Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1503: : Form a strong crossbow army

The third thing is Lu Bu's most yearning ballista. Different from the bed crossbow, this kind of ballista is more convenient to move and requires three people to control it at the same time.

When the guards around saw that this crossbow had shot dozens of large crossbow arrows and countless small crossbow arrows at once, they were not only dumbfounded. If this kind of thing were put on the battlefield, it would suddenly come up for a moment. For the generals, it is definitely a lingering nightmare. Even if you have the highest martial arts, you must avoid it when facing this kind of equipment. Judging from the launching power of the crossbow arrows just now, it is extremely powerful and wins by surprise.

Who would have thought that there are so many crossbow arrows in these things.

The three items shipped in total made Lü Bu extremely satisfied, but he was a bit regretful that he could not develop the Ballista. If the Ballista was developed, it would have a greater effect.

"The Chuanling Craftsman's Workshop has made every effort to build 15,000 strong crossbows, and five hundred strong crossbows for three people." Lu Bu ordered.

"Here." Dian Wei clasped his fist and said, this kind of thing responsible for passing orders is naturally the responsibility of him, but thinking of the power of this kind of crossbow, Dian Wei is longing for it, if the guards can have such a hand. The strong crossbow would be so majestic. As for the strong crossbow controlled by three people, it is not suitable for personal guards. After all, personal guards usually protect Lu Bu's side.

Hearing Lu Bu's order, Guo Jia and Pang Tong's eyes lit up. What a powerful handwork it is to build a powerful crossbow in one go. If these powerful crossbowmen appear on the battlefield in the future, they will definitely be able to set off a **** storm.

"According to Chen Chen, the general's affairs were handed over to Pound, and then he led the crossbowmen back to Chang'an, and Pound guarded Youzhou." Lu Bu said.

There is Chen Tian in Youzhou, and there are no foreign races on the grassland. Sending Chen Dao back can be more useful. Before Chen Dao trained strong crossbowmen, and he has made considerable achievements on the battlefield. If Chen Dao is in charge of training strong crossbowmen, it will definitely have a very good effect.

The crossbowmen are the main force of the Chang'an army on the battlefield in the future. The main goal of this army is to continuously kill the enemy through crossbow arrows. They will wear sophisticated armor. Once the crossbowmen appear on the battlefield, they will definitely They can’t move easily. Strong crossbowmen rely on crossbow arrows to kill their enemies.

Guo Jia and Pang Tong immediately understood Lu Bu’s intentions. They clearly wanted to train a strong crossbow army, but these strong crossbows were indeed powerful. There must be no such strong crossbows in the vassal army. The tens of thousands of strong crossbow troops were deployed on the battlefield. After the formation, how much damage it will cause to the enemy, especially the kind of powerful crossbow with a range of up to 150 steps, the destructive power on the battlefield is unimaginable.

A volley of powerful crossbows, even the enemy cavalry, dare not easily initiate a charge, especially this kind of powerful crossbow with a range of 115 steps, its penetration power can be imagined, even if it is heavy. The cavalry did not dare to take a huge risk to charge against the strong crossbow army, this is the suppression brought by absolute strength.

After leaving the barracks, these things were kept in the treasury. These weapons are the secrets of the military. If they are not used and known to the enemy, it will be a great loss to the army. Lu Bu believes in the princes. It is certain that the United States and Europe have stopped investigating Chang'an, especially the financial situation of the Chang'an army. I am afraid that it is the top priority of the princes' detailed work. The most powerful thing under Lu Bu's command is the strength of the army, which is also the greatest shock to the princes.

"Lord, the training of the crossbowmen should start as soon as possible. If you wait until General Chen arrives and then train again, it will affect your future combat effectiveness." Guo Jiadao.

Lü Bu nodded. From Chen to lead the strong crossbowmen to Chang'an, and then to the craftsman’s workshop to create these strong crossbows, it will take a long time, and the soldiers in the army can train some basic skills at this time. s things.

"From Fengxiao's point of view, who can become Chen Dao's lieutenant." Lu Bu said.

Guo Jiadao: "I'm afraid General Chen Dao has made a decision, and his subordinates can't say much."

Lu Bu smiled and said, "What's wrong with it." Having said that, he decided to respect Chen Dao's opinion. The lieutenant has an extremely important role for an army.

"Leave Zhao Yun to select 8,000 elite men from the army to train the use of crossbows." Lu Bu ordered.

There are 3,000 strong crossbowmen under Chen Zhi’s command. If you choose 8,000, some of them will be eliminated. It is this elimination system that makes the soldiers in the army work harder during training. Common methods used by generals.

But all soldiers in the army will not easily admit that they are weaker than others. The same is training in the army, and even the salary they receive is the same. Naturally, they will not admit defeat. Under such circumstances, for the sake of If they can stay, they will work harder during Although there are some differences in the use of ordinary crossbows and strong crossbows, there is not much difference. Before Chen arrives, they can make the difference between these soldiers. More familiar.

Pang Tong was surprised secretly, Chen Dao had not seen him before, but from Lu Bu's words, he could feel the importance he attached to Chen Dao. This is probably the general with the most power besides the main generals, with tens of thousands of powerful crossbow troops in his hands. , Among the generals under Lu Bu's command, they are definitely extremely powerful.

After leaving the barracks, Lu Bu felt particularly refreshed.

"Feng Xiao, Shi Yuan, if you can create a powerful crossbow that can be fired ten times under the control of soldiers, what kind of scene will it have on the battlefield?" Lu Bu suddenly asked.

Even with the insights of two people, they have never seen such a strong crossbow. How terrible it would be to fire ten times in a row. This means that the soldiers who control these strong crossbows do not have to worry about threats from the enemy, because they fired. There are ten strong crossbows. It is conceivable that once this kind of thing appears, what kind of waves will be set off on the battlefield.

Especially when setting up an ambush or when the army is retreating, suddenly coming up for a while will definitely stop the enemy from moving forward.

"If this kind of weapon can be equipped among the lieutenants and soldiers, then our army will definitely be stronger." Pang Tong's tone was also a little excited. After seeing these three sharp weapons one after another, let him know his army on the battlefield in the future. To win, have greater confidence.

"Master, this thing is extremely important. Beware of the fine work of the princes. Although the Jiangdong Army, Cao Army and Jingzhou Army are in constant fighting, the investigation of Chang'an news has never stopped. If the fine work of these princes learns about the strong crossbow. , It’s extremely unfavorable for our military.” The online service of the real lady sister helps you find books and chat with you. Please Wechat/Search/Search Hot Net or rdww444 waiting for you~

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