Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1528: : Liu Bei is angry

Through this assassination, they also realized the cunning of these counselors, just like Fazheng, if they were replaced by others to assassinate, it would most likely be a failure. Who would have thought that there would be two beds in the Fazheng room, and The bed near the maid turned out to be unoccupied.

Zhuge Liang is even more weird. The kind of four-wheeled vehicle that Qin Tian has never seen before can launch a dense rain of arrows, and it was two times. Qin Tian even guessed whether the rain of arrows will still exist, but it is just a wooden one. In Zhuge Liang's hands, the made things were made so complicated that he and Shi A were almost assassinated.

However, Wang Yue had the head of Fazheng in his hands, and the mission this time was over. However, the group was not ready to leave, but was waiting for the news of Zhuge Liang's death.

When a team of guards was patrolling the mansion, they found an abnormality outside the Fazheng room. Normally, the outside of the Fazheng room was guarded by guards. Once a guard fell asleep because of being too sleepy. In the future, as long as the guards are responsible for the care of the room, they dare not relax in the slightest.

When approaching outside the room, the head guard smelled the faint smell of blood in the air, and his complexion changed drastically. Their most important task was to protect the safety of Fazheng.

"Go to the adult's room quickly." The head of the guard hurriedly ordered.

Although the guard who came with him didn't know what was going on, he didn't dare to neglect the slightest when he heard the leader's tone.

Under the fire, the guard saw the guard lying in a pool of blood with eyes wide open. The two guards outside the room had their throats cut and died.

After the head of the guard watched the situation in the room, especially around the headless corpse, he looked carefully for a long time, and his complexion was pale, either because of the horror of the headless corpse or because he saw the identity of the headless corpse.

"Master Fa is dead." The head of the guards sat on the ground. They are responsible for protecting Fazheng, but now Fazheng is dead in their own room. These guards have an inescapable responsibility. You can imagine the next welcoming of them. What a fate will be.

The news of the assassination of Fazheng caused a lot of turmoil inside and outside the mansion. The generals who led the troops to protect Fazheng looked serious. There were hundreds of soldiers inside and outside the mansion, but the assassins were in a situation that they did not know. Go down into the Fazheng room and the assassination is successful.

The sky was bright, but the atmosphere of the Fazheng mansion was a bit solemn. There were 500 soldiers guarding the mansion outside, and no one was allowed to leave, and the Fazheng room was protected by soldiers.

After Liu Bei learned the news of Fazheng's assassination and death, he did not react for a while. After he took over Yizhou, Fazheng showed an extraordinary side in strategy, helped him stabilize Yizhou and made a great contribution. Unexpectedly, when Yizhou gradually stabilized, Fazheng was assassinated.

"The city is sealed off and no one is allowed to enter or leave." Liu Beipai said angrily. This was a provocation against him. In Yizhou, he was so rampant assassinating important officials.

"Lord, the military division sent someone to send news that I encountered an assassin in the army last night. Fortunately, the soldiers in the army responded quickly, and the military division was injured by an arrow, and he is now recovering in the army." Yi Ji looked hurried and walked in.

Liu Bei's complexion changed again, and he assassinated Fazheng and Zhuge Liang at the same time. If Zhuge Liang also died, he would be short of advisers in Yizhou. It is conceivable that he will face the situation at that time. This time the opponent is very powerful and he did it. Very decisive.

"Zhaoling Yide leads the soldiers, the generals enter the city to heal their wounds, Xianhe is responsible for investigating the fine work in the Jingzhou army, and the operator is responsible for investigating the assassination that took place in Xiaozhi's mansion. This matter will not tolerate anyone involved. "This time, Liu Bei was surprisingly angry.

"Here." Jian Yong and the Yiji handed their hands. They could feel Liu Bei's anger. They openly assassinated important officials in Yizhou and killed Fazheng, leaving Zhuge Liang injured. Just thinking about it makes people feel terrible.

Although Zhuge Liang was defeated in Jingzhou and had no choice but to withdraw to Yizhou, Liu Bei still had a high position in Liu Bei's heart. When he was in distress, Zhuge Liang helped him seize the military power of the Jingzhou Army. Today’s foundation, if it weren’t for Zhuge Liang, maybe he was at most a general in the Jingzhou army at this time. The reason why Zhuge Liang expressed his negligence after returning to Yizhou is that on the one hand, the aristocratic family in Yizhou needs to be comforted. Immediately reusing the words of Jingzhou officials would inevitably make the Yizhou family feel uneasy. On the other hand, Zhuge Liang was defeated, and he was indeed a little dissatisfied.

Later, I think about it. The reason why Jingzhou was defeated was also related to him. To be fair, Zhuge Liang's performance in Jingzhou was absolutely impeccable. With a weak force against Cao Jun, the most failure was to mobilize Jingzhou's navy. Otherwise, the Jiangdong Army would not easily break Jiangxia and enter Jingzhou. However, the situation in Jingzhou at that time did not allow Zhuge Liang to give more consideration, and it would be helpless to mobilize the navy to support the city.

However, Zhuge Liang still brought in a lot of rice grains from Jingzhou. Although Yizhou is rich, there is no shortage of rice grains in the treasury, but no one will have too many of this kind of things.

"Follow this official to Xiaozhi's residence." Liu Bei said solemnly.

The city gates were closed, and teams of soldiers patrolled the streets, making the atmosphere in the city more serious. At this time, the family converged. Fa was being assassinated, and Zhuge Liang was assassinated and injured. , These two news made the Yizhou family suddenly feel that the seemingly stable Yizhou is not as simple as imagined. It is possible to make such a handicraft assassination in Yizhou, and its power in Yizhou is absolutely It's scary.

Especially when assassinating Zhuge Liang, it was because of the assassins that attacked the Chinese army's big account, and almost succeeded for these assassins.

After confirming the identity of the deceased, Liu Bei cried and cried. The civilians and generals around him persuaded Liu Bei to stop crying.

"Ming Japanese general will be in front of the sage to ask for merit and assassinate the filial piety. This general will never let go." Liu Bei gritted his teeth.

The legalists were relieved after hearing Liu Bei’s words. What they worried about was that after the death of the Fa, Liu Bei would not pay attention to the legalists. If that were the case, the legalists today might not be enough for the aristocratic families of Yizhou. Embezzled, the Fajia’s strength has grown rapidly during this period, and many problems will inevitably follow. The growth of the Fajia is accompanied by the loss of the strength of other aristocratic families in the city. Once the Fajia has fallen, they Will you easily let go of the Fajia? The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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