Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1452: : Lu Bu goes to Zhen's house

Zhen Mi's complexion suddenly turned red, and she whispered, "I understand."

"The Zhen family will host a banquet in the mansion tonight, and invite Jin Hou to come." Zhen Yao left Zhen Mi's room after speaking.

Seeing Zhen Yao far away, Zhen Mi's heart cannot be calm. She can understand how much sacrifice the family has made for her, and she is the most critical existence of the Zhen family. If his position in the Hou Mansion can be stabilized, It means that the Zhen family has no problems.

But deep down, Zhen Mi has a deep affection for Lu Bu. Unlike the marriage between families, she can feel Lu Bu’s respect and love for them through Lu Bu’s attitude towards them, even though Zhen Mi is here. Among the few women who entered the Hou Mansion last, they did not suffer the slightest embarrassment in the Hou Mansion.

Perhaps in the eyes of Zhen's family, Zhen Mi returned to Jizhou after being wronged. In fact, it is not. After all, Zhen Mi is young. After leaving home for a long time, she will inevitably miss her family.

"Husband, did you really not think of Mi'er? Did you know that when you set out for an expedition, it is the time when Mi'er is most worried." Zhen Mi murmured with blurred eyes.

In the State Shepherd's Mansion, after learning of the Zhen family's invitation, Lu Bu was taken aback. At this critical moment, if he went to the Zhen family, it would have more meaning and would affect the judgment of the family in the city.

"My husband has forgotten that sister Mi'er is in Zhen's house now." Cai Yan reminded.

Lü Bu lost his voice: "It's all the bad guys, and I forgot about Mi'er. After seeing Mi'er, alas."

Seeing Lu Bu’s performance, Cai Yan couldn’t help but smile. Like Lu Bu, the princes in charge of the party, they are natural to the women in the family and maintain sufficient majesty. It is completely different here in Lu Bu. He treats everyone in the family. A lady is extremely affectionate, lest she be wronged, Cai Yan also heard about Lu Lingqi's affairs.

However, it is precisely because of Lu Bu's practice that there are more warm scenes in the Hou's mansion, and there will be no fights over and underneath for favor. It gives people the feeling of warmth. According to Lu Bu, this is the feeling of home.

"Zhao Ji, you must have known about this for a long time, and deliberately made Benhou embarrassed." Lu Bu glared at Cai Yan.

"Husband, you are a dignified prince of Jin, with busy affairs. Sister Mi'er will definitely be considerate." Cai Yan persuaded.

Lu Bu shook his head and said, "No, Mi'er was the last to enter the Hou Mansion. He is a little sensitive and Mi'er is still young. If there is any way to make Mi'er happy, everything will be solved."

Cai Yan stared at Lv Bu blankly, "Husband, if sister Mi'er knows her husband's thoughts, I'm afraid she will panic."

"Zhao Ji, you come to help find a way for your husband." Lu Bu said.

Cai Yan thought about it for a moment and said: "Han Sui once sent someone to send some precious roseapple wine. If the husband brings this wine to sister Mi'er, sister Mi'er will be happy." (Symbol is wine)

"There is such a thing?" Lu Bu said in surprise. Of course, roseapple and grape have similar pronunciations, and Lu Bu heard it as wine.

"These roseapple wines were obtained by Han Sui accidentally from merchants in the Western Regions, and they are said to be dedicated to King Yue." Cai Yan said: "Even when the Han Dynasty was prosperous, roseapple wines were extremely precious. ."

Lu Bu nodded and said, "With this thing, He Chou Mi'er can't be happy."

There are Gu Yong, Guo Jia and others in the affairs of the prefecture and animal husbandry. All Lü Bu needs to do is to make decisions on major issues.

After seeing rose apple wine, Lu Bu frowned slightly, like rose apple wine and other things, if they were filled with bottles made of Shenli, they would definitely be extremely moving. After this idea arose, Lu Bu secretly wrote it down. The problem of Li is easy to solve, and the most important thing is the problem of rose apple wine.

The king of the Yue family also made Lu Bu curious. The Western Regions Changshi Mansion was established by the great Han and the merchants under the Changshi Mansion thought about going to Yueshi to pay tribute instead of Chang'an, which made Lu Bu feel a little unhappy, Han Sui Unexpectedly, it was precisely because of a jar of wine that Lu Bu had an idea for Yueshi.

The people of the Zhen family were not surprised by Lu Bu's arrival. What they didn't expect was that Lu Bu had come to the Zhen family so long, and immediately made the Zhen family busy.

When Lu Bu traveled, his guards opened the way, and he appeared mighty and mighty along the way. For this kind of behavior, Lu Bu does not advocate, but because of his status and status, he can't go quietly to Zhen's house.

At the same time, news of Lu Bu's visit to Zhen's house also spread in the city. On the first day after seizing private soldiers from the family's family, Lu Bu went to Zhen's house to make more families think about it, and Xu You has returned home since leaving the prefecture. After that, he closed the door and didn't see anyone, which made the aristocratic family in Yecheng feel even more desperate.

Looking at the grand scene outside Zhen's house, Lu Bu got off his horse.

"Meet the Marquis of Jin." The Zhen family is a first-class family in Yecheng, and there are naturally many servants in the family.

Lu Bu smiled and said, "No need to be polite."

After the Zhen family got up they looked at Lu Bu secretly. They had heard about Lu Bu, and many servants were still very curious about Lu Bu.

"The old lady came out to greet him personally. It really hurts the prince." Lu Bu hurriedly stepped forward to help Zhang Clan up.

Zhang smiled and said: "The Marquis of Jin is able to come to Zhen's house, and Zhen's family is full of glory."

At this time, Lu Bu also noticed Zhen Mi who was beside Zhang's and nodded with a smile.

Knowing that Zhen Yan invited Lv Bu to the mansion at this time, the Zhang family agreed, although he had an accident. Lv Bu was able to go to Zhen's house at this time, which was a great encouragement for the Zhen family. Of course, Zhang Shi also understood that when Lu Bu went to Zhen's house, it was more about Zhen Mi's face.

Zhen Mi Qiao blushed and hurriedly lowered her head.

Under the leadership of Zhen Yao, a group of people entered the Zhen's house mightily.

Lv Bu sat in the head position under Zhang's strong suggestion.

After everyone saw the ceremony, they dispersed, and Zhang and Zhen Yao also wisely left their time to Lu Bu and Zhen Mi.

"Mi'er." Lu Bu smiled at Zhen Mi and said.

Zhen Mi's complexion was reddish, especially when the family members left one after another, which made her feel shy "husband."

"It was an oversight by my husband before, and I forgot about Mi'er in Yecheng, haha." Lu Buqian laughed.

"The husband can remember the concubine body, and the concubine body is already satisfied." Zhen Mi said, although there were some complaints against Lu Bu before, now after seeing Lu Bu, the complaints disappeared instantly.

"Mi'er, this is roseapple wine. It was given to Mi'er as soon as the husband got it." Lu Bu took out the prepared things.

"Syzygium spp.?" Zhen Mi's eyes glistened. Obviously, he had heard of the name syzygium squash before. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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