Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1490: : Lv Lingqi's favorite person

Dian Wei also loves Lu Lingqi very much. Naturally, he does not want to see Lu Lingqi being wronged. Sometimes when he sees Lu Lingqi and Lu Bu's mouth, he feels very funny, but Lu Bu is still tolerant towards Lu Lingqi at this time. .

"So, does Lingqi really have someone she likes?" Lu Bu suddenly lowered her voice and looked around.

Noting Lu Bu's gesture, Lu Lingqi let out bursts of crisp laughter, which attracted the attention of people in the past. This is the inner city. Anyone who can walk in and out of the inner city is a person with a certain status in Chang'an.

"Why is my father like this?" Lu Lingqi still couldn't help chuckling, it was obvious that Lu Bu had just amused her.

Lv Bu smiled and said, "It's teasing Lingqi for your father. When you were young, it was not like this. When you grow up, you make fun of being your father. You can't quickly tell who is sacred, so that Lingqi in my family is attracted. ."

"Father, he is a student of Chang'an Academy." Lu Lingqi said in a blushing voice. For the same thing, he wouldn't tell Yan Lan, but he was willing to tell Lu Bu "Father, don't tell others."

Lv Bu nodded slightly and said, "Lingqi must be the young Toshihiko from Chang'an. This person's name must be told as her father. If she has time, she will look at it quietly for her father, and she will never let her notice."

Lu Lingqi whispered in Lu Bu's ear: "This person's name is Xiao Mu."

"Since Lingqi has decided this matter, she will not be forced to be a father, but this is Lingqi's lifelong event, and Lingqi must be cautious." Lu Bu said solemnly.

Lu Lingqi did not refute Lu Bu's words. From these words, he felt a deep care. In these years, Lu Bu has been fighting on the battlefield more often and rarely at home. However, Lu Lingqi's dependence on Lu Bu has not changed. In front of Lu Bu, she was more able to express her inner thoughts, just as she was telling Lu Bu the person she liked now.

The two quickly left the inner city and came out from the inner city without encountering any obstacles, but it is not a simple matter to enter the inner city from the outer city.

"Father, where are we going today?" After leaving the inner city, Lu Lingqi seemed a lot happier. When in Jinyang, Lu Lingqi was able to go to Jinyang Academy to teach for the students, but after arriving in Chang'an, she refused for Yan Lan. Even Xiao Mu met in Jinyang Academy.

Lü Bu pondered for a moment and said, "Go to the place where the people buy things everyday."

Lu Lingqi was happy when she heard the words. The place where people usually buy things is naturally extremely lively, far from a quiet inner city.

Noting this scene, Lv Bu shook his head slightly. Although Lv Lingqi said that it was the year of the golden age, but it was still the child's disposition. This was also the reason why he was uneasy about Lv Lingqi's marriage.

In the age of Jin, people in this era seem to have reached the age when they should be married, but in Lu Bu's view, it is an age in need of care.

After the two walked around for a while, Lu Lingqi was full of energy, giving full play to the saying that a woman would not be tired from shopping.

"Father, what's going on ahead?" Lu Lingqi asked suddenly, pointing to the crowd in the distance.

Lu Bu frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, "Following the father, there are many people here."

Dian Wei, who was secretly following Lu Bu, saw this scene and scratched his hair. He had just noticed the situation here. He originally planned to send someone to deal with it immediately. Unexpectedly, Lu Bu would take the first step, mainly because he was worried about Lu Bu’s safety. , After all, there are a lot of people here. If someone who is intent to deny is unfavorable to Lu Bu, it will be difficult to deal with it completely, and there is this Lu Lingqi next to Lu Bu.

"I also ask you to be the master for the Caomin. This general has repeatedly bullied the Caomin based on his identity. Now he has broken the Caomin's things and is unwilling to pay." The old man burst into tears and was extremely miserable.

Pushing away from the crowd and walking to the front, Lu Bu noticed this scene and couldn't help but look at the court.

This person is about 30 years old, his complexion is a bit yellowish, and he is obviously a very miserable person. However, from the appearance of this person, Lu Bu has an uncomfortable feeling, especially when this person is crying. Looking at you, it is clear that there is something in your mind.

Most of the people in Chang'an City are not acquainted with each other. At the beginning, millions of people migrated from Bingzhou to the Sanshou Land. Not a few people came to Chang'an. The people are in the stage of getting acquainted with each other. There are many, but no one has expressed their views on this matter, and at most two or three people who are acquainted with each other whispered.

Judging from the costume of the soldier in the field, he is the corps leader in the army. In the army, the status of the corps leader may be very low, but in front of ordinary people, it is a high-ranking existence. Lu Bu looked at the soldier. There was some dissatisfaction in his eyes, even if anyone saw this scene, they would inevitably blame the, but due to their status, they didn't dare to stand up.

"You listened to the next words, and only then saw it with your own eyes. It was this man who brought this general to the front of his booth. He had to give this thing to the general. This general was determined not to. I didn't touch the object with my hands, and then the object fell, but it was the general's responsibility. Dare to ask what the reason is?" A middle-aged man stood up and said loudly, his expression full of anger.

"This person is named Zhang Si. Since coming to Chang'an City, I have seen Zhang Si doing such things three times. Although the methods are different, he gets a lot of money. Do you still think this is this? Did this general pass?"

Everyone heard the words and talked a lot, and many people even accused Zhang Si. In their hearts, soldiers in the army had a certain status, and their safety was guarded by soldiers in the army.

The captain nodded gratefully. He also felt inexplicable at the beginning. The people actually forced these things to him. Naturally, he would not collect them. Then the things fell to pieces, but the people cried loudly. The captain also wanted to lose money. After all, the other party was an ordinary citizen, and he was the captain of the army.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Si asked for five hundred dollars. This made the squad leader a little bit difficult. A soldier accompanying him accused Zhang Si, but unexpectedly caused Zhang Si to cry.

"You are talking nonsense, how can you give your own things to others? It is clear that this general will break things down. This general also claimed that he would pay some money for the next money. This jade pendant is handed down by the ancestors of the people. If it weren’t for the fact that Caomin’s home is unsustainable, how could it be sold? I hope that the general will regard Caomin as such a pitiful place, so let him go.” The real lady online service, help you find a book to chat with you, please Wei/ Letter/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 are waiting for you~

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