Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1453: : Family donated assets

Lu Bu took out two moonlight cups, poured two cups of roseapple wine, and handed one of them to Zhen Mi.

Zhen Mi hurriedly said: "The husband is the Marquis of Jin. How can this kind of thing be done by the husband himself."

Lu Bu smiled and said: "Mi'er is the wife of Benhou. What if you can pour a glass of wine for your wife, and there is no one else here, it doesn't matter."

When Zhen Mi heard the words, he had accepted the rose apple wine, and looked at the rose apple wine in the moonlight glass with a look of yearning.

"Mi'er, let's have a taste." Lu Bu smiled.

Hearing the words, Zhen Mi slowly brought the moonlight cup to his mouth, took a sip, and saw Lü Bu staring at him intently, his complexion even more red.

"Husband..." Zhen Mi said Jiao.

Lu Bu laughed twice and drank it, but he didn't think it was surprising. In his opinion, this so-called rose apple wine was much worse than Jin wine in taste.

After the two chatted for a while, they left the hall. The Zhen family was a well-known family in Jizhou. The decoration of the home gave people a sense of elegance. Walking in it, the servants were relaxed and happy. salute.

"Mi'er, I've been walking for so long, let's take a break." Lu Bu smiled while looking at the pavilion not far away.

Zhen Mi nodded slightly and followed Lu Bu's side.

Seeing the two enter the hall, the sharp-eyed servants with left and right eyes sent some fruits.

"It would be great if he could be so leisurely every day." Lu Bu sighed. Since he came to Dahan, he has been busy for survival, first for himself, and then for his family and subordinates.

Zhen Mi said: "The husband manages everything every day, and he must be very tired. The concubine squeezes the shoulders of the husband."

Seeing that Zhen Mi is so well-behaved, Lu Bu said with a smile: "Don't blame your husband for not coming to see you this time. When your husband goes to Zhen's house, the family in the city will definitely talk more and more, and you must have heard about the city. "

"The concubine obeyed her husband's orders." Zhen Mi said.

"Mi'er, you have been reading poems and books since childhood, but you are a talented woman. There are many things that you have no choice but to do for your husband." Lu Bu said.

"If the husband is tired, the concubine can play the piano to relieve the fatigue of the husband." Zhen Mi said.

The long sound of the piano seemed to make Lu Bu forget the golden horse and iron horse on the battlefield, and forget the grievances and grievances with the family.

That night, the Zhen family was brightly lit, and the food and drinks at the banquet were naturally the best, but with Lv Bu present, the people of the Zhen family seemed a little restrained.

After eating and drinking, Lu Bu left the Zhen family, and Zhen Mi left with Lu Bu.

Thinking of her brother's words in the day, Zhen Mi felt a little embarrassed, but Zhen Mi was also more anxious about this matter, and among the few women today, she was the only one who was not pregnant.

After returning to the prefecture, what surprised Lu Bu was that Zhen Mi, who had always been a little shy, turned out to be extremely crazy.

The next day, Lu Bu looked at Zhen Mi, who was still blushing on her face, and laughed: "Could Mi'er want to be pregnant with a child?"

Zhen Mi hummed softly and hid in Lu Bu's arms.

"Don't worry, your husband's time in Yecheng will definitely make you pregnant." Lu Bu smiled.

Zhen Mi seemed to be thinking of what happened last night, and even more so, hiding in Lu Bu's arms, he didn't want to look up.

Zhen Mi naturally knew the preciousness of rose apple wine. Lu Bu was able to go to Zhen's house in person and bring her rose apple wine, which made her feel very happy.

"Husband, it's getting late. If you can't live anymore, I'm afraid that the servants under your husband should say that the concubine is not." Zhen Mi said.

Lu Bu smiled and said, "Who makes Mi'er too beautiful, my husband is reluctant to get up."

"The husband is making fun of his concubine again." Zhen Mi said with embarrassment.

In a blink of an eye, at the time agreed upon by the prefecture and herdsmanship and the family, the flying eagle and the shadow guard, as well as the officials of the inspector and the inspectorate began to take action. After successively eradicating two families with private soldiers, other families were even more frightened. Some aristocratic families even have only ten or less guards. The standard of the weapon used by the guards is completely in accordance with the regulations of the prefecture and shepherd house, and they dare not violate it in the slightest.

With the Yecheng family as an example, the families of other counties in Jizhou can be imagined. Among them, the most tragic are the families in Qinghe and Bohai. When they attacked Jizhou in Yuan Shao, the family secretly helped. The two counties are now There is no larger family anymore, only a few small families are supporting it.

Lu Bu certainly understood that many of the aristocratic families in the two counties had connections with the aristocratic families in Yecheng.

The eradication of the aristocratic families of the two counties can imagine the turbulence caused by the Jizhou family, and it also made them realize the cruelty of Lu Bu's treatment of the family, and Lu Bu has the title of assassin of the family.

The purpose of the Jizhou family is that the Zhen family donated half of the family's assets to the prefecture and herd for the needs of the army.

When other aristocratic families saw this scene, although they were not reconciled, they could only donate their home assets to follow the trend. It is conceivable that they hated the Zhen family. Even some aristocratic families were reluctant and did not want to be targeted by Lu Bu at this time. But for aristocratic families, how could it not happen to violate the In order to eliminate the disaster, they can only reluctantly donate part of the family assets to preserve the family.

Apart from the Zhen family, the Xu family had the most donations. After Lu Bu's reprimand, Xu You donated the assets without hesitation, and the family headed by Xu You could only do the same.

In fact, this trick was secretly planned by Guo Jia and Xu Rong. The family in Jizhou is rich in wealth, which is recognized in Dahan. It is the family wealth accumulated by the parents over the years. The amount is staggering. As long as one of the families is willing to donate the family funds, Others must follow suit.

When Lu Bu learned the news, he was naturally overwhelmed with joy. As long as there was something to take, it was a good thing. As for the family's thoughts on the prefecture, it was temporarily beyond Lu Bu's consideration.

The changes in the Yecheng family, followed by the turbulence among the entire Jizhou family, even the Yecheng family succumbed in Lu Bu's hands, not to mention the other families whose strength is inferior to that of the Yecheng family. Many, not to mention, there are many aristocratic families who are involved in Yecheng aristocratic families, and they all obeyed the suggestions of Yecheng aristocratic families.

The successive turmoil between Jizhou and Qingzhou aristocratic families benefited the people. Many people were secretly controlled by the aristocratic families after they were given the land. This kind of thing is particularly obvious in Jizhou. Jizhou’s aristocratic families are strong and naturally Not willing to give up the field just like this.

Regarding this situation, the officials of the Inspectorate’s Office and the Inspectorate’s Office were clearly able to deal with it, and they had seen all sorts of things that aristocratic families secretly acted against the prefecture in Bingzhou.

The inspectorate and the inspectorate are sharp swords hanging over the heads of aristocratic families. As long as the aristocratic families do things that violate the law, they may attract officials from the two governments. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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