Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1489: : Go out

Attacking Liu Bei naturally requires sufficient reasons, and what Cao Cao needs most is these extremely unfavorable rhetoric for Liu Bei. Of course, the more he can discredit Liu Bei, the more useful it is to him.

"Should I attack Jiangdong?" Lu Bu pondered for a moment, but gave up the idea. Jiangdong is now far away from his rule. If he assassinates Sun Ce's important counselor, the one who gets the most benefit will become Cao Cao. A powerful Jiangdong is in his interest at this time. Only when Jiangdong and Cao Cao are constantly fighting for their interests can he get more benefits from it. Of course, if the two sides are united in one place, their strength will burst out. It should not be underestimated.

The city of Chang'an has gradually stabilized. Although there are merchants from various parties patrolling the city of Chang'an, making Chang'an more prosperous, the rate of change in Chang'an is indeed extremely fast, the same as Jinyang. At this time, there are 90% of the city in Chang'an. The shops in Chang'an are controlled by Chang'an Mansion. These stores are an important income of Chang'an Mansion in the future. They can relieve the huge pressure of Chang'an Mansion. Just like those shops in Jinyang, the prices are still high. I want to buy It is still extremely troublesome. The merchants can see the importance of the shops in Chang'an. How can the officials of Chang'an not understand, and today there are few lords who can threaten Lu Bu, let’s talk about the strength shown by Lu Bu’s army See, it is absolutely difficult to get a bargain from Lu Bu's hands.

Whether on the battlefield or in the shopping mall, Lu Bu showed a shrewd side. Of course, his shrewdness in the market was more through Mi Zhu. After all, it was Mi Zhu who was in charge of business affairs.

The price of stores in Chang'an has risen to an unbelievable height. The outer city of Chang'an, Chang'an Mansion divides it into a pattern like Jinyang, with markets, places where people live, restaurants, inns, etc., and schools, etc. .

In the inner city of Chang'an, when the Han Dynasty was in its heyday, the inner city was filled with the dignitaries of the Han Dynasty, and the imperial palace occupies a larger area.

Anyone who can live in the inner city of Chang'an represents a very high status. At this point, Lu Bu has not changed. The inner city can reflect the status of officials and generals under his command. Besides, if the inner city is mixed with fish and dragons, It is very difficult to ensure the safety of officials living in the inner city. These officials and generals are important figures in Chang'an, and their safety is extremely important to Lu Bu.

Among the businessmen, of course, there are those living in the inner city, that is, Mi Zhu, the head of the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce and the officials in it. If they can enter the inner city as a businessman, many businessmen will be envious.

After all, in this era, the status of businessmen is low. It is very difficult for businessmen to win the respect of others. Under Lü Bu’s rule, this kind of thing has been solved very well. The status of businessmen is It is not something other princes can give to merchants. This is also the reason why many merchants are willing to go to Chang'an and Jinyang to do business. In these two places, they can feel more cordial and don't need to feel inferior.

And Lu Bu treats merchants very well. These merchants are obvious to all, but the premise is that these merchants must abide by the rules under the rule. Otherwise, they will not get friendship, but the siege of soldiers and the existence of merchants. Bringing great prosperity to Chang'an City will accelerate the development of Chang'an. These are foreseeable.

Although the princes gradually paid more attention to the merchants, there was still a big gap in the degree of importance compared to Chang'an. Lu Bu attached importance to the merchants and was able to give the merchants official positions. The officials of Chang'an Prefecture sometimes needed to go to the chamber of commerce to help and obey the orders of the merchants. Gradually changing the image of businessmen in the minds of the people and officials, so that businessmen can also be elegant, the most exemplary representative is Mi Zhu.

Mi Zhu is a businessman, but the Mi family is a distinguished existence under Lu Bu, not only because Mi Zhu's younger sister is Mrs. Jin Hou, but also because of the ability that Mi Zhu has shown that more people admire.

Since returning to Chang'an, Cai Yan went to Chang'an Academy to be busy. The experience in Jizhou is extremely precious to Cai Yan. It allows her to have a deeper perspective when teaching students, and what she has to do is to Under Lv Bu's rule, more excellent officials of the Inspectorate and Inspectorate were cultivated to make Lv Bu's rule more stable. I have to say that Cai Yan is a very smart person. She knows that taking the charge of Jizhou will make the officials under Lv Bu's rule make irresponsible remarks. Four, after all, it is a daughter body. In some matters, it is very inconvenient. Besides, if a woman is mixed into these major events, it will give Lu Bu's counsellor an uncomfortable feeling. This has a long history, not to say It became like this when I got to Cai The next day, after Lv Bu had dealt with the things in his hands, he dressed up and left Jinhou Mansion through the back door. There were many people in Chang'an City, and they changed into other costumes. If you dress up, it's still hard for anyone to recognize it.

Lu Lingqi was extremely excited when she accompanied her, especially when she saw her father suddenly turn into an unfamiliar appearance, which made Lu Lingqi laugh.

Perhaps under the influence of Lu Bu, Lu Lingqi did not have the subtle and euphemistic characteristics of women of this era, and her personality was somewhat straightforward. She would not overly conceal her inner thoughts. This kind of woman, in the eyes of today's big men, is unqualified, but in Lu Bu In the eyes of Lu Lingqi, as long as Lu Lingqi can be happier, he will be satisfied. As for other people’s opinions, does Lu Bu need to worry? From not choosing a husband for Lu Lingqi, you can see how much freedom Lu Bu has given Lu Lingqi. This kind of freedom is unimaginable in this era.

"Lingqi is already a slim and beautiful woman. I don't know when she will bring her future husband to the door and let her father guard you." Lu Bu asked with a smile.

Lu Lingqi's face turned reddish when she heard the words, and she retorted in a low voice: "Father, you are a dignified prince of Jin, who is not afraid to see it. Even if you have a wishful man in the future, you can't let her father meet in advance."

Dianwei in the rear heard Lu Bu's conversation with Lu Lingqi and hurriedly retreated to a further distance. The discussion between the two was too shocking. At the same time, Dianwei had to admire Lu Bu's treatment of Lu Lingqi and let her daughter choose her own husband. Jun, if it is known to outsiders, he would definitely have to criticize Lu Bu, but over the years, Lu Bu has been criticized by the princes too much. In this regard, it is estimated that he has been numb. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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