Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1530: : Zhuge Liang's Analysis (Part 1)

Liu Bei's heart warmed, and his gaze towards Zhuge Liang was also a lot more kind. When Guan Yu was in Jingzhou, he secretly said ill of Zhuge Liang. Of course, Liu Bei's hand inquired about this news, regardless of whether he was dealing with Zhuge Liang. How much trust you have, after all, you have to keep some backs.

"Kong Ming doesn't need to blame himself. If it hadn't been for this general to raise his troops to attack Yizhou, causing Jingzhou to be empty, nothing would happen today." Liu Bei said.

Zhuge Liang's heart was full of emotion. This was the main reason for Jingzhou's loss. The elite of the Jingzhou army accompanied Liu Bei to Yizhou. It was very difficult in itself to repel Cao Jun, who had 100,000 troops with his weak force. Zhuge Liang was able to persist in the matter, and finally let Liu Qi reach Yizhou smoothly, which is already extremely remarkable.

At that time, in Jingzhou, it was even more about Yu's order to restrain Zhuge Liang in secret. In the army, Guan Yu had a high prestige. After all, Guan Yu was Liu Bei's brother, even though Zhuge Liang was the commander in the army, but in private However, those who obeyed Guan Yu's orders accounted for the majority. Guan Yu was a military commander. Even though Zhuge Liang's strategy was outstanding, he was only a literati, a soldier in command of the literati, who would always give people a sense of resistance.

"Kong Ming feels relieved and heals his wounds. After Kong Ming recovers from his injuries, he will assist this general in pacifying Yizhou." Liu Bei said.

"Here." Zhuge Liang arched his hands, his expression couldn't hide his excitement.

It seems that he is very satisfied with Zhuge Liang's performance now. Liu Bei's face is full of smiles. What he needs is the gratitude of his subordinates. If Zhuge Liang's influence is too great, Liu Bei will always feel uneasy.

"Lord, from the point of view of his subordinates, the assassination of Yizhou is most likely caused by Chang'an." Zhuge Liang said.

Liu Bei was shocked. During the two days’ investigation, there was not much useful news at all. These assassins seemed to disappear out of thin air in the city. The investigation of the assassins made the soldiers and civilians in the city panic. Liu Bei knew that this was not a solution. Being able to open the gates of the city and let the people go in and out freely, but the intensity of the investigation is several times stricter than before, and the soldiers in the army naturally dare not neglect their duties at this time.

"Kong Ming elaborated." Liu Bei said.

Zhuge Liang sorted out his thoughts and said: "Lord, since the Lord came to Yizhou, Yizhou has remained stable. Although the families fought openly and secretly for their own interests, they would not do such inferior things as assassinations. If it is Jingzhou If the aristocratic family secretly assassinated Fazheng, the subordinates encountered the assassination on the same night. Didn’t the lord feel that this incident was a coincidence? Did the two families secretly discuss the assassination, unless it was the assassination of filial piety and the assassination. The assassins belong to the same group."

"If you ask who is the best at assassinations among the princes, it is none other than the Jin princes. According to the news, there are three such teams under the Jin princes who are responsible for the assassination. At the time of Huguan, the assassins under the Jin Marquis's assassins used to assassinate the generals in the princes' army, making the generals in the princes' army panic, and very few of the princes' army can really kill these assassins."

Liu Bei showed a stunned look, "Kong Ming, if you say this, does Jin Marquis have the heart to attack Yizhou?"

Zhuge Liang shook his head. "No, but now Jin Hou has just pacified Qingzhou and eliminated Yuan Shao, and his troops are exhausted. Besides, Yizhou is dangerous. Even if Jin Hou's army is strong, he will not attack Yizhou at this time. It is possible to order the assassins under his command to take action, which caused Yizhou to fall into turmoil. Jinhou even stated in the newspaper that he would choose a day to become the king. This is the man of wolf ambition. The saint canonize him as Jin Gong and he is not satisfied. However, Jinhou is worried. It is the situation in Yizhou. After the lord pacifies Yizhou, it will inevitably threaten the safety of Chang'an. Today, Chang'an is regarded by Lu Bu as the most important place under his rule. If Yizhou can be plunged into turmoil, Jinhou can Get more benefits."

"Fortunately, Kong Ming raised a point, otherwise, wouldn't it make Yizhou more turbulent." Liu Bei said.

"Lord, on the night of the assassination, I'm afraid these assassins had already left." Zhuge Liang said.

"Just then Kong Mingyan and Jin Hou had three teams of assassins?" Liu Bei said.

Zhuge Liang slowly said: "The subordinates also discovered the news accidentally when they were in Jingzhou. The three assassin teams under the Jin Hou’s command all have a lot of history. One of them is known as the Flying Eagle, which is an extremely powerful presence on the battlefield. They followed Lü Bu in the battle in 1988 and made great military exploits. They used extremely powerful means of inquiring about intelligence on the battlefield. They were trained by selecting elite soldiers from the army after Lü Bu entered Bingzhou.

The flying eagle soldiers are extremely loyal to the Marquis of Jin. The second group was trained by the former Emperor of the Han Dynasty, Wang Yue, who took refuge in Lu Bu. They recruited knights from the rivers and lakes ~ ~ Wang Yue's name in the rivers and lakes. After learning that Wang Yue was serving under Jin Hou’s service, knights from all over the world went there. Wang Yue selected elites and trained them. The shadow guard was best at assassination. Sun Ce met assassins in Jiangdong. It was Wang Yue who led the people to rescue Sun Ce. It is said that Jinhou trained the shadow guards, the most important thing was to deal with the power of the Black Ice Platform. "

"Black Ice Terrace?" Liu Bei was puzzled.

"Hei Bingtai was the organization responsible for investigating intelligence and assassinating in Qin State in the past. After the subordinates even suspected that these people were Qin people, Jin Hou had encountered assassins outside Xiangyang City and assassins in Jinyang. These assassins are the people of the Black Ice Terrace. For some reason, the Black Ice Terrace has been subdued by the Jin Marquis, and now the Black Ice Terrace has become an extremely powerful existence under the Jin Marquis’ command."

Liu Bei was silent after hearing this, and there were only three teams in charge of investigating intelligence and assassinating. At this point, the gap between him and Lu Bu was huge.

"Kong Ming, if we also train such a team to detect intelligence and assassinate, what do you think?" Liu Bei asked.

Zhuge Liang said: "If this team is to be formed, the requirements for weapons need to be sophisticated. The subordinates have heard that the three teams under Jin Hou’s command all use weapons made by Baisteel. They use strong crossbows in range. Able to reach more than one hundred and ten steps."

Liu Bei's face was bitter. This is the gap brought by the background. Lv Bu occupies Bingzhou and other places. Although Yizhou is rich, there is still a big gap compared with Lv Bu. It is like a weapon forged by hundreds of steel-making. With the skill of Yizhou craftsmen, it is extremely difficult to forge a hundred steel-smelting weapons, and it would be a lot of expense to buy from Chang'an. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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