Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1492: : Gangneung

Until sunset, Lu Lingqi reluctantly returned to the Hou Mansion with Lu Bu.

Lu Lingqi has such treatment, which makes the ladies in the Hou's mansion enviable, but this kind of thing is definitely unspeakable.

Lu Bu loved Lu Lingqi and was famous in the Hou Mansion.

"You secretly investigate the details of Xiao Mu, a student from Chang'an Academy, and be careful not to disturb this person." Lu Bu said in a low voice. He would not object to the person Lu Lingqi chose, but he wanted to find out the origin of this person. Lu Lingqi's identity is very special.

"Here." Zhao Shu said with a fist.

Afterwards, Lu Bu secretly inspected the city of Chang'an and had a more detailed understanding of the situation under the treatment. Only when problems were discovered can they be solved.

However, the officials of Chang'an Prefecture became busy. There were more and more people in Chang'an City, and things would inevitably become more and more complicated. As an official of Chang'an Prefecture, the government of the city should be organized in an orderly manner. The level of yang.

In terms of foundation, Changan is much stronger than Jinyang. However, in terms of the development of the city, there is a big gap between Changan and Jinyang at this time. First of all, the people in the city trust Lu Bu. Among the residents, it is hard to guarantee that there will be people with unpredictable intentions.

To make Chang'an City reach Lü Bu's ideal state, it requires Chang'an officials to make more efforts. However, these things are exciting in the eyes of Chang'an officials. The more powerful Lü Bu, the more they get. More, whether it is a student from a school or a scholar, since they enter the officialdom, they naturally hope to gain fame and fortune. This kind of thing is normal for officials. If they don't have any desires, it is better to go back to the pastoral affairs. .

Lu Bu needs to be ambitious subordinates. Only with ambition can they find ways to complete their tasks and do things better.

Human potential is infinite, just like a soldier in the army. For the sake of merit, they can train desperately, even after the training is over, train for themselves. This is what they do under the stimulation of the target.

The constant busyness of Chang'an Prefecture has brought about gradual changes in Chang'an, which will greatly promote the future development of Sansuke Land.

In terms of the quality of talents under the rule of Lv Bu, the officials under Lü Bu's rule are far behind other princes. However, in terms of the number of talents, they are only strong or not weaker than other princes, especially Chang'an, Jizhou, Qingzhou, and Youzhou schools. After the students can set foot in the officialdom, the role they will play will be immense, and these talents will also become an important foundation for Lu Bu's battles in the world in the future.

Regarding the school, the Jinyang School under Lv Bu's rule was the most powerful, but now Chang'an School has become the focus of Lv Bu's rule, so that Chang'an School can produce more outstanding talents is what Lü Bu needs most.

Moreover, under the promotion of Lu Bu, Chang'an Academy became the most important school under the rule. However, all students who can enter Chang'an Academy are excellent people in all schools. In order to distinguish Chang'an Academy from other prefecture and county schools, Lu Bu changed the name of Chang'an Academy to Chang'an Academy.

Mr. Shui Jing is famous all over the world for the Shui Jing Villa. Given time, who can compare with Lu Bu in this respect, in terms of the number of students and who can reach Lu Bu, this is also the most terrifying aspect of Lu Bu. Although the family is very resistant to these schools, however, However, the ruler will consider the feelings of the family at this time, and cultivate more talents, which means greater political achievements.

But Lu Bu’s ultimate goal is to enable the people under his rule to be able to read books. If this goal is known to other princes, it will be a surprise. For some people, reading books for the people is incredible in itself, and the people can survive in these troubled times. Going down is already extremely difficult.

If the people can read, the impact on the governance must be far-reaching.

Not to mention the series of actions of Lu Bu in Chang'an City, and to say that after Zhuge Liang came to Jiangling, he felt the danger is approaching. Jiangdong Army and Cao Jun would not allow him to occupy Jiangling like this. The time left for him is extremely limited. However, Yiji and Xizuo The news that came out made Zhuge Liang even more worried.

The sale of Chang'an to Jiangdong and Cao Jun’s warhorses is to a certain extent. Lu Bu will not intervene in the war in Jingzhou at this time. As for who can obtain the greatest benefits from the three parties, it is not within Lu Bu’s consideration. This choice is also In Zhuge Liang's expectation, Lu Bu has expanded too fast in recent years. If the treatment cannot be completely stabilized, it will be difficult to make greater progress. Only after the treatment is stabilized can he move further to other places. expansion.

Through Lu Bu’s behavior, Lu Bu’s ambition can be seen. Even in the chaotic Qingzhou, under Lu Bu’s strong rectification, it has gradually stabilized, let alone other places. At this time, Lu Bu gave the princes the feeling In addition to shock or, especially the replacement of talents under Lu Bu's rule, showed Lu Bu's powerful background. If the same thing is placed on other princes, the face is most likely to be a disaster.

The noble family cannot offend. This is the consensus of the princes other than Lu Bu. Offending the noble family means that they have lost their talents. The rule of the princes is so great that it is impossible to manage everything in detail. They Talents are needed to help them.

The family occupies the most resources, and they have the most talents. It is precisely because of the influence of the family that the family becomes stronger and stronger. Even the ruler does not dare to stand on the opposite side of the family. Back then, the big man was stable. At that time, the aristocratic family had a power that could not be ignored, but the rise of Lu Bu was beyond the aristocratic's expectations.

"Military strategist, now the grain and grass from Jiangling are being transferred to Yizhou, but Cao Jun has the intention of sending troops to attack Jiangling." Sun Gan said.

Zhuge highlighted the head: "Hou Jin will not support Jingzhou at this time. It is extremely difficult for me to retreat from Jiangling. However, if these things cannot be transported away, I will leave them to Cao Jun."

"I don't know what the military master said?" Sun Gan questioned, how much grain and grass there is in Jiangling, enough for Cao Jun's needs for half a year. If this amount of grain and grass is handed over, wouldn't it be that the relatives hurt the enemies.

"If the grain and grass are burned, it will definitely attract Jingzhou officials' hatred of the lord. After all, this is the foundation of Jingzhou, and if it is transported away, it will be difficult to complete in a short time. What will happen after Cao Jun gets the grain and grass?" Zhuge Liang said slowly.

Sun Qian's eyes lit up, "The military division means that after Cao Jun gets the grain and grass, he will definitely fight the Jiangdong Army?"

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Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. Book Fun Pavilion_Mobile version reading URL:

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