Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1486: : Get angry

Yu Fan questioned: "How did the official heard that Manchong only paid half the price, and only after returning to Yanzhou, would he send other rice and iron materials to Chang'an."

Hearing the dissatisfaction in Yu Fan's tone, Mi Zhu smiled and said: "The messenger also knows that the rule of Jin Hou and Shanyang Hou is close, and the Jiangdong is separated from Shanyang Hou."

Yu Fan hummed coldly: "Could it be that the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce insulted Jiangdong?" After running into a wall in the Chamber of Commerce one after another, even if Yu Fan has been restrained, there are times when it breaks out.

Seeing Yu Fan's anger, Mi Zhu was very happy. The people who followed Yu Fan this time were not only members of the Chamber of Commerce, but also officials of the Inspectorate. The Changan Chamber of Commerce is responsible for too many things. Normally, there are at least two chambers of commerce. Officials from the Supervisory Office, although these officials will not interfere in the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce in Chang'an, they are no small shock to the officials of the Chamber of Commerce.

"If Jiangdong can’t afford enough, it’s absolutely impossible to take things away from the official. Otherwise, the messenger will go to Chang’an Mansion to look for Mr. Jia. If Mr. Jia gives the order, Jinyang Chamber of Commerce will certainly obey. "Mi Zhu said lightly, in charge of the Chamber of Commerce for many years, he has met too many arrogant people, but these people will eventually bow their heads in front of him, because Mi Zhu is in control of what they need, as for the Jiangdong messenger really went to Chang'an Mansion to find Jia Xu, he is also well-founded. The Chang'an Chamber of Commerce is responsible for the businessmen’s affairs. It is human nature to pay the money and deliver the goods with one hand. The reason why the Chamber of Commerce is naturally not embarrassed because of Lü Bu’s words. When it comes to Jiangdong, As long as he can be embarrassed, Mi Zhu will never be soft.

"In that case, the official really needs to go to Chang'an Mansion." Yu turned around and left without even saying goodbye.

"My lord, this Jiangdong messenger, did not expect to be so rampant, this is the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce." An official said dissatisfied.

Mi Zhu waved his hand and said, "He is the Jiangdong messenger after all. The officer suddenly felt some discomfort in his body and needed to return home temporarily. There will be Brother Lao Chen for the time being in the Chamber of Commerce."

Chen Xiong is Mi Zhu's deputy. After following Mi Zhu for many years, how can he fail to understand the meaning of Mi Zhu's words, and said, "Don't worry, adults.

"It's still such a glib tongue." Mi Zhu smiled.

The two nodded tacitly. Mi Zhu left the Chamber of Commerce with the support of the two guards. On the way, it naturally attracted a lot of people's attention. It was even more sullen to leave. Obviously something unpleasant happened with Mi Zhu. The businessman who came to Chang'an, but understood that in the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce, the least offensive person was Mi Zhu. Mi Zhu had a great influence in the Changan Chamber of Commerce. With a little bit of tricks, Mi Zhu can make the merchants going to Chang'an leave dingy, even if it is the Jiangdong messenger, but in ordinary times, Mi Zhu treats the merchants fairly and will not affect the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce because of personal preferences. .

Under the dissemination of people with intentions, the Jiangdong messenger's affairs in the chamber of commerce spread at an extremely fast speed. After many merchants learned about this matter, they had some sympathy for Mi Zhu. They bought things from the chamber of commerce, and they were always money. You will get things only when you get them in place. Sometimes, in order to wait for some scarce items, even after the money is delivered, you still have to wait for a few days. I didn’t expect Jiangdong’s messenger to be so powerful, and I got what I wanted to pay for half. everything.

The spread among businessmen intensified, and many businessmen even dug up Jiang Dong’s things outside Hulao Pass. Sun Jian owed the war horse money, but when he got to Sun Ce, he still didn’t want to repay it. In the end, he had no choice but to repay it. The merchants did not name them, but many merchants knew who they were talking about, while the merchants in Jiangdong felt ashamed of themselves, but the things that were circulated among the merchants in Chang'an did exist.

After Jia Xu got the news, he smiled bitterly. He naturally knew Mi Zhu's intentions, but it was reasonable for Mi Zhu to push this matter off his body. After all, he didn't tell Yu Fan clearly how much to pay, but In Jia Xu’s view, Mi Zhu’s approach was not wrong. Jiangdong had bad deeds before. Two thousand war horses and one thousand hundred steel knives are not a small number. If Jiangdong is unwilling to repay in the future because of his mistakes, It will have a bad influence on him.

"Let Jiangdong messenger come in." Jia Xu's expression was a little cold.

After the two saw the ceremony, Yu turned to say: "The officer got the promise of Master Jia to go to the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce. He didn't want to but encountered a lot of embarrassment. He also hopes that Master Jia will be the master of Jiangdong, Jiangdong soldiers and civilians, and admire Jinhou pole."

Jia Xu said: "The messenger might as well tell the truth to the and then Yu Fan will give a detailed account of what he saw in the Chamber of Commerce and Mi Zhu’s attitude, but he didn’t add the slightest effort to it. With such status and status, you can learn what happened in the city with a little bit of inquiries.

"It turned out to be like this, but the official was negligent before. When purchasing materials from the Jinyang Chamber of Commerce, they really need to be paid before they can get it. The previous full favor was because of the words of the Jin Hou, and only then did the Chamber of Commerce matter, Shanyang Hou had also purchased war horses and hundred steel knives from Chang'an before, and soon after these materials arrived in Yanzhou, the follow-up items were sent to Chang'an. I hope the envoy can understand." Jia Xu said.

Yu Fan's expression was slightly stagnant. Although Jia Xu's tone was sincere, he heard the excuses, and Jia Xu didn't intend to care about this matter. As for looking for Jin Hou to reason, it would only make people feel ridiculous. What a character Hou is. He promised Cao Jun's messenger because of his face. If Jiangdong messenger stepped forward shamelessly, he wouldn't leave a joke.

After returning to his residence to ponder for a long time, Yu Fan felt the urgency of the matter. From Jia Xu’s attitude, he felt his maintenance of Mi Zhu. However, Mi Zhu has a prominent position in the city and he wants to gain an advantage in the confrontation with Mi Zhu. If it is, it is an extremely difficult thing.

"My lord, the lord sent someone to send a letter." A guard hurriedly came to Yu Fan's side.

After reading the letter, Yu Fan got up helplessly and rushed to the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce. After entering the Chamber of Commerce, he could hear the merchants talking about him. The Jiangdong merchants in the hall were not willing to stay in the hall unless they were necessary. Although they did not reach the point where the master humiliated the officials and died, they knew what shame was. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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