Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1527: : Assassination of Zhuge Liang (Part 2)

On the other side, Qin Tian also approached the camp. Only one assassin from the Black Ice Platform followed Qin Tian into the camp. The rest of the assassins were all used to delay these soldiers as much as possible. Qin Tian understood that the time left for him was extremely limited. , If the soldiers in the army broke into the big tent of the army, no matter how strong his martial arts were, he would never want to assassinate Zhuge Liang.

The darkness inside the camp made the assassination a lot more difficult. As the Chinese army’s big tent, it was naturally the largest among all the tents in the army.

Just as the assassin of a black ice platform blew the fire in his hand, Qin Tian heard the sound of an arrow breaking through the air, and the assassin fell to the ground.

Without hesitation, Qin Tian raised the crossbow arrow in his hand, drew the crossbow arrow in the direction where the arrow was shot, and then heard a cry.

Through the flames of the assassins on the Black Ice Terrace, Shi A noticed Qin Tian who had appeared in the Great Tent of the Chinese Army. He did not hesitate to kill him in the camp where the wailing sound came from. Qin Tian also made the same action.

"It's me." Shi A reminded him in a low voice, but he noticed that no one appeared besides the screaming soldier in the surrounding area.

Shi A took out the fire fold and blew it lightly. There was some light in the camp. Through the faint fire light, the two noticed Zhuge Liang, who was sitting on a very strange car with a lupine scarf. Regarding Zhuge Liang’s appearance, The two are naturally familiar.

However, from Zhuge Liang's direction, there was a dense sound of breaking through the air, and there were about twenty arrows in the sound.

Shi A and Qin Tian are both powerful martial artists. After hearing these voices, they did not hesitate to roll over and rolled aside. Although their images were a little embarrassed, they were not injured. The momentum of the arrows just made them bother. Surprised a lot.

Qin Tian got up and killed again in Zhuge Liang's direction. In his eyes, Zhuge Liang was nothing more than a counselor, even if he had some means.

What surprised Qin Tian was that on the way there was another arrow shot. This time Qin Tian noticed that these arrows were actually shot from something strangely shaped under Zhuge Liang, but these Arrows are much less powerful than before.

After two delays, some soldiers rushed into the camp. The torches in their hands made the light in the camp suddenly brighter. Qin Tian noticed this strange-looking thing. He was the owner of the black ice platform. Naturally, there are not a few equipment that you have come into contact with. It is hard to imagine that it is such a thing with four wheels that can shoot crossbow arrows. If you suddenly come to such a hand when facing others, you will be a person with noble martial arts. , I am afraid it will be hard to escape. Thinking of this, Qin Tian looked at Zhuge Liang with a little dread, but beside Zhuge Liang, there was a guard. Obviously, this guard was ready to sacrifice to protect Zhuge Liang at any time.

Qin Tian hated that he had used up the crossbow arrow when he shot and killed the guard who was protecting Zhuge Liang.

Qin Tian shouted, but did not give up easily. As the leader of the Black Ice Terrace, he has his own pride. Even if it is difficult to assassinate Zhuge Liang, he will not give up.

Zhuge Liang obviously didn't expect Qin Tian to step forward under these circumstances.

The guards got up without hesitation, and the soldiers who entered the camp shouted to kill Qin Tian.

Shi A, who was lying motionless on the ground, raised the crossbow in his hand at this moment and pointed it in Zhuge Liang's direction.

The crossbow arrow came in the direction of Zhuge Liang. At the last moment, Zhuge Liang seemed to be aware of it, and turned the four-wheeled vehicle under him, and snorted.

Qin Tian heard the voice from the four-wheeled vehicle and shouted, "Withdraw!"

Shi A jumped up and went to kill outside the camp. After a fight, Qin Tian and Shi A finally broke out of the camp where Zhuge Liang was located. However, there were no Black Ice Terrace and Shadow Guardians who followed. Even Qin Yan lost his trace.

However, Qin Tian didn't worry about Qin Yan's safety. What he told was to delay these soldiers before retreating. With Qin Yan's skill, there was no problem in retreating from the army.

After leaving the vicinity of the Great Tent of the Chinese Army, the rest of the matter was much simpler. The Great Tent of the Chinese Army suffered a surprise attack, and the Jingzhou Army seemed a little chaotic. Taking advantage of the chaos, the two left the Jingzhou Army.

When I arrived at the agreed meeting place, I saw Qin Yan. At this time, Qin Yan was covered with blood, and there was even a hideous wound on his left arm.

"General, it's okay for your subordinates, let's leave here quickly." Qin Yan said.

"Isn't King Commander here yet?" Qin Tian asked.

"The commander has already arrived." One person walked out of the darkness, it was Wang Yue, but his voice was slightly weaker than usual, and the arrow wound on his left arm was also dealt with simply.

"Oh, I didn't expect Wang Commander to be That Fazheng is just a literati, so it can make King Commander feel embarrassed?" Qin Tianxiao asked.

Wang Yue coldly snorted: "Don't talk about this commander. You more than 30 people assassinated Zhuge Liang, but only three returned. Don't tell this commander that you didn't succeed in the assassination."

Qin Tian's face turned red. If Shi A hadn't made the last blow, they might have failed.

Suddenly, Qin Tian thought of something and asked, "Shi, is there poison on your crossbow?"

"Xia Nai is an upright person, how can he smear poison on the crossbow arrow." Shi A realized that he was wrong after speaking. Under the crossbow arrow just now, he only heard a muffled hum, and whether Zhuge Liang was dead or not, if it was Zhuge Liang Without turning that strange four-wheeled convoy at the last moment, Shi A's arrow would definitely hit Zhuge Liang's vitals.

Qin Tian's complexion was a bit unsightly. He had just tried his best to assassinate Zhuge Liang. If Shi A's crossbow arrows were replaced by any of the assassin's crossbow arrows in the Black Ice Platform, Zhuge Liang would definitely not survive as long as he injured Zhuge Liang. The reason for this, unless the soldiers in the army can immediately draw curse poison for Zhuge Liang like Lu Bu did. The detoxification method used by Lu Bu back then was a little surprised after Qin Tian heard it.

"Leave here first, whether Zhuge Liang is dead or not will be known in the future." Wang Yue said.

After the group of people arrived in a safe place, the four of them looked at each other after talking about the assassination, and laughed. As the most elite and terrifying existence under Lu Bu's command, they were all dispatched, but they did not expect to be so miserable. , The thirty assassins who accompanied them died, Qin Yan and Wang Yue were injured, even Qin Tian and Shi Adu almost died in Zhuge Liang's hands. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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