Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1481: : The Envoy of Jingzhou

Why does Yi Ji not want to show that the court is the proud bone that should be possessed. If the strength is not enough to support the proud bone, the opposite effect will be achieved. This truth is understood by Yi Ji. Now that Jingzhou is weak, he must show respect. Attitude, when Liu Biao inherited Datong, he was so energetic, but after the imperial messenger arrived in Jinyang, he still had to be honest. Otherwise, Lu Bu would make the so-called imperial messenger understand how to be honest.

It was no accident that Lu Bu learned about the Iraqi request. Now Xiangyang has been breached by Cao Cao. Unsurprisingly, it is difficult for Zhuge Liang to retreat in Jingzhou. Cao Cao will not let Liu Bei's power be in Jingzhou. Can be preserved.

If Cao Cao gets the wealth of Jingzhou, his own strength will be greatly improved. Of course, Jiangdong Sun Ce will not sit back and watch Cao Cao seize Jingzhou. The contradiction between the three parties has been revealed. At this time, he has already settled Qingzhou. , Stabilizing Jizhou, although there is a great shock to the princes, they know that Chang'an's army will not be dispatched at this time, and the army under its command will need to recuperate after successive battles.

"Let the Yiji come in." Lu Bu said. Since returning to Chang'an, he has temporarily handed over the affairs of the tripartite envoys to Jia Xu, and he is responsible for dealing with some major issues that have appeared during the development of the Three Supplements. Some things that require him to make decisions. This situation makes the three-party messengers a little panic, and their attitude towards Jia Xu is even more respectful.

Jia Xu understood Lu Bu's character. If he said that he had trust in his subordinates, the other princes were far behind Lu Bu.

Of course, from Lu Bu's view, the thoughts of his subordinates are laziness. So sometimes Lu Bu is a little apologetic when facing those officials who devote themselves to dealing with affairs day and night, but officials regard this as trust. There is no absolute trust. , How could the monarch be so relieved of them.

"Meet Jinhou." Yi Ji bowed respectfully.

Lü Bu nodded and said, "Envoys, please sit down. Since Benhou returned to Chang'an, his military affairs have been so busy that he has no time to see the three envoys."

"The Marquis of Jin is busy, but the humble duty is disturbing." Yi Ji hurriedly said. Although he was an envoy to the imperial court and his status was noble, Lu Bu was a general, ranked Jin Marquis, the most prominent figure among the courtiers of the Han Dynasty.

"I don't know why the messenger came? Benhou has heard that now the Cao army has attacked Xiangyang, the Jiangdong army has attacked Jiangxia and Changsha County, and Wuling County is also at risk." Lu Bu said.

The Iraqi hand said: "The Marquis of Jin is the brachial of the Han. If the Marquis of Jin is willing to sell and help the Han, it will be the fortune of the Han."

Seeing the agitated Yi Ji, Lv Bu felt a little funny. At this point, is Jingzhou still trying to get help from Chang'an through these other methods.

Lü Bu said in a deep voice: "If the prince remembers correctly, the reason why the princes united to attack Bingzhou was because of the Han Dynasty. Since the Han Dynasty regarded the prince as a rebellion, the prince did not regard himself as a rebellion. How can you blame the courtier for being unrighteous if you are a courtier of the great man?

The loud and loud words made the eyes of Guo Jia and Jia Xu on the side shine bright. After Lu Bu said these words, it showed his ambition and was no longer satisfied with what the Han Dynasty could give. This is also a matter of reason. If the Han Dynasty is strong, the princes will definitely be willing to do things that are icing on the cake. If the Han Dynasty is weak, few princes are willing to give in.

Yi Ji's complexion changed again and again, Lu Bu's words can definitely be called a rebellion.

"At the beginning, the army of the princes attacked the Bingzhou, it was the matter of the first emperor. Even if the saints are not benevolent, the officials must be loyal, even if they die, this is the duty of the great Han officials." Yi Ji retorted.

Lu Bu sneered: "If this is the case, please return to Jingzhou, the messenger, Benhou will not help. How can Liu Qihede become the lord of the big man? If Benhou has such heirs, he will definitely not let him inherit the Datong. It’s ridiculous that Liu Bei actually said that Liu Qi was kind and benevolent, and that he was the Mingjun of the great Han Dynasty."

"Jinhou, you..." Yi Ji's complexion flushed. If Jia Xu had the upper hand when he received the envoy, then Lu Bu's performance was absolutely strong.

After Jia Xu and Guo Jia and other important officials heard Lu Bu’s words, they were shocked. Lu Bu’s words may be unintentional, but they conveyed a lot of meaning. Since ancient times, the eldest son is first. It is the rule left by the ancestors, so the matter of Liu Qi becoming the emperor is legitimate to a certain extent.

Lu Bu said: "Whether the prince will send troops does not depend on the court, but on the soldiers under the prince, the people under the prince's rule, and how they do with the court. Over the years, the prince has seen the court's rewards. Benhou’s soldiers died on the battlefield, but there was a pension from the Yi Ji said: "Please also Jinhou, please take care of yourself. "

After speaking, Yi Ji turned and left. It can be seen that Lu Bu's words made him very angry. He used to put his posture very low because of the big man. Now Lu Bu is arrogant and unreasonable by virtue of his strength. It showed the grace of a great Han messenger, but the current situation in the Han Dynasty is exactly as Lu Bu said, and it has no deterrent effect on the princes.

The respect of the soldiers under the princes was far greater than the respect for the princes. Their armor, weapons, and grains came from the princes and did not have much relationship with the Han. In the long run, the soldiers in the army would be under the rule. Officials gradually paid attention to the Han Dynasty.

Especially after Lu Bufeng rewarded the generals under his command, Cao Cao and Sun Ce followed suit. No one wanted to be left behind in this matter. There is a big difference between royal rewards and princes’ self-approved rewards. The princes’ rewards can better reflect the status of the princes. If the imperial court grants rewards, it is possible that the officials and generals under his command will be grateful to the imperial court. This situation is not what the princes want to see. What they need is the control of the officials and generals under the rule.

Just as Cao Cao led the army to attack Jingzhou, if the officials under the rule still had awe of the Han Dynasty, Cao Cao would definitely not be willing to choose this way. This is the very different effect brought by influential and non-influential.

"The Lord's words just said, but the envoy of Jingzhou is very angry." Guo Jia said with a smile.

Lu Bu said: "It's just a mere envoy from Jingzhou, Benhou can stabilize the governance, relying on the **** sacrifice of a lieutenant soldier, not the imperial court."

"The lord's words are exactly, and now there are Cao Jun envoys, saying that after the Cao Jun seizes Jingzhou, the lord will be named Jin King." Jia Xu said slowly. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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