Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1491: : Blackmail

Lu Bu frowned slightly. After he understood what had happened, he looked at Zhang Si with a slightly different gaze. Bystanders, at this time, it is very unlikely that they will be favored by the army captain. It is very likely that this commoner. Lying, besides, if the corporal leader does not want to make compensation and wants to deny, he can use his identity to get away, and he does not need to stand in a stalemate with the people here.

There are many soldiers patrolling the streets in Chang'an City. After all, when there are more people, there will be various things to deal with. The most important task of these soldiers is to maintain stability in the city.

After seeing these scenes, Lu Bu did not walk out. Now Chang'an City can indeed be described as a mixture of fish and dragons. If this thing is really like what the onlookers say, ordinary people should have such characters, it is also let People find it unbelievable. Of course, people like Zhang Si are among the few among the people.

However, among the onlookers, there are many people who criticize the soldiers in the army more. This is also their subconscious belief that Zhang Si is on the weak side.

Lü Bu coughed lightly and walked forward, "Everyone, let's go, see this jade pendant is not bad, so I bought it with money."

"Five hundred dollars." Zhang Si hurriedly said, for fear of missing this incident.

After hearing Zhang Si’s words, Lu Bu’s eyes suddenly sharpened. He was sure that this matter was not what it was on the surface. His performance gave him the feeling that he was doing all his best for the benefit of people.

Lu Bu handed Zhang Si the five hundred banknotes, and then nodded to the captain.

The corps leader did not recognize Lu Bu. Although Lu Bu's height is definitely numbered in Chang'an, his height is comparable to Lu Bu. Besides, Lu Bu was already dressed in disguise when he came out. It is almost impossible to recognize Lu Bu. unable.

"Thank you for the help of this strong man. Under Li Qiang, you can go to the city guard to find it. I went out in a hurry today, but I didn't bring enough money. It will be returned in the future." The leader of the army clasped his fist and said.

Lu Bu nodded and said, "I see."

Seeing Lu Bu's indifferent attitude, Li Qiang once again thanked him and left.

The captain of this army did not use his power to oppress the people at this time. He was definitely a qualified soldier. In contrast, Zhang Si seemed so unbearable. If you dare to oppress the common people and take action against the soldiers in the army, if this situation cannot be punished, how can you make the soldiers in the army feel at ease?

Lu Bu attaches great importance to the people, but he will not allow the people to behave. The rule of law will not tolerate the people's rampantness. What he needs is to provide the people with a stable living environment without worrying about war, rather than letting the people be unscrupulous.

"Father, this person is obviously blackmailing, why should he be so patience?" Lu Lingqi said dissatisfied.

After hearing these words, Zhang Si, who was about to leave, suddenly became unhappy, "Who is the blackmail? It is clear that the soldier broke the ancestral jade pendant."

"Hmph, what the facts are, I think your Excellency is very clear. Looking at this jade pendant, it is clear that the broken pattern on it has been there a long time ago." Lu Lingqi said contemptuously.

Zhang Si's complexion kept changing. He didn't expect Lu Lingqi to observe so carefully. After seeing the broken pattern on the jade pendant, the people onlookers accused Zhang Si.

Zhang Si said angrily: "How can a yellow girl's words be credulous."

Lu Bu glanced at Zhang Si coldly and said, "Presumably your Excellency never did these things less, right? I remember that the people under the rule of the Jin Hou were all kind. They would not do such things, even in the military. After the soldiers accidentally broke their belongings, they would not ask for compensation, so it seems that you are definitely not a common people under the rule of the Jin Marquis."

After being glanced at by Lu Bu, Zhang Si felt cold all over, as if Lu Bu's eyes could see through his heart. This feeling made him extremely uncomfortable.

"What's the matter with you?" Zhang Si's face turned red and retorted.

Lu Bu shook his head and left. It seems that Chang'an City is not as stable as he imagined. After more people are ruled, people of all colors will appear. The mixed situation of fish and dragons is difficult to contain, but since When he finds out, Lu Bu will make corresponding strategies for these things.

"Father, why don't you order people to arrest such abominable people?" Lu Lingqi wondered.

Lu Bu smiled and said: "Lingqi, the wicked people in this world can't be caught. Killing a hundred will only make other people awe. If such things happen under the control, they will kill them. Doesn't it mean that you will kill many people? Let's talk about this person. It's slander and deceit. As the master of the city, what you have to consider is how to designate a reasonable strategy, and strive to prevent such things next time. This is the most appropriate thing."

Lu Lingqi nodded thoughtfully. All she had encountered in the school before was In the world, she needs more training, let’s talk about the women of this era. Basically, they don’t know how to study. Women’s ignorance is virtue. Only women from large families can have the opportunity to study.

The yearning for knowledge is not only for men, but also for women. Although there are few women in the school, Lu Bu is ready to gradually implement it in the next step. Today's rule can only be regarded as a rudimentary form and needs continuous improvement. Can get better and better.

Lu Bu didn’t care about Zhang Si, it doesn’t mean that the officials in Chang’an City didn’t account for the matter, especially the guards accompanying him clearly heard Lu Bu once said that this person was not a common people under the rule of the Jin Dynasty. It was enough to prevent Zhang Si from gaining a foothold under Lu Bu's rule.

Lu Bu had a strong control over the rule, and the lieutenants respected him, and the officials under the rule did not dare to act arbitrarily.

Not long after Lu Bu left, Zhang Si was in a tragedy. Before the evidence, Zhang Si could only bow his head. Besides, he was just a citizen. Seeing that Chang'an's system had an opportunity to take advantage of it, he didn’t expect to get some benefits from it. I ran into Lu Bu who was wandering on the street.

Ordinary people will end up acknowledging such things as bad luck. However, what kind of character Lu Bu is, he is the master of the city. If these things happen under the rule, if they are not rectified in time, there will be no good days for officials in the future. The Chang'an Government Office has taken a series of measures in response to these matters. Of course, this is something later.

After strolling around in Chang'an City, Lu Bu had many things purchased by Lu Lingqi in his hands. Lu Bu realized that even women in ancient times were very good at shopping. Perhaps it was because women could not go out easily and their passion for shopping. higher. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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