Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1446: : The situation is great

"After I go back, tell the soldiers in the cottage about this matter. This general will see what these soldiers think." Chang Chun said.

"Here." The leaders left.

There is no lack of savvy leaders among the leaders. They have already felt Chang Chun's desire to take refuge in Lu Bu from Chang Chun's words. Hearing the opinions of the soldiers is to take refuge, the yellow turban soldiers, there is no one who does not want to become the people, especially when they know After the people can get the land, they need a way to become the people again. Now this road, the people of the prefecture and animal husbandry have already paved it for them, and all they have to do is to walk up.

After Chang Chun returned to the room, he ordered Zhao Li to be called over. Even if he had the desire to take refuge in Lu Bu, he still needed enough benefits. Otherwise, he would not agree.

"Zhao Li, tell the truth, what kind of benefits will this general get after you take refuge?" Chang Chun stared at Zhao Li with scorching eyes.

Zhao Lu knew that Chang Chun had changed, and now the most important thing was to see if the conditions given by the Zhou Mufu could satisfy Chang Chun.

"General Chang, do you know what he got after taking refuge in Jin Hou? Now he is a captain in the army, with hundreds of people in his hands. I am also tired of the status of the yellow turban. Now the lords are everywhere, the yellow turban can't last." Zhao Lu said. .

"Only the captain, if this general is taking refuge, doesn't it mean that the three thousand soldiers and horses in his hand have been replaced by hundreds of soldiers and horses?" Chang Chun asked in disbelief.

"General Chang, the most important thing is the change of status. The military division has promised that if the general is willing to take refuge, he will be his deputy in the future. After the general takes refuge, he will be the general in the army under him." Zhao Li was angry when he saw Chang Chun. Said: "General Chang does not need to worry about things in the army. With the ability of a general and the many yellow towels in Qingzhou, He worry has no merit. In the Qingzhou army, everything is based on military merit. People who have no military merit, even if they are officials High, it won’t be respected by soldiers."

Chang Chun was silent for a long time and said, "Are you really confident?"

"The general rest assured, there are so many yellow turbans in Qingzhou. As long as you and I join forces, more yellow turbans will be persuaded. At that time, the credit of you and me may be enough to become a general. In the Qingzhou army, except In addition to the generals and lieutenants of the army, there are the generals of the various ministries." Zhao Lu said.

Chang Chun said: "It's just that Jin Hou killed some of the leaders of the Yellow Turban army before. This general is worried that some people are unwilling to take refuge."

"This matter is also simple. General Chang gathered the yellow turban soldiers in the cottage together, and those who are willing to take refuge will follow and leave, and those who are unwilling to take refuge in the destiny will be resolved."

"Jin Hou is not worried about these people, and will continue to do harm to Qingzhou in the future?" Chang Chun said.

"General Chang, as long as these people are not willing to take refuge, they are the enemy of the Qingzhou Army." Zhao Li said in a low voice.

Chang Chun nodded knowingly.

After that, Chang Chun gathered the yellow turban soldiers in the cottage together. Sure enough, several leaders left with their yellow turban soldiers. More than 90% of the yellow turban soldiers were willing to take refuge. They had heard that the yellow turban soldiers after taking refuge would have What kind of treatment they can get from the remnants of the yellow turban to the common people, even if they have worked for a few years, they have no opinion, and they will be able to get fields in the future. When building cities and roads, they still have money to get. These conditions are for the yellow turban soldiers. There is a huge temptation.

Not only do you need to worry about food and clothing, but you also have money to build roads. Although the money is very small, it has been accumulated over the years. When they become people again, they will not have no capital. This is also deliberately added by the State Shepherd House. Yes, of course, only half of the monthly wages are given to these people, in order to prevent these people from having no money after they go out, and thus go astray again.

In fact, after Zhao Lu's arrival, Chang Chun had thought about it. He found that the current Yellow Turban army was not enough to fight Qingzhou, especially Qingzhou's treatment of the Yellow Turban.

In order to show his heart, the cottage was burnt to ashes.

From entering Qingzhou to the disaster of the Yellow Turban outside Linzi City, Lv Bu only made a single shot and let other cottages come to vote. The Yellow Turban's refuge greatly enhanced Lu Bu’s prestige in Qingzhou. The people in Qingzhou An are most afraid of the Yellow Turban. Remnants, now that there are no yellow turbans outside the city to dare to haunt them, they feel a lot more at ease. As for those remnants of the Yellow Turbans who are not willing to take refuge, they have become the targets of the Qingzhou Army's training.

When the fleeing Yellow Turban remnants rushed to form the cottage, the Qingzhou Army soldiers, or even the thunderbolt car, appeared in front of their panic, but the Qingzhou Army would not have the slightest softness in dealing with such unwilling yellow turbans. The current situation in Qingzhou is gradually improving. In the eyes of ordinary people, this stable Qingzhou is a very good situation.

Taking Zhao Li and Chang Chun as his own use, Lu Bu had to admire Guo Jia’s strategy, which not only greatly weakened the fighting spirit of the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans, but also allowed the two to continue to persuade the Yellow Turbans from other places. After all, they were both. The generals of the Yellow Turban Army understand each other's shortcomings.

"Feng Xiao is really resourceful. After the move, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban will be weakened at a very fast speed. Benhou admires it." Lu Bu laughed and said that after the problem of the Yellow Turban is resolved, it is of vital importance to Qingzhou.

Guo Jiadao: "Master, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban will be settled soon, should the Qingzhou family be completely dead?"

"Just so, send an order to let Xu Rong come." Lu Bu said.

Although the previous methods used to treat the aristocratic family were fierce, the aristocratic family still had room for resistance. What Lu Bu had to do was to make the aristocratic family afraid to resist. What the aristocratic family relied on was a strong family background. After taking back the fields from their hands, their strength would appear. A huge loss, but their heritage still exists. Even if there is no field, the family still has many shops that can maintain normal operations. In Lu Bu's view, the biggest threat to the family is the private soldiers they have.

The private soldier is an extremely powerful force, which has been reflected in the past. Once the private soldiers of the family are gathered together, they will have a big impact on the governance. The policy should have a great relationship, otherwise it would be very difficult to break through the two places just by relying on Yuan Shao's soldiers and horses.

In Bingzhou and Youzhou, private soldiers are forbidden in the hands of aristocratic families. Even the guards in the family must register with the local government before they can exist. There is a huge limit on the number. As for armor, more It is impossible to own.

Jizhou and Qingzhou have not been stable for a long time. At this point, they have not been implemented.

After Xu Rong got the order, he hurried to the room where Lu Bu was. After entering Qingzhou, Xu Rong was extremely busy. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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