Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1502: : Strong crossbow

Compared with Yuan Shao’s words, Lu Bu does have many advantages. These advantages are not possessed by Yuan Shao, who has the status of the fourth generation and the third gong. Of course, if Yuan Shao can also have these advantages, the effect will be played. It will be huge.

After Jushou heard about this, he was worried. He and Tian Fengnai had been in friendship for a long time. He knew Tian Feng’s character very well. Before Tian Feng did show his appreciation for Lu Bu, he knew that Tian Feng was unwilling. People who bow their heads easily.

So Jushou went to Tian Feng's residence again.

"Lord, Baibogu Craftsman's Workshop ordered someone to send ten carts of ordnance, please go and inspect it." Dian Wei walked into the room and said respectfully.

Lu Bu was happy when he heard this. The ordnance that Bai Bogu insisted on personally inspecting must be the ones he obtained from the Black Ice Platform. If these weapons can be built, they will be for the army on the battlefield in the future. A big help, the sophisticated level of the equipment can greatly affect the changes in the situation on the battlefield. The party with more sophisticated equipment may explode far beyond ordinary combat power on the battlefield.

This is equivalent to a soldier holding a club, and a soldier holding a hundred steel knives. Even if the soldier holding a club is no matter how sharp and powerful, the weapon in his hand determines what kind of achievement they will have.

Ordnance is the top priority for the army, which is why Bai Bogu is important under Lu Bu's rule.

"Shi Yuan and Feng Xiao accompany this prince." Lu Bu said.

Seeing Lv Bu’s expressions were happy, Guo Jia and Pang Tong looked at each other, but they didn’t know what happened. Among the various armies, it is no secret anymore.

Guo Jia turned his gaze to Dian Wei who was aside. After Lu Bu walked out of the room, he deliberately made a two-step mistake and asked in a low voice: "What kind of ordnance is for the lord to go there in person?"

Dianwei glanced at Guo Jia triumphantly and said, "This is a secret. Don't let gossip about it easily."


"Actually, this general doesn't know what's in the carriage. The general who leads the convoy must wait until the lord arrives before speaking. The claim is the lord's order." Dian Wei said.

Guo Jia nodded and followed quickly.

In the army outside Chang'an, ten horse-drawn carriages were wrapped tightly, and around the carriages, there were soldiers armed with swords and kept vigilant enough. This caused a lot of discussions among the soldiers. After all, they were in the Chang'an army at this time. Among them, there is no need to be so cautious. As for the things carried in the carriage, they have heard about it, but it is some weapons. As a soldier in the army, who has not seen ordnance, is it so cautious?

Besides, this is in the Chang'an army. The actions of these people aroused the anger of many soldiers in the army. This is clearly a manifestation of distrust of them.

Seeing Lu Bu appeared, the soldiers all around saluted.

Lu Bu got off his horse and laughed, "Take these carriages away."

"Here." The **** general clasped his fists, but his eyes looked at Lu Bu with fiery eyes. He was the lieutenant general of Baibogu's defending general Du Guo. He was deeply touched by Lu Bu's deeds, and now he can see Lu Bu again, and his heart is very excited. Think about it.

Lu Bu did not take care of the excitement of the **** general. His mind was already on these weapons. If these weapons were qualified, it would mean that Baibogu’s craftsmanship workshop would be mass-produced and then equipped in the military. The changes that equipment brings to the army must be huge.

After Lu Bu appeared, he immediately took these carriages away and did not allow anyone to go to watch it, making the generals in the army puzzled, but this was Lu Bu's order, and they naturally did not dare to violate it in the slightest.

"Unload all the things in the carriage." Lu Bu ordered.

"Master, what are these things?" Pang Tong couldn't hold back after all, and asked.

Lu Bu smiled slightly and said: "This is one of the important means for our army to defeat the enemy in future wars."

"Overcome the enemy and win?" Pang Tong asked in doubt. Even if Pang Tong was astute, he couldn't guess what was in the carriage through Lu Bu's words. If that was the case, then Pang Tong would be too terrifying.

"Shi Yuan and Feng Xiao will know after seeing them later." Lu Bu said.

When the black cloth wrapped around the carriage was lifted, the contents of the carriage were displayed in front of everyone, surrounded by guards, and no one could approach it.

Not only was Dian Wei curious, even Guo Jia and Pang Tong were rather confused when they saw these things, and they couldn't recognize some of them.

"Demonstrate these things again." Lu Bu cast his eyes on the **** general.

The **** general clasped his fists.

The first demonstration is the crossbow. This crossbow is controlled by a single person, and it has reached 115 steps in range. The most amazing thing is that this crossbow arrow actually hits the bullseye. At this equidistant distance, being able to hit the bull's-eye is an extremely difficult task in itself. It can also be seen that the craftsmanship did not spend much time on Qin Nu.

Guo Jia and Pang Tong’s hearts cannot be calm. As a strategist, they can naturally see the value displayed by this powerful crossbow. If used properly, they will be invincible on the battlefield in the future, one hundred and fifteen steps. The distance was definitely suppressed for the archers under the command of the princes, but these crossbows were a bit larger than ordinary crossbows, and they looked even more shocking.

"Good." Lu Buzan said.

The soldiers escorted later demonstrated a strong crossbow. This kind of strong crossbow requires three people to control, and the range can reach an astonishing one hundred and fifty steps. You must know that when the prince’s army first built the Thunderbolt, in terms of range, It is only about one hundred and fifty steps. Now the powerful crossbow controlled by the three can reach one hundred and fifty steps in range. On the battlefield, when facing the enemy, who can block it, unlike the Thunderbolt, These soldiers who control the crossbow can be transferred more easily and can cause more damage to the enemy on the battlefield. Especially when the two armies are facing each other, the presence of the crossbow soldier will be a nightmare for the enemy.

"Congratulations to the lord for this weapon." Pang Tong arched his hands.

Lu Bu smiled and said: "Look at Feng Xiao and Shi Yuan, this is just part of it."

Pang Tong’s heart cannot be calm. Whether it is a powerful crossbow with a range of 115 steps or a powerful crossbow capable of reaching 150 steps and a three-man control, it is a weapon at the peak of this era. If it can be used, it will be a great help on the battlefield.

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Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. Book Fun Pavilion_Mobile version reading URL:

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