Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1445: : Zhao Lu persuades Chang Chun

In this way, the most unlucky thing is the people. Originally thought that they could get the land, it turned out to be a emptiness. However, under the suppression and threat of the family, no people dared to resist.

It was not until these officials took office that the people found a place to vent. Although they were afraid of the family, when their interests were violated, they would not fear death, just as the family’s interests would be mad after the loss. The common people are no exception. They also need benefits, and getting the land is what they want to get.

As a result, the number of unlucky families has increased significantly. By this time, the families need to wake up. It turned out that the prefecture and animal husbandry had already anticipated this when they ordered the local officials to distribute the fields, but they were just taking the initiative to enter the trap. Among.

This is also helpless. The family needs a lot of fields. When the benefits are placed in front of them, how can they not be tempted, knowing that it is bait, they will eat it.

The turmoil of the division of fields continues to spread in Qingzhou. Among the families everywhere, there are many families who have risen to resist and want to control the officials. However, these officials are obviously walking on the road of confrontation with the families all the year round. There will be soldiers in the daily travel. It is conceivable that the family of soldiers protected and resisted will end up facing the army. Only at this time, the family of Qingzhou thoroughly realized the terrible aspects of Lu Bu's methods.

For a long time, they believed that the division of land under Lu Bu’s rule was nonsense. Even a powerful family could recover the land from the people after taking refuge in Lu Bu. However, they neglected more than just Lu Bu’s methods. Another thing is what the people will do after they have taken the land from the people's hands by accident.

In the past, they regarded the people as the weakest existence, and now the power of the people cannot be ignored.

Under the stimulation of the fields, the horror of the family was minimized for the people.

After the incident in Jizhou, Lv Bu didn't have the slightest kindness to the family. As long as he seized the opportunity, each family would be shattered. Even if the talents in the family did not support him, Lu Bu didn't care. He had a school to support him. It is not only Binzhou, Youzhou and Chang'an, but also schools in Jizhou and Qingzhou. These schools will be the foundation of the future development of land governance.

There were ten soldiers who accompanied Zhao Li to the Changchun Mountain Village. This also shows Qingzhou’s attitude to a certain extent. If Changchun embarrassed Zhao Li, he would have offended the Zhou Mufu. At this point, the Qingzhou Army has become The Yellow Turban’s biggest worry.

Du Yu's cottage was breached, and Zhao Li led the Yellow Turban army to surrender, making Chang Chun feel critical, and he secretly cursed Zhao Li's incompetence, just being intimidated by Lv Bu and turned into this appearance.

"General, Zhao Lu led ten soldiers from the Qingzhou Army at the foot of the mountain."

Chang Chun frowned slightly, "Let him go up the mountain."

At this time, Chang Chun was unwilling to turn his face with the Zhou Mufu, mainly because the methods displayed by the Zhou Mufu were too tough. Offending the Zhou Mufu would not end well unless he chose to leave Qingzhou.

"Just a few days away, General Zhao has now become a member of the Qingzhou Army. Is it because he came here to start the war?" Chang Chun sneered.

The boss in the field looked at Zhao Li with some unkind eyes.

"General, Zhao Li has taken refuge in the prefecture and animal husbandry. They are our enemies. It's better to kill them and hang their heads on the cottage." A chief yelled.

After hearing the boss’s words, Zhao Li did not show the slightest worry. The Qingzhou represented by his trip, Chang Chun understood this. If he died in the cottage, Chang Chun would not end up in the same way. Where to go, the Yellow Turban army of the entire cottage came along with it.

Lu Bu accepted Du Yu's cottage and his cottage, but it does not mean that he would endure other people's provocations against him.

"Go down first, it's so decent to be so noisy in front of General Zhao." Chang Chun scolded.

They naturally didn't dare to violate Chang Chun's words, but the gaze looking at Zhao Li was a little gloomy. As long as Chang Chun gave an order, they would let Zhao Li die without a place to bury him.

"General Chang, coming here this time is the order of the Qingzhou State Shepherd House." Zhao Lu said: "The Marquis of Jin is kind and does not want to see the Yellow Turban being slaughtered under the army. That's why it is sent to various places, but it is always the Yellow Turban. Refuge can be accepted, among them, the wicked ones will punish them, and the cottage who take the initiative to take refuge will reduce their guilt."

Chang Chun's face changed slightly. Although he had some guesses about Lu Bu's methods, he couldn't calm down after he heard Zhao Li's words. Why are the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou crazy? There is no way of retreat, and this order of Lu Bu gives the Yellow Turbans of Qingzhou a retreat and a chance to become a commoner again. How can this opportunity keep the Yellow Turbans of Qingzhou from If it is not for life Not many people are willing to be the remnants of the yellow turban that everyone shouts and beats. They seem to be awe-inspiring, shouting and drinking, and the people are afraid wherever they go, but they need to worry about their lives at all times, even if they become yellow turbans, It does not mean that there is no danger of starving to death. If you are injured in the fight, there will be no treatment, and maybe you will be given up by the commander.

"This matter is very important. It is not the general that can call the shots. General Zhao will take a rest in the cottage first." Chang Chun said, he also wanted to know how Lu Bu would deal with the leader of the cottage. Qingzhou still has a certain status.

"General, Zhao Li was as timid as a mouse, and took refuge in Jinhou, but the villain heard that many leaders in the yellow turban were executed." A leader stood up and said, lest Chang Chun agreed to Zhao Li.

The leaders in the field heard these words and talked about it, and they were within their acceptance range to take refuge in Lu Bu, but if they were executed after taking refuge, they would definitely not be willing.

"You can rest assured that even if you join the Marquis of Jin, this general will protect you. This is an opportunity to turn from the remnants of the yellow turban to the common people of the big man. If you miss this opportunity, you will still be rebellious. "Chang Chun shouted.

The court fell into silence for a while. The reason why some bosses retorted was that they were unwilling to give up the power in their hands. After becoming bosses, their lives were naturally very different from ordinary yellow turban soldiers.

However, Chang Chun's words touched them a lot, especially those who spent a long time in the yellow turban. They could appreciate the temptation of this condition for the yellow turban soldiers, and no one wanted to bear the destiny of rebellion. They were rebels, in reality. On it, it is the people of the big man. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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