took refuge.

After Zhao Lu took refuge in Linzi, I am afraid that a lot of eyes have gathered in Linzi. They want to see Qingzhou's true attitude towards these yellow turban remnants.

"It is very good for the military division's concern," Zhao Li said respectfully.

"Commander Zhao doesn't have to be so cautious. It's a great achievement for you to lead the Yellow Turban army to join the Marquis of Jin. I don't know what kind of reward Zhao Commander wants?" Guo Jia laughed.

"I only hope that Jin Hou can treat these surrendered yellow turban soldiers kindly, and dare not ask for rewards." Zhao Li sang in his heart. Before entering the prefecture, he said that it was impossible.

"Whether Zhao Tongling wants to be in the army or to be an ordinary citizen, Zhou Mufu will be satisfied." Guo Jiadao, this is also the result of his discussions with Lu Bu, but it is impossible for these yellow scarf leaders to stay in Qingzhou. Their existence itself is a huge disaster, and Guo Jia's strategy is to put down the Qingzhou Yellow Turban as quickly as possible. Although there are some risks, as long as they are handled properly, there will not be too many problems.

"All follow the instructions of the military division." Zhao Li said.

"If Commander Zhao wants to be in the army, he is a lieutenant. If he wants to be a commoner, he will also get a lot of rewards. There is one more thing that needs to be troubled by Commander Zhao. After that, he will be rewarded." Guo Jiadao.

"The military commander has instructions, Zhao Li will not hesitate." Zhao Li's tone was a little excited. A Lieutenant in the army may be an inconspicuous general from the generals, but for Zhao Li, it has a lot to do. The significance of, even in the Yellow Turban, he is in charge of the two thousand Yellow Turban army, which is more prestigious than the lieutenant. However, becoming a lieutenant in the army and continuing to do the remnants of the Yellow Turban is a world of difference, becoming a lieutenant colonel. Wei, it means that he is the general of the big man, completely free of the identity of the yellow turban remnant.

"Commander Zhao, Jin Marquis treats the Yellow Turban kindly, presumably Qingzhou Yellow Turban has also heard of it, and Guo Da of Baibo Valley in the state, and now he is a lieutenant general. Very high status, under Jin Hou, as long as they are capable generals, they will be reused, but the premise of all this is loyalty." Guo Jia said slowly.

Zhao Li clasped his fist and said, "The subordinates understand what the military commander said."

"Now there is still this Yellow Turban army outside the city. It is Chang Chun. Presumably Commander Zhao knows Chang Chun very well. If he sends you to the cottage where Chang Chun is located, I don't know how sure he can persuade Chang Chun to surrender. "Guo Jiadao.

In fact, when Guo Jia found him, Zhao Li had already guessed about this matter. The remaining value of his existence was the friendship with Chang Chun.

"Military strategist, Chang Chun, wants to persuade, if there is not enough interest, it is extremely difficult." Zhao Li said.

"If he is sure to take refuge, he will be your deputy in the As for the rest, it depends on how the leader Zhao responds, but there is one thing, the most sinister among the yellow turban leaders must be put to death." Guo Jiadao .

Zhao Li nodded and said yes. In fact, he understood the purpose of Guo Jia's actions. Executing the most guilty person would not only win the hearts of the people, but also deter the people from setting foot on the Yellow Turban easily.

"If Chang Chun doesn't want to take refuge, there is no need to reluctantly. Qingzhou now has 40,000 troops and needs to hone on the battlefield." Guo Jia laughed.

Zhao Li was shocked. Zhao Li understood that most of the 40,000 troops were recruits. However, after going through Du Yu's cottage, no one dared to underestimate the combat effectiveness of these recruits.

After Zhao Lu left, Guo Jia looked at the information in front of him from all over the world.

Guo Jia’s strategizing made the family members in various places in Qingzhou panic, especially after the collapse of the three Linzi families, it caused many families to settle down temporarily. No one dared to make Lu Bu jealous at this time. Rampant, but in the face of powerful strength, they have no other choice, unless they want to destroy their families.

With the arrival of officials from other states, the families of counties and counties clearly felt tremendous pressure, because the first thing these officials did after they arrived was not to talk with the families, but with the people. This gave the families some surprises. Unfortunately, it is precisely because of this that many families are unlucky.

The order of the State Shepherd House was to let the people get the land. However, under the secret operation of the aristocratic family, it was extremely difficult for the people to obtain the land. Besides, the officials in the city at that time had an inextricable relationship with the aristocratic family and treated the aristocratic family. It must be extremely polite. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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