Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1483: : Yu Fan's shock

"What does this mean?" Lu Bu asked.

Guo Jia whispered: "In the future, the lord will definitely attack Yizhou, and at this time Liu Qi is still under Liu Bei's control. If the lord admits that Liu Cong is the orthodox of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bei and others will become rebellious, and the lord will lead the army. Suppressing the rebellion is an act of righteousness."

Lu Bu smiled and said, "Feng Xiao's words are true."

After leaving Chang'an Mansion, Man Chong was very satisfied. From Lu Bu’s attitude, he could see that Lu Bu still supports Cao Jun’s war in Jingzhou. This is enough. If Lu Bu supports Cao Jun, it is based on the strength of Jiangdong Army. , It is impossible to get benefits in Cao Jun's hands.

Obtaining two thousand war horses and one thousand hundred steel knives from Lu Bu's hands again will greatly help Cao Jun's strength increase. Once the war starts, it will mean more consumption. The war horse consumed by Cao Jun on the battlefield of Jingzhou Not in the minority.

After receiving Lv Bu’s order, Mi Zhu told Man Chong that if he exchanged a hundred steel knives, he would need to use iron in exchange, and the horse would use rice. This situation made Man Chong frown. Cao Jun is now at the critical moment of attacking Jingzhou. The demand for rice grains is huge, and iron materials can become pieces of armored materials in the eyes of the princes. Under normal circumstances, they are not allowed to be easily sold.

The last time Cao Jun bought war horses and hundred steel knives, he used money in exchange for it. At that time, Lu Bu needed Cao Cao’s support. However, the situation is different now. Lu Bu settled Qingzhou, while Cao Cao was still fighting on the battlefield of Jingzhou. .

But at this time, Man Chong still gritted his teeth and agreed.

The princes were fighting, but the city of Chang'an was very lively. The war in Jingzhou did not affect the businessmen from Yanzhou, Yuzhou, and Jiangdong to do business. Besides, many businessmen among them went to Bingzhou before the combined forces of the princes attacked Bingzhou. Doing a large-scale business can enjoy a certain discount. This discount is a huge temptation for businessmen. Originally, the price of Jinjiu was high. The war caused the displacement of ordinary people, but it did not affect the needs of the upper class for these things.

War horses have become the most favorite thing for merchants. If war horses are transported back to the land of the princes, they will not only earn a lot of money, but they may also get rewards. The premise is that the purchased war horses must be excellent war horses. To a certain extent, it shows that the princes attached great importance to the cavalry.

Lu Bu was so happy. He controlled the prince’s most important horse business. He had the horses provided by the foreign races on the grassland. He didn’t have to worry about the source of the war horses. He only needed to continuously sell the war horses in his hands to the princes. The merchant below can be.

Merchants can bring prosperity to Chang'an, and the city of Chang'an, which is waiting to be flourished, also needs these merchants to contribute to it.

After receiving Lu Bu's reply, Man Chong returned to Yanzhou with satisfaction. At the same time, he took away two thousand horses and one thousand hundred steel knives. For the princes, hundred steel knives definitely had a huge temptation. Among the princes and generals, they are the most outstanding figures in the army if they can have weapons forged by hundreds of steel-making.

It's just that their sense of superiority, compared with the elite men under Lu Bu's command such as the trapped camp, seems so weightless. Ordinary soldiers trapped in the camp have weapons made of hundreds of steels, and there are no shortage of skilled craftsmen under the rule of the lords. However, they failed in business when they were building a hundred steel making.

The princes wanted to send meticulous work into the workshop of Baibo Valley more than once to steal the secrets in the workshop. However, Baibo Valley was easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the craftsmen in it were not allowed to leave the valley without orders, which caused the princes to become more and more concerned about Baibo Valley. Curious, I could only watch the carts of things transported out of Baibo Valley, all of which were sold out for the merchants.

Stable Chang'an has become a place where Lu Bu gains benefits. If it continues at this rate of development, Chang'an will rise again at an extremely fast speed.

Half a month later, the army outside Chang'an City began their first big competition after entering Chang'an. Every time the competition is the most exciting time for the soldiers, if they can achieve excellent results, they will do meritorious service. This is also the ordinary soldier in the army. The reason for being so positive on the training ground.

Generals have assessments that belong to generals, and soldiers have assessments that belong to soldiers.

Ju Yi didn't have much confidence in this competition. Not long after he came to Chang'an, the soldiers in the army had just been fully equipped, but the cooperation was much worse than before, but this did not affect Ju Yi's Fighting spirit, this time can not be successful, then next time, he will achieve results that attract everyone's attention.

Still staying in Yufan in Chang'an, seeing the excitement outside the city, I couldn't help asking: "What happened outside the city? Why do so many people go outside the city?"

"My lord, I heard that Chang'an's army is undergoing an assessment, and it is Jin Marquis who is in charge of this assessment."

"Assessment? Jinhou is in charge?" Yu turned his face into He hadn't heard of this kind of assessment before, at least it didn't exist in Jiangdong.

He stayed in Chang'an not only to allow Lu Bu to form an alliance with Jiangdong, but also to inquire about Chang'an as much as possible.

The assessment outside Chang'an City caught Yu Fan’s attention. After he got outside the city, he saw what it means to be hot. His family members are in the army, which is also an important reason for them to go to Chang'an. However, this kind of assessment is extremely important for a soldier. If you want to become a good soldier, if you want to improve your position in the army, you must perform Give enough ability to come.

This situation shocked Yu Fan.

It is not only the assessment of various ministries, but also the individual assessment of generals and soldiers. Each assessment is extremely important to the soldiers in the army.

The assessment lasted for five days before it came to an end. The first military assessment outside Chang'an City has far-reaching impact for the army in Chang'an, especially the soldiers who have just joined the army. They need to determine their goals. , It can mobilize their training passion, let them turn passive into active when dealing with training, and actively participate in the training, instead of relying only on the command of the general.

In the Chang'an army, an atmosphere has gradually formed. Soldiers who want to achieve better results can only work overtime in addition to training. However, those who can be selected to enter the army have no personal ability. Too big a difference, the gap between them is gradually opened up in the usual training, and the usual hard training is the basis for greater achievements on the battlefield in the future. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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