Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1478: : Zhuge Liang Broken Heavy Cavalry

Cai had anticipated that Zhuge Liang wanted to defend Xiangyang to be very difficult. If he followed Zhuge Liang into Yizhou, he and Liu Cong would definitely not get any good results. When in Jingzhou, Liu Bei was still a little jealous. After arriving in Yizhou , This fear will be greatly weakened.

If possible, Wang Wei would like to kill Liu Qi directly. Although Liu Qi was killed, he would bear the name of rebellion. Wang Wei would not have the slightest hesitation. Jingzhou was ruined in Liu Qi’s hands. After the reunification, it was able to show the same methods as Liu Biao, and Jingzhou would not have the same situation as it is today.

Since Liu Qi became the emperor, the court in Jingzhou was entirely Liu Bei’s one-sentence hall. As long as Liu Bei said something, Liu Qi did not respond. This situation led to Liu Bei’s increasing power in Jingzhou and even more in the court. It's in full swing.

Wang Wei led more than ten soldiers to protect Liu Cong and Cai, and came toward the palace. Even if he encountered Cao Jun, Wang Wei believed that he would not be embarrassed but would be treated courteously after he showed his identity.

"Military officer, there is news from the front that General Guan has found traces of the enemy."

After Zhuge Liang listened, he nodded and said: "The soldiers in the army, prepare to fight!"

After the Cao Jun captured Xiangyang, he sent his soldiers to chase and kill him, and then returned to the city. The Cao Jun generals were a bit tired after a series of battles. It is night time. If you go out of the city to chase the enemy, you might be taken advantage of by the enemy. After losing Xiangyang, Zhuge Liang and Guan Yu could hardly do more.

Guan Yu encountered a thousand heavy cavalry led by Xiahou Dun. At this time, the Jingzhou soldiers were panicked. Not to mention a thousand heavy cavalry, even if there were only 500 heavy cavalry, it was enough to defeat the Jingzhou army, which had only more than 3,000 men.

After the Jingzhou Army cavalry fought with the heavy cavalry, many fell. Guan Yu saw this situation and his heart was shocked. When facing the heavy cavalry, his cavalry was so unbearable. At this time, he believed in Su Fei. The fact that he led tens of thousands of Jingzhou naval forces to defeat the heavy cavalry can be described as invulnerability. The only choice for the Jingzhou cavalry is to retreat in the direction where they came.

"General Guan, the military division has orders, let the army retreat, and pass..." A general came over and said Zhuge Liang's instructions.

Guan Yu was surprised and nodded. The battle has reached the most urgent moment. If they cannot break through these heavy cavalry, there will be very few Jingzhou Army returning to Jiangling.

Jiangling is the most important place in Jingzhou. Most of the grain and grass in Jingzhou are hoarded in Jiangling.

Sun Ce coveted Jiangling, and Cao Jun did the same. Getting Jiangling not only meant that he had gained the foundation of Jingzhou, but also the richest place in Jingzhou.

Guan Yu gave an order, although the cavalry of Jingzhou Army hesitated, they retreated in the direction they came.

Seeing the cavalry of the Jingzhou Army retreat, Xiahoudun led the cavalry in pursuit and defeated the Jingzhou Army, but it was a great achievement.

In the moonlight, Xiahoudun even faintly saw the densely packed enemy army in front of him. Seeing this scene, Xiahoudun was overjoyed. The combat effectiveness of the heavy cavalry has been fully demonstrated on the battlefield. Not to mention that the Jingzhou Army has only remnants and defeated generals, even Jingzhou. There are still 10,000 people in the army, and he is confident that he will defeat the Jingzhou army. If he can take Liu Qi or Liu Cong from the Jingzhou army, the credit will be even greater.

Not only Xiahou Dun was excited, but the soldiers in the heavy cavalry were also excited.

The excited heavy cavalry did not care about the Jingzhou army cavalry scattered in front of them. They set the most important target on the Jingzhou army. Also, these heavy cavalry are invincible existences on the battlefield. The battle had already demonstrated their intrepid combat effectiveness, and they naturally lacked sufficient attention to the enemy forces that had fled from Xiangyang City.

The heavy cavalry at the forefront screamed with excitement. However, the next moment, the whole person lost control and fell from the horse. Although Cao Jun's heavy cavalry was crazy, he still had to inquire about the situation on the battlefield. The scout was in front. No tripping horse was found.

When the heavy cavalry in front saw the miserable state of the robe, his face turned pale and he squeezed his horse, and a ravine appeared in front of the army. This ravine could not be crossed by the horse, but the scene in front of the heavy cavalry in the rear crashed. , Cavalry kept falling into the pit.

It was impossible for the Jingzhou Army to dig too deep a pit in a short time. After a while, the heavy cavalry in the pit was filled up, and the neighing of war horses and the screams of soldiers continued to be heard in the pit.

After the pit was filled with heavy cavalry, the heavy cavalry in front was still crowded. In this case, they leaped forward and continued to kill Jingzhou Army. The behavior of Jingzhou Army has mobilized the deepest anger in their hearts. , As Cao Jun's heavy cavalry, they made great achievements on the battlefield, but they lost such a big man in front of the Jingzhou Army.

What made the front cavalry desperate was that under the dead branches on the ground, there were still masterpieces of the Jingzhou army hidden.

Cao Jun’s heavy cavalry panicked, which made the Jingzhou Army's generals a lot easier. Fighting with the heavy cavalry is definitely a terrible thing, especially the Jingzhou Army’s cavalry.

After Guan Yu learned of the situation on the battlefield, he led the cavalry back and forth, and the Jingzhou Army also came to the Cao Jun heavy cavalry under Zhuge Liang's order.

Xiahoudun's face was low and low. He originally thought that Jingzhou Army would be a major blow outside the city, but he did not expect that Jingzhou Army would put one on it. This made Xiahoudun very angry. However, when his cavalry suffered a lot of losses, Jingzhou Army launched a charge. , Hurriedly, although the heavy cavalry resisted the Jingzhou army's attack, there were more Jingzhou troops killed. Once the heavy cavalry lost their speed on the battlefield, they were lambs to be slaughtered.

"Shameless Jingzhou Army." Xiahou Dun shouted angrily and led the heavy cavalry to break through.

After the hearty victory of the Jingzhou Army, the morale rebounded a lot. Many generals looked at Zhuge Liang with admiration. These deep pits were just ordered by Zhuge Liang to be excavated. The Jingzhou Army who had just escaped from Xiangyang returned To continue digging, this made many soldiers a little dissatisfied, but they dare not violate Zhuge Liang's order.

Now it seems that it is precisely because of the existence of these deep pits that they are saved from a disaster. Even Guan Yu's gaze at Zhuge Liang has lost his previous anger. Anyway, the matter in Xiangyang City is Zhuge Liang. Responsible, the city of Xiangyang is lost, Zhuge Liang has an inextricable relationship. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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