Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1477: : Zhuge withdraws troops

Compared with the Cao Jun, the Jingzhou Army's combat effectiveness appeared to be much weaker. Many generals saw that the general situation was gone, and even directly led their soldiers to surrender.

When Zhuge Liang learned that Xiangyang had lost the guard of Cao Jun's entry into the city, he sighed and said, "Times are not with me."

"Military division, leave Xiangyang quickly, Jiangling is still in the hands of our army, and should retreat to Jiangling." Sun Gan persuaded.

Zhuge Liang said: "Send someone to take the saint away, and the little prince will also take away."

Inside the palace, Liu Qi was shocked when he learned that the city was breached. When Cao Jun attacked the city at first, Liu Qi was extremely worried. No one wanted to lose it so easily as soon as he sat in the position of the saint. The fundamental reason is that if Jingzhou is breached, his status will be reduced to a greater degree.

However, as the war progressed, after Liu Qi found that Cao Jun was difficult to break through Xiangyang, he gradually felt relieved. He was still immersed in wine every day. This was also Liu Qi’s greatest pleasure. He believed that as an emperor, he should learn to enjoy it. Otherwise, it would be a waste to own the world. If possible, his greatest wish is to bring the beautiful women of the world into the harem.

However, Liu Qi also understands that everything about him is under Liu Bei’s support. Without Liu Bei, he would not have everything he has now. He still obeys Zhuge Liang’s words very much. Of course, this situation is also what Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang would like to see. Only if Liu Qi does not obstruct their actions can they be more easily controlled.

"I am the emperor, I am the emperor, Cao Jun is rebellious, Cao Cao deserves to die." Liu Qi muttered pale, he had even seen Cao Jun attacking the palace.

"Protection Saint, leave Xiangyang quickly." Sun Gan led the soldiers into the palace to see Liu Qi's behavior, and secretly shook his head. As an emperor, he was so panicked when facing danger, how can he let the civilian officers and generals surrender.

With the protection of soldiers, Liu Qi's expression gradually recovered. Thinking of the situation in Xiangyang, he hurriedly asked: "Ai Qing, but General Guan repelled the enemy?"

Sun Gan repeated: "Holy, now Xiangyang has been breached by the Cao army, and the army division ordered the army to withdraw to Jiangling."

"Lost Xiangyang?" Liu Qi was a little disheartened. Even though Nanjun was prosperous, it was still inferior to today's Xiangyang. Xiangyang was the seat of Jingzhou's state governance and represented the entire Jingzhou.

"Holy protection, leave Xiangyang quickly." Sun Qian ordered. At this time, Liu Qi was still immersed in the dream of the emperor. Sun Qian also knew something about Liu Qi's previous behavior in the palace. To describe it, no wonder the local officials in Jingzhou were very resistant to Liu Qi becoming an emperor.

Under the protection of hundreds of soldiers, Liu Qi and Liu Cong headed out of the city. Guan Yu led an army to rush and kill them, but there was not much danger.

Even with this situation, Liu Qi scared Liushen Wuzhu, especially the sound of fighting in the city, making him wish to return to Jiangling immediately.

After leaving the city, the civil servants and generals in Jingzhou looked at each other. Xiangyang still failed to defend. From then on, they might go into exile, especially the officials in Jingzhou. Cao Jun was able to blame Liu Bei for the guilt of Xiangyang's attack. If Liu Bei had not led the elite of the 30,000 Jingzhou army to seize the land of Yizhou, after the addition of 30,000 troops in Xiangyang City, there would be a completely different situation, and Jingzhou’s The navy will not be able to defeat Cao Jun on the way to support. With the deterrence of the Jingzhou navy, there will be no situation where the Jiangdong army will attack Jingzhou.

However, at this time, they could not express their emotions, but secretly there were many officials who quietly left the team. Under Liu Bei's command, they could no longer see hope. Jingzhou was taken back from the hands of Cao Jun and Jiangdong Army. In comparison, they were more optimistic about Cao Cao. In the battle against Jingzhou, Cao Jun showed strong combat effectiveness. Otherwise, Xiangyang would not be in a short period of time. Within months of Cao Jun’s attack, many aristocratic families supported Cao Cao, otherwise it would not happen that the family secretly opened the gate to welcome Cao Jun’s entry into the city.

The number of the team is increasing, but Zhuge Liang's mood is getting heavier and heavier. The family has taken refuge in and lost Xiangyang. Although they tried to prevent it before, the family's methods are endless, and it is impossible to completely eliminate it.

The officials of Jingzhou were the foundation of the imperial court. After Xiangyang was breached, these people would rather stay in the city and become the prisoners of Cao Jun than leaving Xiangyang.

"Military strategist, now the military personnel are panicking, they should return to Jiangling as soon as possible for the next day." Sun Gan said.

Zhuge Liang said: "How could Cao Jun let our army return to Jiangling so easily? Unsurprisingly, there must be crises ahead."

"What should I do?" Sun Gan said anxiously, "Now there is Cao Jun chasing soldiers in the rear and ambush soldiers in front."

Guan Yu coldly snorted: "What's the fear of ambush soldiers, UU reading, Guan Mou leads the cavalry first."

"General Guan ordered the scouts to investigate the surrounding situation in detail, and retreat if there is something wrong." Zhuge Liang said.

Guan Yu nodded and led the cavalry away.

At this moment, a general panted forward and said: "My lord, it's not good, the little prince is missing."

Zhuge Liang's face changed slightly when he heard the words. Liu Cong was a very important figure for Jingzhou. After all, Liu Biao liked Liu Cong before. Many officials in Jingzhou also supported Liu Cong to inherit the ruling party, and he would destroy Liu Bei halfway. It is denied that Liu Cong has a certain influence in Jingzhou. If these characters fall into the hands of Cao Cao, it will be extremely disadvantageous to Liu Bei.

When Liu Biao was alive, Liu Cong’s position had been set secretly. At this point, Jingzhou officials knew that it was not that they did not want to follow the ancestral law, but that Liu Qi’s performance was too disappointing and became After the emperor's performance, it can be seen that Liu Qi is a person who is completely greedy for enjoyment, and he is left behind without the slightest anxiety. If these characters can revitalize the Han Dynasty, it will be the biggest joke.

Liu Bei is now the master of Jingzhou, but Jingzhou officials did not intend to give in. If Liu Qi can show sufficient means, they don't mind assisting from the side.

"Hurry up and send someone to look for it." Zhuge Liang ordered.

The reason why Liu Cong was able to easily leave the Jingzhou army was inseparable from the generals in the Jingzhou army, Wang Wei. Wang Wei did not have the slightest affection for Liu Bei. The reason why he was able to achieve today's achievements is very similar to the Cai family. Relationship, at a critical moment, Wang Wei led the soldiers to take Liu Cong away, and this matter was even secretly planned by the Cai family. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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