Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1454: : The war is urgent (part 1)

The current situation in Jizhou makes the family feel deeply uneasy. If you oppose Lu Bu, what if someone in the family serves as an official without that strength? Lu Bu's military power is only held in his hands. The result of the rebellion will only be the destruction of the family. , The family members became a member of the construction team.

After successive turbulences in Jizhou and Qingzhou, they gradually stabilized, but Xiangyang was in dire straits.

Cao Jun attacked the city for a month and attacked the city wall several times. If it weren't for Guan Yu's bravery, the city might have been lost. Cao Jun had paid a heavy price during the siege. From the siege to the present, the soldiers who died outside Xiangyang City It reached 15,000 people.

Guan Yu’s mood was a little heavy. He could feel that Cao Jun’s strength was gradually improving. In comparison, although the defending army was also improving, it was much worse than Cao Jun. People are shocked, especially the Qingzhou Army among the Cao Army.

Xiangyang was besieged, but the reinforcements from other counties could not reach. Even the navy suffered heavy losses under the heavy cavalry, and the navy general Su Fei captured Cao Jun alive.

In this situation, Zhuge Liang did not dare to mobilize the navy again easily. If he wanted reinforcements to enter the city, the most important thing was to solve the heavy cavalry wandering on the battlefield. Even though Zhuge Liang had all sorts of ingenuity, he could not be timely about the situation on the battlefield. The enemy can only let the enemy be rampant on the battlefield. Although there are cavalry in the defending army, the quality of these cavalry is too weak compared with Cao Jun’s cavalry. Although the Jingzhou army is developing, it is developing. The speed is much worse than that of Cao Jun.

The Qingzhou army, tiger and leopard cavalry, heavy cavalry, and heavy infantry in the Cao army are all beings that can cause huge shocks when placed on the battlefield. The lack of elite soldiers makes the Jingzhou army only passively defend. As a result, Xiangyang The war has reached the point of urgency.

The first thing that bears the brunt is the rise in the price of rice. The money in the hands of the people depreciates at an extremely rapid rate. In order to survive, the fields and houses of the people gradually come into the hands of the family, and many people even sell their children.

This is only one month for Cao Jun to attack the city. If the family lasts for a long time, greater turmoil will inevitably occur in the city.

The most troublesome thing for Zhuge Liang is the price of rice in the city. If the price of rice cannot be controlled, it will cause unrest among the people, which is extremely disadvantageous for the defenders. In ordinary times, the people are mild in the eyes of the ruler. If they are facing life danger, they will stand up and resist without hesitation. The Yellow Turban rebellion of the year is a good proof, Zhuge Liang dare not gamble.

In comparison, although the aristocratic families in the city were worried about the safety of the city, they did not affect their growth in strength. In their eyes, they considered the family in more cases.

After Zhuge Liang walked around the city wall, he returned to General Hussar's Mansion and fell into contemplation. The most important thing at the moment is not to stop Cao Jun, but how to stabilize Xiangyang and let the family help defend the city against Cao Jun.

At this time, Zhuge Liang thought of Lu Bu. Lu Bu’s treatment of the family was well known. The family’s impression of Lu Bu was cruel, but Lu Bu’s cruelty exchanged for stability under the rule. How urgent it was when the princes' coalition attacked Binzhou. The aristocratic family under the rule did not have a large-scale rebellion, which proved that Lu Bu's method worked.

"According to the order, all the family patriarchs will go to the General's Mansion to discuss matters tonight." Zhuge Liang said.

After receiving Zhuge Liang’s order, the aristocratic family had a bad feeling. The last time Zhuge Liang discussed matters, the private soldiers in the family’s hands were reduced by 30%, and the food and grass contributed a lot. The main reason was that Zhuge Liang controlled the Kuai family and made the family feel uncomfortable. Non-compliance. As for the Kuai family betraying Jingzhou to join Cao Cao, more aristocratic families are skeptical. The contributions that Kuailiang and Kuai Yue have made to Jingzhou over the years are obvious to all. If the Kuai family betrayed, they would not have supported them at the beginning. Liu Qi became emperor.

But these words can only be kept in their hearts, and now in Xiangyang City, Zhuge Liang is in charge.

Originally, Zhuge Liang was despised by members of the family. After all, Zhuge Liang was too young. However, Zhuge Liang’s method was to shock the people among them. When the same thing was put in their hands, it would not necessarily be Zhuge Liang’s old way to deal with it. .

Looking at Zhuge Liang in the top position, many aristocratic families even had a bad feeling.

Zhuge Liang coughed lightly and turned his gaze to Guan Yu and said, "General Guan, now the Cao Army is attacking the city fiercely. Tell us about the situation of the defenders."

"There were originally 20,000 defenders in the city, plus 1,000 private soldiers from the family, a total of 21,000 people. Cao Jun attacked the city in January. Three thousand defenders died and two thousand were seriously injured. There were 16 thousand soldiers who could fight. Thousand people." Guan Yu said: "Cao Jun's loss was about 15,000."

The loss of the defender and the attacker is about one to three, giving the family’s Patriarch a feeling of trepidation. If this situation continues, the city of Xiangyang will be broken by Cao sooner or later. .

The defenders are at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers. As for relying on righteousness to let Cao Cao retreat through difficulties, it is obviously impossible. Since Cao Cao used so many troops to attack Xiangyang, the two sides are endlessly dying.

This is also the most troublesome place Zhuge Liang feels. If Cao Jun’s attack on Jingzhou slows down to a year later, Jingzhou has sufficient confidence to stop Cao Jun. However, it is precisely when Liu Bei has just captured Yizhou and Jingzhou is weak, who would have thought Cao Jun, who originally supported Liu Bei's capture of Yizhou, will turn to attack Jingzhou.

"Now that the Cao Jun is attacking the city fiercely, if Cao Jun is allowed to break through Xiangyang, everyone here will not be spared. Even in such an emergency, there are still many families who secretly raise the price of rice in the city, causing the people to panic. From now on To restore the price of rice in the city, if the General Mansion finds out which company is raising the price of rice, the officer definitely has no reason to be soft. I hope that you can work together to resist the Cao thief when Jingzhou is in crisis." Zhuge Liang said.

Patriarchs of the aristocratic family have said yes. As for the real idea, it is not known. Will the aristocratic family be willing to give up the benefits it has acquired and turn to help the defenders?

"Xianhe is responsible for investigating the price of rice, but if he finds it, he doesn't need to report it to the general's mansion and eliminate it directly." Zhuge Liang said.

"Here." Jian Yong arched his hands.

As for Jian Yong’s greatness, the families in the city have already experienced it, that is, the family’s calamity. As long as Jian Yong’s eyes are on the family, even if they are lucky enough to survive, they have to peel off their skins. Many families have sent assassins in secret. Preparing to kill Jian Yong, but Jian Yong is extremely cunning, making the family feel helpless. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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