Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1504: : Ju Yi vs. Gao Shun (Part 1)

Lu Bu said: "Though it is inevitable to do things carefully, you must be cautious."

The three people discussed with great interest the changes on the battlefield in the future, especially the war against Yizhou. At this time, the most difficult war is how to break through the Jiange plank road, enter Yizhou, and take Yizhou from Liu Bei's seizure has become the most common question for counsellors to discuss. Some whimsical ideas have also been recorded. They will play a huge role in the future battle against Yizhou.

Of course, Lu Bu also understands that today’s attack on Yizhou is not a good opportunity. The main reason is that his soldiers will continue to fight and take a certain time to recuperate. Moreover, Liu Bei has the advantage of the terrain. Even if he breaks through the Jiange plank road, he will face After the bitter battles, Lu Bu was very clear about how the Yizhou family resisted him.

The roads in Shuzhong are narrow. Even if there are no enemies along the way, many soldiers are lost on the way to the hinterland of Yizhou. This is also the reason why it is easy to get out of Sichuan and difficult to enter. In an invincible place, as long as you are more cautious, no matter how many soldiers and horses the enemy has, you don’t need to be afraid.

With the efforts of officials, changes are taking place every day in Chang'an. Naturally, there are not a few people who come here. Especially after Jingzhou experienced successive wars, many refugees have entered the land of Sansui. For these people, Naturally, Lu Bu is a land of three supplements, and although there are millions of people coming, the population is still somewhat insufficient.

However, all the people who come here sincerely will not make trouble. It is inevitable that there may be the fine work of the princes. But what Lu Bu needs is the changes that these people will bring to the land of Sansuke. He believes that most of the people are good. Yes, they want a stable life.

What made the lieutenants crazy at this time was that they selected eight thousand elites from the Chang'an Army. Although they didn’t understand why they suddenly acted like this, they understood that once they were selected, their status in the army would be changed. Following this, there is still a big gap between ordinary soldiers and elite soldiers.

In the face of this situation, even the generals are extremely tempted, not to mention the ordinary soldiers below. They work hard to train and kill the enemy on the battlefield, in order to one day be able to achieve higher achievements, choosing from ordinary soldiers outside Chang'an. If they can be selected, it means that they are among the best.

All the soldiers in the army are eager to compete. The exceptions are the trapped camp, the first ascending the dead and the Mo Dao army. These three soldiers represent the strongest combat effectiveness of Lu Bu's pawns. There is no need to fight for it.

Of course, there are open and secret struggles between these three soldiers. They are also pawns. Whoever can achieve good results in training will have more opportunities for improvement in the future. In the last Changan army assessment, Ju Yibing Did not achieve the desired results, although in the eyes of other generals, these results are already good, in Ju Yi's view, they did not meet the requirements.

What Ju Yi pursues is a footman who is more elite than the camp. He asked himself whether Gao Shun's training ability is weaker than Gao Shun's, and his control ability on the battlefield is not weaker than Gao Shun's. Naturally, he wants to surpass Gao Shun and become Lu Bu's subordinate. The most elite **** team.

Ju Yi's training for the first-time soldiers has reached a demanding level. The soldiers who can be selected as the first-time soldiers are all elites in the army. There is no doubt about this point, and Ju Yi's treatment of these soldiers The request was that everything was training except for eating and sleeping. The soldiers who had just entered the first-time soldiers were naturally complaining, but when they saw that the soldiers before the first-timers did not complain at all, They concealed their emotions. They are soldiers under Lu Bu and have their own pride. Even if the soldiers under Yuan Shao can do it, what reason do they have to retreat? In such an atmosphere, they will die first. The progress made by taxis in a short period of time is tremendous.

When the Qin Junqiang crossbow, equipped with Chen Dao’s strong crossbow army, was sent to the Xiandeng dead soldiers, and all the weapons made by hundred steelmaking were delivered, there was an upsurge of training among the Xiandeng dead soldiers. The blades forged by hundreds of steels can only be used by the most elite soldiers in the army. They can become one of the first soldiers, which has already shown their identity. If they are in future training, compare them. If the ordinary pawns are worse, let them have a face to use these sophisticated weapons and armors.

Ju Yi was also a little shocked, mainly because the army outside Chang'an city showed the toughness and the training method of first ascending the dead is cruel in the eyes of the soldiers of the Jizhou army. However, among the army outside Chang'an city, these were not allowed. The soldiers retreat, and the same thing, put in the army under Yuan Shao, will have a different effect. UU Reading back then, Ju Yi trained the soldiers who first climbed the dead, but he spent a lot of effort in Chang'an. If so, he is confident to train an elite team at the fastest speed.

In this way, Ju Yi is naturally more curious about the strength of the camp. On the battlefield in Youzhou, Ju Yi once encountered soldiers from the camp. The strength of the soldiers from the camp left a deep impression on Ju Yi. After many years, he believed that the trapped camp must have made greater progress.

"General, General Ju Yi led nearly a hundred first-dead soldiers to come." Li Gan walked into the camp and said.

Gao Shun showed doubts. Ju Yi is naturally no stranger to him. He also recognizes Ju Yi's ability to command troops. Before, the two sides were in different camps. Now they are both under the command of Jin Hou. .

"General, from the point of view of the general, Ju Yi is leading the deceased to come, I am afraid it is a challenge." Li Gan said.

Gao Shun smiled and said, "This general will personally go to meet General Ju Yi."

Li Gan pouted secretly, not caring about Ju Yi. At the beginning, Ju Yi was able to defeat Bai Ma Yi and became famous in the world. The same thing can be done on the trapped camp. He seems to be so.

"General Li, General Ju Yi is a general that the lord relies heavily on. You must not be rude after meeting." Gao Shun exhorted.

Among the Chang'an army, Gao Shun gave people the feeling that he was calm and reluctant to express his views easily. However, his position in the army was very high. Gao Shun was the first general who followed Lu Bu. Although he has only 800 foot soldiers under his command, he has a much higher status than ordinary generals. Even if the leader of the Lieyang Archer sees Gao Shun, he has to give three points. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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