Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1482: : Man pet

After listening to the officials in the field, they all took a breath. Now it is common for the princes to violate the orders of the Han Dynasty. However, if the king is sealed, it is a real rebellion in the eyes of the big man. Lu Bu's attitude towards the imperial envoys can be arrogant and tough. To describe it, but after being king, it has a completely different meaning.

Lu Bu said: "This matter is already known to me."

Jia Xu and Guo Jia glanced at each other and nodded slightly. They just wanted to let Lu Bu proclaim the king by himself and the king, so that the civil servants and generals under Lu Bu's rule could get rid of the influence brought by the Han Dynasty to the greatest extent. The civil servants and generals of China are absolutely loyal to Lv Bu, but these are not enough. Many officials lack momentum when facing the Han Dynasty, and it is different after becoming king.

Pang Tong and other officials naturally understood the meaning of Jia Xu’s words. The Lord’s title of king was also of great benefit to them, which meant that their official positions could be promoted to a greater extent and they would have greater achievements in the future.

To be king is to provoke the big man's system. After success, the gain will be a more stable rule.

Lu Bu asked himself to have the ability to be king, but he wouldn't do it like this when Jingzhou was most critical. He didn't want to stimulate the princes of the Central Plains at this time.

About Lu Bu's treatment of the imperial envoys in Chang'an Mansion, it spread within the city. Lu Bu frowned when he learned of this incident. The matter in Chang'an Mansion is absolutely confidential. How can people outside get the news? After investigating, Lü Bu was dumbfounded.

It turned out that after leaving the Chang'an Mansion, the Iraqi Ji was extremely dissatisfied with Lu Bu's attitude. He secretly ordered the accompanying guards to tell Lu Bu's performance in Chang'an Mansion. He wanted the people to see Lu Bu's face clearly, so as to put pressure on Lu Bu. .

However, the effect obtained is to shame the Iraqi people. Most people in Chang'an actually agree with Lu Bu's actions. This makes the Iraqi people extremely puzzling. These people are the citizens of the Han Dynasty. For these people who blatantly violated the orders of the Han Dynasty, It's still so respectful.

Many people criticized the so-called Great Han messengers. Where did most of the people in the Sanshou land come from? That is the place where Lu Bu’s foundation is located, Bingzhou, in front of the people of Bingzhou, saying that Lu Bu disobeyed the orders of the Han Dynasty. The effect of words can be imagined.

The envoys of Cao Jun and Jiangdong had different feelings after hearing the people's discussion. If the same thing happened under the rule of Cao Cao and Sun Ce, it would have different effects, at least when the people were discussing this matter. Excited, what the people want is to be able to eat and wear warmth. In the era of disputes between the princes, it is already very satisfying for them to be able to do this.

However, when they were in Chang'an, they saw different people. These were people who dared to express their opinions. These were people who were extremely supportive of the monarch. Even if Lu Bu claimed the king at this sensitive time, I’m afraid. Will not cause too much turmoil under the treatment.

The aristocratic family can only stay honestly under Lu Bu's rule. Although there are members of the family in the officialdom, they don't have enough power in their hands.

Man Chong and Yu Fan had a deeper understanding of Lv Bu's various actions under the rule. When the princes thought Lv Bu was a reckless man, Lv Bu had already walked in front of them, and they were getting closer and away from them. Far away, in Chang'an, the two met the mighty Lu Bu.

At this time, the aristocratic family may still have a certain degree of influence, but it can't influence Lu Bu's decision. It represents Lu Bu's will and cannot be violated.

Unlike the Yiji, Manchong saw Lu Bu after a lot of hard work, and he was extremely respectful and conveyed Cao Cao's kindness.

"Meng De's meaning, Benhou already knows, Benhou was supportive of Liu Cong's becoming a prince. Who knows that the saint suddenly died, so that Liu Bei and other villains seized Jingzhou and took control of the court." Lu Bu said.

Man Chong was overjoyed when he heard this. With Lu Bu’s attitude, the rest of the matter was much simpler. King."

Lu Bu smiled and said, "King Jin? If it wasn't for Cao Cao who wanted to be king?"

"With the prestige of the Marquis of Jin, it is reasonable to be crowned the king for the merits of the great man." Man Chong laughed, and no one wants to be ahead of the king. After all, it is a complete rebellion of the great man. Whoever did this first would become a target. As for Cao Cao's attitude toward the king, he naturally couldn't reveal anything.

"If Meng De has the heart to be king, let's talk about it." Lu Bu said lightly.

Man Chong secretly admired that it is naturally enough to use Lv Bu's current strength to claim the king. However, Lv Bu is still cautious enough in this matter. Of course, Lv Bu's attitude towards the envoy of Jingzhou can tell that Lv Bu is absolutely true to Liu Bei. Not the slightest favor.

Before Lv Bu led the army to compete with Liu Bei when he was in Yizhou, there was already a rift between and Lv Bu must be determined to win Yizhou. If he occupied Yizhou, he would not only eliminate Liu Bei’s strength. The enemy's strength is even more unmatched by other princes. At this time, letting Liu Bei bear some infamy words will be of great benefit to the future.

Besides, Cao Cao dared to lead troops and horses to attack Jingzhou. As for the side of the Qing monarch, he was just fooling ordinary people.

"Hou Shanyang and the Marquis of Jin have been in contact for a long time, and the two sides have formed an alliance, and when the Marquis of Jin swept the rebellion of Qingzhou, the Marquis of Shanyang supported the Marquis of Jin." Man Chong said.

Lu Bu smiled slightly, Yuan Shao failed, and even became rebellious in the mouth of the envoys of the princes, and the same thing would be the same when it was put on him. It was the same for the winner and the loser.

"Let Meng De feel relieved, Benhou has no idea about Jingzhou for the time being." Lu Bu said.

"Thank you Jinhou." Man Chong said: "Shanyanghou entrusted him to me, hoping to buy two thousand war horses and one thousand steel knives from Jinhou."

Lu Bu's eyes condensed. When the two sides reached an alliance before, Cao Cao bought the same number of war horses and two thousand hundred steel knives from him. With the support from Liaodong Iron Mine, it is natural to undertake the forging of the army's weapons and the sale of the princes.

"This matter is of course possible, but for specific matters, the messenger should discuss with Mi Zhu." Lu Bu nodded and agreed.

After Man Chong left, Guo Jia said: "Lord, Cao Cao's picture is not a small one. If the Lord is made king, it will inevitably affect other princes, and if the lord supports Cao Cao, he will get more benefits."

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