Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1458: : Po Jiangxia

"General Zhang, now the Jiangdong Army is already under the city, and General Zhang can help." Wang Can said that he knew Zhang Yun's skills.

Seeing that the matter was urgent, Zhang Yun didn't make any excuses, "How many soldiers are there in the city today?"

"There are only more than two thousand people." Wang Can's expression was bitter. If the Jiangdong Army's actions were known in advance, the Jingzhou Navy would not have suffered such a heavy loss, and it would be natural to rely on Jiangxia to block the Jiangdong Army's offensive.

Zhang Yun was silent when he heard this. He knew the combat effectiveness of the Jiangdong Army, especially if the chief general in the army was still a fierce general like Sun Ce. He was sure that the Jiangdong Army had been planning Jiangxia secretly for some time, but Jingzhou hadn't noticed it.

"If there are only more than two thousand people, you need to ask Xiangyang for help." Zhang Yun said.

"Now Jingzhou is in danger, and Xiangyang is even more precarious. Where can there be reinforcements?" Wang Can said anxiously.

"Jiangling." Zhang Yun said slowly: "Nanjun is the largest county in Jingzhou, and Jiangling is the top priority. With excellent soldiers and horses, there is sufficient food and grass. If the prefect of Nanjun is willing to send troops, it will certainly be able to relieve Jiangxia's danger."

Wang Can was silent after hearing this. Cai Hao was not only the captain of the navy, but also the prefect of the southern county. It can be said that the Cai family is the most powerful in the southern county. Even when Liu Bei was in Xiangyang, he wiped out the Cai family’s power. However, the real heritage of the Cai family was in Nanjun. Although Liu Bei had thoughts about the position of Nanjun's prefect, it was still not fundamentally touched by the stability of Jingzhou.

Today’s Nanjun prefecture is the former Nanyang County prefect Zhang Xian. After Liu Bei occupied Jingzhou, after the rebellion of the Jingnan four counties, he had a lot of defenses against the Jingnan four counties, and Zhang Xian had a high status in Jingzhou. It is precisely because of Zhang Xian's refuge that Liu Bei can enter Jingzhou calmly. Otherwise, if Zhang Xian takes control of the city, it will be extremely difficult for Liu Bei to control Jingzhou.

Originally in Nanjun, it was dominated by the Cai family. However, after successive changes, the prefect of Nanjun became Zhang Xian, who was Liu Bei’s person. In fact, Zhang Xian did not have as much respect for Liu Bei, especially After Cao Cao led the army to attack Jingzhou, this sentiment became even more obvious. In his opinion, the reason why Jingzhou was so turbulent was because Liu Bei expanded too fast. After the princes' coalition attacked and merged the state, he did not wait for Jingzhou to be completely. It tried to seize Yizhou, which led to the current situation in Jingzhou.

"General Zhang, there are not many soldiers and horses in South County now, and it is extremely difficult to get reinforcements from South County to come." Wang Can said.

Zhang Yun naturally understands the difficulty. Nanjun is one of the retreats of Jingzhou Army, and Nanjun is extremely important to Jingzhou, so the protection in Nanjun is extremely strict. There is no order from Xiangyang, and he wants to mobilize the soldiers and horses of Nanjun. It is simply impossible.

"In that case, you might as well ask for help from Xiangyang and Nanjun at the same time." Zhang Yun said.

"It can only be so." Wang Can nodded.

The Jiangdong Army’s fierce offensive was unexpectedly tough. Jiangxia City originally had only more than two thousand people, and withstands the fierce attack of forty thousand troops. It was precarious. After Sun Ce gathered the Jingzhou Navy, the number of soldiers and horses under his command not only did not decrease, but increased a lot.

The Jingzhou navy has a strong combat power, and can be put on the battlefield after being incorporated into various ministries.

Although Zhang Yun's ability to lead soldiers is not weak, facing the Jiangdong Army's attack, he can only hope that the reinforcements from the South County can reach Jiangxia soon.

Southern County Governor Zhang Xian, although he was a little dissatisfied with Liu Bei, he understood that Jiang Xia had reached a critical moment. If he did not send troops, Jiang Xia would definitely defeat Jiangdong Army, so he ordered General Cheng Yan to lead three thousand soldiers and horses to help Jiang Xia, and the army entered. After Jiang Xia, Sun Ce led the cavalry to break through, Cheng Yan desperately broke the siege, and when he returned to Nanjun, he had fewer than a thousand soldiers and horses left.

The successive victories of the Jiangdong Army boosted the morale of the army. Half a month later, Jiangxia was attacked by the Jiangdong Army. Zhang Yun and Wang Can flee to the southern county.

This is the first time since the Jingzhou Army and the Jiangdong Army fought, Jiang Xia was captured by the Jiangdong Army in a true sense. This victory is of great significance to the Jiangdong Army. Owning Jiangxia means that the Jiangdong Army will attack Jingzhou. At the time, there is no need to storm the city.

Jiang Xia's report caused a great shock in Jingzhou. At this time, the Cao army besieged Xiangyang in the north of Jingzhou, and Sun Ce led the army into the hinterland of Jingzhou in the south.

After capturing Jiangxia, after Sun Ce rectified his troops, he ordered Cheng Pu to lead five thousand soldiers and horses to attack Wuling County, and personally led an army of 20,000 to attack Changsha County, Nanjun Fushu, Sun Ce very much wanted to seize Nanjun, but once he seized Nanjun, It means that the Jingzhou Army’s retreat has been cut off, and the Jingzhou Army will inevitably be apprehensive, and the southern county is an important place for Jingzhou. Jiangling became the seat of Jingzhou’s state governance when Wang Rui was in charge of Jingzhou. The importance of Jingzhou is self-evident. Liu Bei entered When Yizhou was in Yizhou, he took the waterway from Nanjun to Sun Ce followed Zhou Yu’s strategy and first brought Jingnan four counties into his hands, which is the most important thing at the moment. The Jingzhou Army tried harder to fight against Cao Cao. As long as Cao Cao and Jingzhou Army fight to the death, the Jiangdong Army freed up may be able to take advantage of the situation and seize the South County.

Sun Ce suddenly seized Jiang Xia, causing panic throughout Jingzhou. Jingzhou and Sun Ce had a long history of hatred. Sun Ce's behavior in Jiangdong is even more comparable to Lu Bu. Lu Bu's treatment of the family is cruel, and Sun Ce's treatment of the rebellious family is basically It was a full copy of the family, but Sun Ce did not adopt Lu Bu's approach, did not infringe on the fundamental interests of the family, and did not arouse the family's disgust.

Sun Ce’s actions in Jiangdong made Sun Ce’s reputation not very good, and he was also a military commander. The status of military commanders in this era is low and is despised by literati. Sun Ce doesn’t care about these things. He believes that as long as he is strong The military strength of the family will be able to impress the family.

Cao Cao fell into silence when he learned that Sun Ce had sent troops to capture Jiang Xia. Even if the same thing was put on him, he would not give up such a good opportunity. Jingzhou's wealthy people are well known in the world, and Sun Ce was naturally unwilling to let Cao Jun get Jingzhou. The previous alliance between Jiangdong and Jingzhou and Cao Jun was just for the two sides to fight with peace of mind.

Jingzhou is important to Cao Cao, and it is equally important to Jiangdong. As long as he can own the land of Jingzhou, Jiangdong will have a greater chance on the battlefield in the future, and this is also an opportunity for Jiangdong army, a chance for growth, Sun Ce An enterprising monarch, he didn't want to be trapped in Jiangdong. Although Jiaozhou Sun Ce was determined to win, how could Jiaozhou be on par with Jingzhou. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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