Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1501: : 3 feet white silk

What happened to the family members, Tian Feng didn’t take it to heart at first, because he was loyal to Yuan Shao, even if it was for Yuan Shao, the Tian family’s people were destroyed, but he did not hesitate, but when Yuan Shao really defeated and committed suicide, Yuan Tan committed suicide. Xuzhou died. After Yuan Xi took refuge in following the army to Chang'an, he had more thoughts. As Jushou said, he was full of talent and shouldn't just die in obscurity.

What makes Tian Feng the most jealous is that Cai Yong’s compilation of "The Book of Han" was actually under the rule of Lu Bu. This alone has brought much fame to Lu Bu. Tian Feng is naturally very longing for being able to stay in the history. Yes, it can be said that as long as you are a literati, there is nothing you don't want. That is the greatest affirmation of the life of a literati. As long as you can leave a few words on it, it is enough.

This is also the reason why most of Lu Bu’s officials and generals support Lu Bu as king. Only Lu Bu’s ambitions are getting bigger and bigger, so that the officials and generals under his rule can get more things. If Lu Bu can aspire to the highest position, it will affect it. It's even bigger. When the time comes, the description of the enemy's civilian officers and generals may be a few sentences, and the possibility of them being recorded is infinitely improved. After all, the one who holds the record of power is the victorious party.

No one wants to leave something stinky for thousands of years after death, and they want to leave a strong mark in history, whether they are civil servants or military generals, they all have the same idea.

Jushou's persuasion made Tian Feng sway, especially after Yuan Xilai once, he was even more touched by Tian Feng.

Yuan Xi has been extremely well-behaved since he took refuge in Lu Bu. Not only that, but he also helped Lu Bu persuade Tian Feng to live in the city without worrying about life in the city. After all, Yuan Xi is the only bloodline of Yuan Shao left in this world, and Yuan Xi is Take the initiative to seek refuge, and didn't suffer too much embarrassment.

Tian Feng really wants to achieve a career. As long as he is talented, he wants to have the opportunity to show his talents.

However, Tian Feng will not easily let go of the persistence in his heart. This is the persistence of a literati, and this is also the persistence of Yuan's friendship, but deep down, he does not have the hatred of Lu Bu like before, in the troubled world. , You can’t help yourself, if you don’t destroy others, you will be destroyed by others sooner or later.

Seeing the figure outside the door, Tian Feng was stunned for a moment. Lu Bu visited his residence quite a few times, but every time he was scolded by a **** dog, if the same thing were put on Yuan Shao's body Tian Feng is sure that he was killed a long time ago, which is also the point that he admires Lu Bu.

Jushou mentioned how he treated Lu Bu when he was in Jinyang, and made Tian Feng laugh. However, it is indeed very difficult for a monarch to make such a big concession for a prisoner. matter.

"Van Hao has been in Chang'an recently, but Benhou is too busy, but there is no time to come." Lu Bu smiled.

Tian Feng said coldly: "I am very comfortable in Chang'an. I don't have to worry about Jinhou."

"Yuan Hao, now Yuan Shao is dead, Yuan Xi has already taken refuge in this lord, do you want to go on like this?" Lu Bu asked.

Tian Feng said: "A certain is a courtier of the Yuan family, and he considers himself loyal to the Yuan family."

"Oh? When did Tian Yuanhao become the courtier of the Yuan family? Isn't Yuan Hao a courtier of the big man?" Lu Bu questioned, but he was a little puzzled in his heart. From the information he received, Tian Feng had nothing to do with him. Conflicted, who knew that Tian Feng still had this attitude when facing him, which made Lu Bu extremely puzzled.

"The Yuan family is a courtier of the Han Dynasty, and certain is also a courtier of the Han Dynasty. However, the Marquis of Jin did not obey the orders of the Han Dynasty and repeatedly defied the Han Dynasty. He was a rebel."

Seeing that Tian Feng’s tone was firm, there was nothing wrong with him. I don’t know why, Lu Bu suddenly felt sad for Tian Feng. If a person cannot recognize the situation at this level, he can be said to be a loyal or pedantic. People, if these characters change their minds, they will definitely not repent easily. However, Lu Bu needs the loyalty of the governing officials. He will not use it until he is sure whether Tian Feng is really taking refuge.

"Since Yuan Hao thinks like this, Ben Hou has nothing to say." Lu Bu coldly snorted: "Don't Yuan Hao feel that he is a useless person?"

Seeing Tian Feng looking at himself suspiciously, Lu Bu slowly said, "All day long, but he didn't do a single thing. He said that he was a loyal minister of the Yuan family. It was the painstaking effort of the people under the rule of Benhou. Don’t you feel ashamed? Benhou heard that Tian Feng was a learned man, but now it seems like that. If the people learn that Tian Feng is such a character, how would they talk about it? ."

Tian Feng’s expression kept changing. He was a literati, a person of status, and when he came to Lu Bu’s mouth, he turned into a cheat and cheat. But Lu Bu’s words made him unable to refute, because he lived in Chang’an. The wearing degree is originally provided by Chang'an Hmph, there is no need for Jinhou to do so, Jinhou will kill it even though he ordered it. "Tian Feng said.

Jia Xu stepped forward and said: "Tian Feng, Jinhou treats you as benevolent and righteous. Yuan Shao is now dead. If you don't want to take refuge in Chang'an, is there anything else?"

Tian Feng's complexion flushed. He did have a certain favor with Lu Bu before, but at this time Lu Bu's patience with him was obviously about to wear off. If he couldn't make a decision, he might have followed Yuan Shao.

"Tian Feng, Benhou will give you three days to consider. After three days, Benhou will order someone to send a three-foot white silk." After that, Lu Bu turned and left.

Lu Bu did treat Tian Feng with courtesy, and put it on any monarch. When he saw such arrogant prisoners, his first reaction was to execute him. But Lu Bu did such a big deal in order to wait for Tian Feng’s refuge. Perhaps it is because of the more powerful power in his hands. Lu Bu suddenly lost patience with such counselors. Even if he has the talents of the world, how can he fight, relying on the righteous teacher to win the victory, no conspiracy is needed. Tricks can defeat the enemy.

Talents, the school under Lu Bu's rule will definitely be full of talents in the future.

Seeing Lu Bu's sudden toughness, Tian Feng was slightly uncomfortable, but from Lu Bu's body, he felt absolute self-confidence. When he was embarrassed by Lu Bu again, he could clearly feel Lu Bu's impatience. , Too, putting the same thing on him, I am afraid that the waiting time will not be as long as Lu Bu. With high authority and such patience, Lu Bu can definitely be called a rare monarch. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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