Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1526: : Assassination of Zhuge Liang (Part 1)

Compared with the assassination of Fazheng, it is more difficult to assassinate Zhuge Liang. After all, they have no internal response in the army. The assassination of Zhuge Liang can be said to be a temporary intention.

In fact, according to Qin Tian’s idea, Shi A and Qin Yan were to assassinate Fazheng, and he and Wang Yue worked together to kill Zhuge Liang. Although the Shadow Guards and the people of the Black Ice Platform had a secret battle, they had a great deal of Wang Yue’s ability. The sky is still relatively clear.

If the two work together, there is a great possibility of success, even if the defense in the army is strong.

Looking at the big barracks in the dark, Qin Tian whispered: "Later, we will carry out the assassination in three ways, each with ten people. If we succeed, we will retreat immediately."

"Here." Qin Yan arched his hands. Although he was old in the black ice platform, no one dared to ignore Qin Yan's energy.

Shi A naturally had no objection to these orders. He was thinking about what kind of credit he would get if he succeeded in assassinating Zhuge Liang. When the time comes, Black Ice Terrace will truly become a member of the Shadow Guard. Cooperated.

As if seeing Shi A's thoughts, Qin Tian said in a low voice: "Zhuge Liang is a clever person. Be careful when assassinating and kill with one blow."

Shi A secretly curled his lips, isn't he the first time he has done this kind of thing, does he need Qin Tian to remind him?

Being mixed into the camp is nothing to the shadow guards and the people of the Black Ice Terrace. The key is how to avoid disturbing the soldiers in the camp during the course of the action. The camp where Zhuge Liang is located has more than 3,000 people. These three Although more than a thousand people were soldiers who withdrew from Jingzhou to Yizhou, once they were trapped in a heavy siege, even the most capable people would be killed.

After lurking into the camp, Shi A took advantage of the darkness and approached in the direction of the army's big tent. Along the way, he was naturally cautious and did not dare to make too much noise. Beside them, there were soldiers in the army resting, although Across the camp, as long as there is a noise, they can still be awakened.

The smooth progress on the way went beyond Shi A's expectations. Although there were not a few soldiers patrolling in the camp, their vigilance was very low.

After half an hour, Shi A finally saw the Great Tent of the Chinese Army. Outside the Great Tent of the Chinese Army, there were nearly fifty soldiers under protection. Difficult things.

At this moment, Shi A noticed the abnormality in the other two directions. Needless to say, these people must be the Black Ice Platform Assassins who followed Qin Tian and Qin Yan. The two of them were able to lead the Assassins so quickly to approach the Chinese Army. The account went beyond Shi A's expectation.

The heavy defense of the Chinese army’s big tent also made it difficult for Qin Tian to be able to protect around Zhuge Liang’s camp. Needless to say, these soldiers are also very elite in the army. Once their actions are blocked, they want to complete the assassination. Zhuge Liang's purpose became impossible.

Folding his brows slightly, Qin Tianji thought, and after a few words secretly, he cast his gaze on the Central Military Camp.

At this time, the tent of the Chinese Army's camp was completely dark. Obviously Zhuge Liang had gone to sleep. However, the outside of the tent was brightly lit to illuminate the surrounding area. This was also to prevent the miscellaneous people and others from approaching the Chinese army's chief accountant from not noticing it.

Qin Yan shouted in a low voice: "Kill!"

The Black Ice Terrace assassin who followed Qin Yan did not hesitate at all, took out his crossbow and pointed it at the soldiers outside the camp.

The soldiers guarding the camp outside the tent did not expect that the enemy was hidden in the dark. Unprepared, eight soldiers fell in a pool of blood, but these actions shocked the rest of the soldiers.

"There is an enemy!" The general yelled, and the soldiers guarding outside the camp came toward the general.

The eleven people, including Qin Yan, seemed to be ghosts in the dark night. After rushing to the soldiers, they burst out with great fighting power. However, any soldier encountered was basically a one-shot kill.

However, after these soldiers reacted, the assassins of the Black Ice Platform were in a stalemate. Even though they were powerful, the guarding soldiers were more numerous, and the attack was immediately blocked, but they died in the hands of the Black Ice Platform Assassins. However, the number of soldiers has reached 20. This kind of surprise attack has a great effect.

Hidden Shi Ah nodded slightly when he saw this scene. Qin Tian's methods were indeed extremely effective. However, under this strategy, what was required was that the remaining assassins could rush into the camp as quickly as possible to bring Zhuge Liang into the camp. Killing, the time is slightly prolonged, and the Jingzhou army will be swarmed.

The sound of the Chinese army’s camp tent suddenly made the camp not far away alive. The soldiers in the tents around the Chinese army’s camp were responsible for protecting the Chinese army. The first time they heard the movement from the camp tent. Just pick up the weapons in your hand and gather outside the camp.

At this point, the Jingzhou Army’s reaction speed is relatively fast. Not only the Jingzhou Army, but also on any army ~ After the Chinese Army's Da Zhang encounters a surprise attack, it will also have rapid actions. .

The Chinese army is the soul of an army. Without the army of the Chinese army, it will be a pile of scattered sand, and it is difficult to display 30% of the usual combat effectiveness.

The movement outside also awakened Zhuge Liang. At this time, besides him, two guards were secretly protecting him in the Great Tent of the Chinese Army.

Frowning his brows, Zhuge Liang immediately understood what was going on in the army through the noise outside. He didn't understand which assassin was so rampant, so he dared to go to the army to assassinate him. This is the Chinese army.

Since the withdrawal of troops from Yizhou, Zhuge Liang can feel Liu Bei's alienation from him, and Fazheng itself is a very strategic man. With the Fazheng on the side, Zhuge Liang’s role appears to be much smaller, while Zhuge Liang is justified in training. Staying in the Jingzhou Army, the Jingzhou Army at this time was a remnant defeated general, Liu Bei did not refuse.

The two guards had no words, guarding Zhuge Liang in the dark.

At the moment Qin Yan led the assassination operation, Qin Tian and Shi A moved. At this time, the soldiers around the camp blocked the assassins led by Qin Yan, which caused an omission in the protection around the camp.

However, these soldiers obviously increased their vigilance after the assassination, and promptly raised the shield in their hands to block the attack of the other two groups of assassins.

Shi A stepped forward with his sword, but saw that the long sword in his hand was waving one after another. Whenever the assassin who encountered Shi A had no enemy in one, the long sword pierced into the camp, his wrist flicked, and a huge hole appeared.

At this moment, the soldiers in the surrounding camps were killed.

The shadow guard next to Shi A turned around and killed him. They had to delay as much as possible to win time for Shi A. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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