Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1485: : Changan Chamber of Commerce

Yu Fan stretched out his hand to stop it, and the guard behind him thanked him and walked towards the soldier not far away.

This businessman naturally saw the extraordinary protection of Yu Fan's side, but in the Chamber of Commerce, he did not have the slightest concern about his safety. If this person dared to do something in the Chamber of Commerce, the end would be extremely miserable, Chang'an. What pays attention to is fairness. Even people with high authority dare not bully others at will in the city. Once the officials of the Inspectorate find out, these people can be locked up first regardless of your status and throne.

In particular, many businessmen from other places relied on their identities to act arbitrarily in the city, but they suffered a lot of losses. This kind of thing made people who traveled to Chang'an more vigilant, and related to Lu Bu's various things when he was in Jinyang. , Even spread in Chang'an City.

"If you rely on some status, don't come to the Chamber of Commerce, and go directly to the prefecture to find the Marquis of Jin." This businessman is obviously not a soft person.

Yu turned his face cold, but he did not argue with the merchants at this time. His status and status were far beyond those of merchants. The status of these merchants in Chang'an City was unusual. Once he returned to the rule of the princes, his status remained the same. Humble.

Scholars, farmers, commerce, and businessmen are the last ones. Even if they have good family assets, more businessmen are controlled by the family, and they are just tools for obtaining benefits for the family.

"Why did Brother Li make such a big fire? The man just behaved politely." A businessman next to him asked puzzledly.

"This person is Jiangdong's messenger, but Xia is a businessman under the rule of Shanyanghou." The businessman explained.

"That's the case, but I heard that Shanyanghou and Wuhou didn't fight." The businessman doubted.

"You don't understand, Shanyanghou captured Xiangyang. That was where Jingzhou was governed by the state and held a high position in Jingzhou. However, Sun Ce took the initiative to capture Jiangxia and Changsha County at this time, clearly wanting I want to take advantage of the chaos in Jingzhou, and from the actions of the Jiangdong Army, it is clear that I am a villain..." The more the businessman said, the more angry he became, and the endless words attracted many merchants. Watching, and the news revealed between the businessman's words, is extremely secretive to some people.

The surrounding debates kept coming and going. Jingzhou’s affairs between Cao Jun and Jiangdong Army also caused intense discussion. It was the generals in the hall that gradually stopped the discussion. The businessmen in the field were not only from Cao Cao’s rule. , There are people from Jiangdong, they are naturally more inclined to their own monarch.

With the guidance of the soldiers, Yu Fan saw the longer team and frowned, "Dare to ask this general, if he buys a large number of horses, who should he look for?"

"Zai Xia is nothing more than a general, I can't afford the title of general, but all the merchants who buy war horses are here." Shi Changdao, only through the disputes of these merchants, he knew the identity of these people, for Jiang Dong The soldiers and the generals in the Chang'an Army have absolutely no good feelings at all. In their eyes, the Jiangdong Army is a ungrateful and ungrateful person. How could it be polite to treat these characters?

After a moment of contemplation, Yu Fan went directly to the official in charge to declare his identity.

Although the officials' performance was indifferent, they still pointed the way for Yu Fan.

After several setbacks, Yu Fan finally met Mi Zhu, the head of the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce.

The figure is slightly bloated, and it feels a bit friendly, but in Mi Zhu's eyes, Yu Fan sees shrewdness. However, there are no shrewd people in Mi Zhu's eyes, and Mi Zhu is in charge of the huge Chang'an. The Chamber of Commerce can be said to be a pivotal figure in the city of Chang'an, and Mi Zhu's younger sister, Mi Zhen, is even the wife of the Marquis of Jin. This distinguished identity is enough to make businessmen from all sides behave well in front of Mi Zhu.

In Chang'an, the laws and regulations restrict the families in the city and the merchants from outside. However, Mi Zhu can easily do it if he wants to embarrass them. After the friendship of Mi Zhu is also obtained, their gains are also huge, anywhere. It is impossible to achieve absolute fairness. It can only be said that it is relatively fair. Those in power dare not act arbitrarily because of the power in their hands. They dare not to bully the people as they did in the past, so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment is enough.

As for officials who use their power to embarrass others, as long as they are not too excessive, there will be no interrogation by officials of the Inspectorate. People will always be happy, angry, sorrowful, and officials are no exception. They can truly distinguish personal emotions from their positions. There are very few people.

Regarding Yu Fan’s experience in the Chamber of Commerce, Mi Zhu knew right away. He was the person in charge of the Jinyang Chamber of Commerce, but he would not be like a businessman outside. I also hope to forgive my sins."

Reaching out and not hitting the smiley people, seeing Mi Zhu being so polite, the dissatisfaction in the Chamber of Commerce has disappeared a lot.

"I heard that the messenger came for war horses and hundred steel knives?" Mi Zhu asked.

Yu Fan nodded and said: "The official has negotiated with Master Jia Xu to buy two thousand excellent war horses and thousands of steel knives from the Jinyang Chamber of Commerce." He deliberately did not say the price, just to see the Mi Zhu meeting. He will not be deceived in this matter.

In terms of officialdom, there is a big gap between Mi Zhu and Yu Fan. However, in the market, there are so many merchants that Mi Zhu passes by. Although Yu Fan is well concealed, it makes him easily aware of his purpose. However, as a businessman, you cannot dismantle people who can bring benefits at this time. Besides, Yu Fan represents Jiangdong. Even though the army in Chang'an hates Jiangdong Army very much, Yu Fan's ability to reach the Chamber of Commerce shows to a certain extent. The attitude of Lu Bu.

"The messenger, in the Chamber of Commerce today, there is a lack of sophisticated war horses. Most of the merchants who go to Chang'an are looking for war horses. The former Cao Jun’s messenger Manchu took away 2,000 war horses not long ago. Knives are even more in short supply, and there is a big gap in the military now. If the adults are not in a hurry, how about a period of delay?"

Although he knew that Mi Zhu would be embarrassed by Jiangdong in this matter, Mi Zhu's voice was sincere and made it hard for anyone to fault, so Yu Fan could only temporarily agree.

"If there is a good horse, I hope Master Mi can tell." Yu Fan said.

"Of course, but two thousand war horses need to be exchanged for rice, while the hundred steel knives need to be exchanged for iron. After the messenger goes back, make preparations, don't delay Jiangdong's major events." Mi Zhu said. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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