Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1475: :punish

"There are three hundred defenders in the First World War, and two hundred others are responsible for maintaining the order of the city." Zhao Si replied.

Lu Bu nodded. This is also the normal military equipment of a city. Three hundred people are a team that can fight at any time, but the order of the city needs soldiers to maintain.

"Although Huayin City is small, there is still a place to live, so please ask your mentor to move into the city." Zhao Sidao.

"Benhou will definitely go to the city, can you know the family in the city?" Lu Bu said.

On the way to the city, Zhao Si slowly explained the situation of the family.

The atmosphere in Huayin City suddenly became serious because the army controlled the city gate.

"Come here, invite Patriarch Li and Patriarch Zhang, Benhou wants to see what the Patriarchs who are connected with the thief look like." Lu Buduan commanded from the upper position.

Dian Wei is obviously very experienced in doing such a thing, and ordered Huang Xu to lead two hundred guards to control the Li family, while Dian Wei led two hundred guards to Zhang's house.

The besieging of the Zhang family and the Li family made the people in the city panic, not knowing what happened.

The heads of the two families were taken to the government office, but what they saw was that Zhao Si, who was usually awe-inspiring, was just standing respectfully at the bottom. In the top position, he was seated with a man with no anger and self-prestige. Men, although the distance is a bit far apart, they also feel a strong anxiety.

"This is the Marquis of Jin." Zhao Si stepped forward and reminded him in a low voice.

"Meet the Marquis of Jin." The two of them paid homage to the worship, and did not dare to neglect the slightest. Although the aristocratic family under Lu Bu had a lot of complaints against Lu Bu, when they actually saw Lu Bu, it was a different scene. These aristocratic families are extremely in awe of Lu Bu's methods.

At the same time, the heads of the two families were also a little worried. Lu Bu's visit to a small place like Huayin at this time made them a little puzzled.

"Who is the Patriarch of the Zhang Family?" Lu Bu asked.

The Zhang Family Master said, "The Caomin is the Zhang Family Patriarch?"

Lu Bu slapped the table and shouted: "The Zhang family is so bold that they dare to collude with the bandits outside the city to bring harm to the people."

When Patriarch Zhang heard the words, his body was sifted, and Lu Bu's power suddenly shifted to him alone, giving him a trembling feeling.

"Puff Tong" fell to his knees, and Patriarch Zhang said in a weeping voice: "Jin Hou Mingjian, the Zhang family has always obeyed the government's orders and dare not violate the slightest. How dare to get involved with thieves."

The Patriarch of the Li family saw this scene, but suddenly understood something. No wonder the caravans of the Zhang family were rarely looted during this period of time, but the caravans of the Li family were often subjected to poisoning. It turned out that it was because of bandits outside the city. s reason.

"Does Patriarch Zhang still need to bring the leader of the thief to you before he is willing to admit it?" Lu Bu said coldly.

There was a storm in the heart of the Zhang family, and he still insisted on his opinions, and firmly refused to admit that he was involved with the bandits outside the city. If this kind of thing was admitted, it would be time for the family to fall. As the Zhang family’s patron, he did not want it. The Zhang family was destroyed in his own hands.

After the miserable Gao Xiang was brought in, the first thing he saw was the Patriarch of the Zhang Family. He went to the city in person and met the Patriarch of the Zhang Family.

"Patriarch Zhang, Jin Hou's army is coming, why didn't you tell this general, otherwise this general will end today." If it weren't for two soldiers standing side by side, I'm afraid Gao Xiang has already rushed up.

Patriarch Zhang also had a hard time distinguishing the miserable Gao Xiang, and said categorically: "Enlighten the Marquis of Jin, the Zhang family is not implicated in the thieves. This person is crazy and nonsense. Please also look into the marquis of Jin."

Gao Xiang laughed when he heard this: "Patriarch Zhang has forgotten this general. Could it be that Patriarch Zhang has forgotten that the army in the city was dispatched in the past two times, and you sent someone to inform this general. Did you forget the Li family convoy? matter?"

When Gao Xiang finished talking about one thing, the court suddenly fell into silence. If Gao Xiang's statement was true, then the Zhang family's sins would be serious, and Patriarch Li looked at Patriarch Zhang angrily.

During this period of time, the power of the Zhang family has been greatly improved, while the power of the Li family has been severely suppressed. Although under Lu Bu’s rule, the family’s survival method has been greatly reduced, but the family can still live a better life. Ordinary people live several times better. They have capital. As long as they act in accordance with laws and regulations, whether in business or doing other things, they can increase the strength of the family. Under Lu Bu's rule, things like cloth workshops are even in Sansukezhi. The land is developing at an extremely fast speed, especially the cloth workshop in the Sansuke area, which has advanced technology provided by the artisan workshop. The production speed of cloth is twice as fast as usual. As long as it is properly managed, it is profitable.

Under such a system, the aristocratic family did not dare to fight against Lu Bu. They had no private soldiers in their hands. Even though they had some guards, how could they dare to oppose the defenders in the city.

Patriarch Zhang's complexion changed suddenly after hearing about this incident. These things can be found by someone to testify, even if it is denial, it is impossible.

"General Gao, the Zhang family did not give you less benefit, but you did not expect you to have violated your original promise." Zhang Patriarch pointed at Gao Xiang and cursed: "You thieves are ungrateful people. The Zhang family shouldn't be the first Protect you."

By now, Zhao Si also understood the whole story. He looked at the Zhang Family Master and almost killed him. Since he took control of Huayin, the biggest problem has been the thieves. Unexpectedly, the arrogant thieves outside the city would have a relationship with the Zhang family. This relationship is due to the Zhang family whispering secretly, even if it is the elite defenders in the city, it is impossible to find the traces of these bandits.

"I don't know what the county magistrate Zhao thinks about the Zhang family's affairs?" Lu Bu cast his gaze to Zhao Si.

Zhao Si was silent for a moment and said: "The Zhang family colluded with thieves to bring harm to the common people. Important figures in the family were beheaded to show the public. Other servants in the family were included in the construction team for ten years, and the family assets were used in the treasury. middle."

Lu Bu nodded. This kind of punishment is absolutely cruel to a family. After ten years, who can remember that there was once a powerful Zhang family in Huayin.

"People who have been looted by thieves should also be resettled. After the county magistrate Zhao has dealt with these things, he should return to Chang'an Mansion to report." Lu Bu said lightly.

"Here." Zhao Si's expression was a bit bitter. He walked to the position of county magistrate step by step. One can imagine the hard work he put in. He didn't expect that the ruled family would secretly collude with the bandits, causing him to lose all of this, but he didn't know what to do. For this kind of thing, in addition to hating the thieves and the family, he still regrets his negligence. If he inquires in detail, he will not be able to detect the movements of these thieves. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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