Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1476: : Xiangyang lost

After dealing with the affairs of the Zhang Family in Huayin, Lu Bu felt a little heavy in his heart. It was a land of three supplements, waiting to be revived, and there were huge hidden dangers. The officials of the Inspectorate’s Office and the Inspectorate’s Office could not do everything. Officials of the Inspectorate's Office received news from various parties in Chang'an, and the speed would become much slower. At the same time, officials from the Inspectorate's Office in the city were also dealt with.

The land of Sansui was the top priority under Lu Bu's rule at this time. The officials of the Inspectorate's Office were manned in all counties. Their task was to check whether the officials and aristocratic families had violated the law and discipline.

The next day, in the east of the city, the captured thieves and even important members of the Zhang family were beheaded. Their crimes were posted in the city to inform the people.

Seeing Gao Xiang being put to death, Ju Yi also sighed. This is the era of kings and losers. Successful people will be remembered, while those who fail will only be reduced to prisoners. Yuan Shao is a clear example. When Yuan Shao was in charge of Jizhou and Qingzhou, he was a well-known prince, but what is circulating among the people under Lu Bu's rule is Yuan Shao's various things.

After learning that the bandits outside the city were suppressed, the people of Huayin rushed to extol it, and Lu Bu’s reputation was once again promoted in Huayin. Circulated among the people of Huayin.

After the dismissal of officials in Zhangjia’s home was spread, officials in Sanfu became more vigilant. They did not think that under Lu Bu’s rule, they could be tolerated after making mistakes, especially Huayin Ling was Lu Bu’s disciple. That is the official from Jinyang Academy.

On the third day, Lu Bu led the army and left Huayin. Guo Jia was in charge of the army. Lu Bu led the guards to investigate the situation in various places along the way to see if the people are satisfied with the current living conditions. When they return to Chang'an, It was already five days later, but what he saw and heard in the land of Sansuke gave Lu Bu more ideas, but the overall situation was still good, and the thieves in Jiuhua Mountain were only exceptions.

Since the occupation of Chang'an, the suppression of the thieves in the three auxiliary land has never stopped.

The tripartite envoys moved immediately after receiving the news that Lu Bu had returned to Chang'an. Their main purpose was to obtain Lu Bu's support. Although Jia Xu sent the message before, they did not get a clear answer from Lu Bu, which does not affect their support. No matter which prince, if you can get the friendship of Lu Bu, you can get more benefits on the battlefield of Jingzhou.

Lu Bu did not expect that now he has become the key to the three princes, but it is unrealistic to get enough benefits from the three parties. The princes who want to obtain the support of Lu Bu are unwilling to give more. At most they are just Give it verbally.

Just after returning to Chang'an, Lu Bu got the latest situation in Jingzhou, and the city of Xiangyang was broken by Cao Jun.

In Xiangyang, eight days have passed since the Iraqi went to Chang'an to seek reinforcements. The offensive of the Cao army outside the city has become more and more fierce. There are a large number of soldiers killed and injured every day. When the war is the most stalemate, the soldiers' combat effectiveness is tested the most. The Jingzhou Army showed a defeat. When facing Cao Jun’s attack on the city, deserters even appeared. They became numb in the successive fights. However, after waking up suddenly, they saw the tragedy and robe on the wall. Death.

Such things are not uncommon among the defenders, and the family once again provided a lot of private soldiers, which relieved the pressure on the defenders to a certain extent, but these private soldiers performed extremely cunning on the battlefield. When two or three of them faced Cao Jun's attack on the city wall, they seemed to be fighting, but in fact they were not. They were trying to avoid Cao Jun.

Regarding this situation, although Guan Yu was punished several times, he did not get the desired effect. Although the private soldiers were crazy, they were crazy about the orders of the family head. When facing life and death, they would try their best to protect themselves, who I don’t want to die on the battlefield so easily. Of course, the armor and blades of the private soldiers are absolutely excellent among the defenders. Many defenders look at the private soldiers with admiration. The family's background, although the family's private soldiers are not many, they are pursuing elites, which must first be reflected in the armor blades.

Looking at the crazy Cao Jun outside the city, Guan Yu frowned. In one day, Cao Jun launched three violent offensives, and once almost seized the north of the city. If Guan Yu led the swordsman to the critical moment, the north of the city would be in danger. In the past few days, Guan Yu led the most elite swordsman under his command and continued to support the wall. As Cao Jun’s attack on the city became more and more fierce, there were more and more omissions.

On a dark night with high winds, the heads of the five families in the city, without the slightest warning, sent private soldiers from the family to attack the East Gate.

When Cao Jun attacked it was the North Gate that was under the greatest pressure. Relatively speaking, there were a lot less Cao Jun attacking the East Gate. Crazy private soldiers seized the East Gate and prepared themselves outside the city. Cao Jun, who was sent to see the city gate opened, swarmed in.

After Guan Yu learned of the loss of the East Gate, he decisively ordered the soldiers to retreat into the inner city, but how could Cao Jun give the Jingzhou army a chance to resist? After the outer city was captured, with the support of the family, the inner city gate was opened.

This was a war that was crucial to the situation in Jingzhou. The city of Xiangyang, which had resisted Cao's army for nearly two months, was breached.

The city was breached so suddenly that the important officials in the city did not have time to transfer. Guan Yu showed strong combat effectiveness in this battle, leading the soldiers and forcibly dragging Cao's offensive pace outside the palace. .

"Guan Yu, don't hurry to dismount and accept the surrender. Now that the Jingzhou Army is defeated, if you surrender to Cao Gong, you will be prosperous and wealthy in the future." Xia Houyuan shouted at Guan Yu's stubborn resistance. He admired Guan Yu's martial arts very much. After holding Xiangyang for such a long time, although Zhuge Liang planned from it, it was Guan Yu who actually implemented it.

Guan Yu shouted: "The shameless rebels attacked the court, you wait for the rebellious courtiers and thieves, this general will kill you one by one sooner or later."

Xia Houyuan's expression changed slightly, and he ordered the soldiers to launch a more violent attack.

After the soldiers in the Cao Army broke through the city, they once again exploded with great fighting power. They attacked Xiangyang for two months. They paid a heavy price. Now after the attack on Xiangyang, they became extremely crazy, especially when facing the Jingzhou Army. At the time of the siege of the city, the Jingzhou Army did not do little damage to them, which also made Cao Jun extremely hostile to the Jingzhou Army. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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