Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1459: : Attack on Shangsha County

Han Hao, the prefect of Changsha, learned that Sun Ce led 20,000 soldiers and horses to attack. He was shocked. At this time, there were not too many soldiers and horses in Changsha County. At the beginning, the four Jingnan County betrayed Liu Bei, and Liu Bei sent troops to attack, although Changsha The county finally surrendered, but the military strength in the county was weakened. Even the former Changsha prefect Han Xuan was taken to Xiangyang by Liu Bei's order.

Han Hao is the younger brother of Han Xuan. The Han family has considerable prestige in Changsha County. Even Liu Bei had to consider the influence of the Han family. Taking Han Xuan away and making Han Hao the prefect of Changsha County was also to appease the Han family. In the words of Xuan in Xiangyang, the Han family did not dare to do anything wrong and the military strength of Changsha County had been greatly weakened.

Changsha general Yang Ling saw Han Hao Liushen Wuzhu and said: "Premier, although the enemy has 20,000, there are 3,000 soldiers and horses in the city. If he can kill Sun Ce in a battle, it will not only save Jingzhou from war. , You can also get a reward from the saint."

"General Yang has something to say but it doesn't matter." Han Hao said hurriedly.

Yang Ling said: "My lord, the Jiangdong Army has come from a long way, the soldiers are tired, and the defenders in the city are only three thousand people. They will inevitably relax their vigilance. In this way, only one raid is needed to cause heavy losses to the Jiangdong Army. Can't hold Changsha County."

"General Yang is indeed a fierce general in the army, this matter will be handled by General Yang. If Sun Ce can be defeated, the officer will personally appeal to General Yang in front of the Sage." Han Hao said, at this time he does not matter what strategy, as long as It is enough to defeat Jiang Dong Army. Besides, looking at Yang Ling's expression, it is clear that he is extremely confident in this strategy.

"In the end, he will definitely do his best to kill Sun Ce!" Yang Ling clasped his fist.

"After the general triumphs, the officer held a banquet in the mansion to celebrate the general." Han Hao said.

Yang Ling clasped his fists and said yes, and felt complacent in his heart. He wanted to use victory to tell everyone in Jingzhou that he was the mighty general of Jingzhou.

Although there are only three thousand defenders in Changsha County, these three thousand defenders are extremely elite. The pawns trained by Huang Zhong in the city have strong combat power. Many generals in the city are aware of Huang Zhong's choice. Zhong's choice scorned people who were stunned when they learned of Huang Zhong's dazzling record under Lu Bu's command. In their eyes, although Huang Zhong had some skills, after all, he was a little old, who would have thought that this man was Jinhou Pay attention to it and grow up to this point step by step.

Huang Zhong’s fortunes really made many generals in Changsha County envy. At the beginning, people in Jingzhou looked down on Lu Bu, thinking that Lu Bu was just a husband, but now Lu Bu has grown to the point where they can only look up, and Huang Zhong is even more so. Become a famous fighter.

As the general of Changsha County, Yang Ling naturally wants to achieve something, and what is now before him is a good opportunity. Sun Ce breaks through Jiang Xia, no one can stop him. If he can defeat Sun Ce, wouldn’t it be a The first person in the Jingzhou army.

Sun Ce led his troops to Changsha County and saw that the city was tightly guarded. After investigating the situation of the defenders, the army's scouts ordered the army to be stationed outside the city, waiting for the arrival of the baggage, and then attacked the city.

Zhou Yu said: "The lord can set up an ambush in the camp, and watch it from his subordinates. The enemy will inevitably attack the camp tonight."

Sun Ce watched Zhou Yu unclearly. The enemy attacked the camp, but he didn't even notice it. Besides, Jiangdong Army had an absolute advantage at this time. According to the news, there were only three thousand defenders in the city. There are 20,000 people on his side, and the strength of the two sides is not on the same level at all.

"Master, since the arrival of the army, there have been quite a few enemy scouts haunting our army. These scouts must be to probe into the reality of our army so as to act from it." Zhou Yu explained.

Sun Ce showed a stunned look and smiled: "If there is Gongjin, it will surely let the enemy and the general come back and forth."

"This is a good opportunity to take the initiative to seize Changsha County." Zhou Yu said in a low voice.

Sun Ce's eyes lit up and he hurriedly asked for advice. After Zhou Yu had finished explaining his plan, Sun Ce nodded with satisfaction, "If he can defeat the enemy and seize Changsha County, Gong Jin will be the first achievement."

That night, at the second shift, the closed city gate slowly opened. Yang Ling led two thousand elite soldiers towards the camp where the Jiangdong Army was stationed. In the daytime, the scouts had already inquired very clearly, and the enemy's defense was very lax. It can be seen that Jiang Xia’s victory made Jiang Dong Army relax its vigilance.

Under the cover of night, several black shadows quietly walked towards the camp of Jiangdong Army.

After Yang Ling led the soldiers and horses approaching the Jiangdong army camp, he contemptuously said: "People say that Sun Ce led the army in battle. I can't see it today. The defense of the camp is so sparse. If there is an enemy army, it will definitely fail. No wonder he attacked Bingzhou. At that time, the Jiangdong Army attacked the camp for Lu Bu and suffered heavy losses."

"The general is brave, and he is naturally able to win." The lieutenant complimented.

Yang Ling nodded and said: "The commander will remove the antlers and other objects outside the camp. After the army invades the Jiangdong Army, there is no need to keep your This general will personally lead 300 cavalry to defeat the enemy. "

Looking at Yang Ling, who was full of confidence, the lieutenant did not speak too much. As long as he could defeat the Jiangdong Army, it would be a great contribution, and all he had to do was to obey Yang Ling's orders.

When Yang Ling led the army into the camp, seeing that the Jiangdong army was still unaware, he laughed and said: "It seems that the Jiangdong army is still resting and set on fire, so that the enemy can see how powerful the Jingzhou army is."

The two thousand soldiers of the Jingzhou Army were very excited when they saw this situation. The enemy had no defense. It was definitely their opportunity. As long as they could defeat the Jiangdong Army, they would get more than just credit. , The swords and armor of the Jiangdong Army can be exchanged for money.

To Yang Ling's surprise, when the camp was lit, he did not hear the screams of Jiangdong's soldiers. This made Yang Ling's expression slightly changed. There were hundreds of camps lit by his own soldiers, but there were nowhere to be seen. When the Jiangdong Army panicked, everything felt too weird.

"General, there seems to be no one in the Jiangdong Army." The lieutenant said in confusion.

At this moment, the rumbling drums of war sounded from the Jiangdong Army, and there were dense Jiangdong Army around Yang Ling. There was a man in front of him, wearing golden armor, holding a spear, and majestic, it was Sun Ce.

"Yang Ling is not quick to dismount and surrender." Sun Ceyun shouted vigorously.

Although the soldiers of the Jingzhou Army were full of confidence before coming, they have different ideas after being surrounded. The Jiangdong Army has fought with the Jingzhou Army over the past few years, and they have lost less and won more. They have a great reputation in Jingzhou. They can be said to be under heavy siege. They only need an order from Sun Ce, and none of them can go out. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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