Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1531: : Zhuge Liang's Analysis (Part 2)

"Well, Kong Ming is secretly responsible for training assassins." Liu Bei said.

Zhuge Liang showed excitement on his face. This time he was really excited. Being able to hand over this important team to him is enough to see that Liu Bei attaches great importance to him: "Liang will definitely live up to the trust of the lord."

Liu Bei nodded and continued: "Kong Ming, after the battle in Jingzhou, you must have seen that Cao Jun possesses elite cavalry, and is invincible on the battlefield. Yizhou has a difficult terrain and wants to train elite cavalry. It is extremely difficult, but the soldiers in central Sichuan are extremely elite. If elite soldiers are selected for training, they will surely be able to play a huge role on the battlefield in the future."

The successive battles made Liu Bei aware of the great role of a good soldier on the battlefield, just like the heavy cavalry under Cao Cao. Once charged on the battlefield, the ordinary team can only avoid it when they see it, and the horse is equipped with armor. , The chances of these cavalry surviving on the battlefield have been greatly improved.

Zhuge Liang said: "The lord, the army is resistant to war. If the training is successful, it will definitely be able to play a huge role on the battlefield." This is also what he wanted to persuade Liu Bei after entering Yizhou, but he did not expect that Liu Bei was mentioned by the lord. This matter.

The role of elite soldiers on the battlefield in the future is irreplaceable. In terms of the number of elite soldiers, Lu Bu's strength is the strongest. This is recognized by all the princes. Whether it is an elite infantry or an elite cavalry, Lü Bu is already there. It was revealed on the battlefield outside Huguan and the battlefield with Yuan Shao.

Liu Bei said: "From Kong Ming's point of view, when training soldiers in Sichuan, what kind of good soldiers should be the most important thing?"

"Infantry." Zhuge Liang replied without hesitation: "The terrain in the middle of Sichuan, even if the cavalry enters it, it is difficult for them to do much."

"These soldiers will also use blades forged by hundred steels. In Kong Ming's opinion, who is the most appropriate to train this elite?" Liu Bei asked.

Zhuge Liang pondered for a moment and said: "In the opinion of his subordinates, I might as well let General Guan be responsible for training the infantry. General Guan has an infantry in his hand, who is brave and good at fighting on the battlefield. Even when facing the cavalry, he will not give in. If these infantry can be equipped with well-equipped weapons, they will definitely be able to play a great role on the battlefield."

"My subordinates once heard that there was a team under Jin Hou’s commander called Mo Dao Army. These steppers used the Mo Dao that Jin Hou said. Although the Mo Dao Army is a step pawn, the performance on the battlefield is indeed extremely powerful. After the cavalry of the Allied Forces of the princes entered Bingzhou, they were defeated by the infantry named Mo Dao Army. If the lord could get the Mo Dao Army, he would train a Mo Dao Army and it would surely be able to fight in future wars. To a great effect." Zhuge Liang said.

Liu Bei was also a little depressed. He found that all military matters must be based on the army under Lu Bu as an example, as if the elite soldiers under Lu Bu were emerging in an endless stream.

"With Mo Dao, I'm afraid Jin Hou will not easily sell it." Liu Bei frowned. Since he is a trained soldier, he naturally hopes that this elite soldier can show the stronger the better, and it will be able to perform in future wars. The effect is even greater.

Zhuge Liang said, "The lord can send merchants to Chang'an for a trial."

"Just in Kong Ming's words." Liu Bei nodded and agreed.

Zhuge Liang said suddenly: "One thing came to mind, that is, Jin Hou selected 10,000 elites from the army outside Chang'an and made a separate one. I'm afraid it will be another big move."

Liu Bei looked worried. He suddenly felt a little considerate of Yuan Shao’s mood at the beginning. Yizhou had a dangerous checkpoint as a backing, and he was also worried about the threat from Chang’an. The psychological pressure of Yuan Shao at the beginning can be imagined. No wonder Yuan Shao was so afraid when facing Youzhou Army.

Regardless of the fact that the Allied Forces of the princes are still attacking Huguan, they will return to Jizhou. He understands that this army was trained by Lu Bu and is extremely powerful on the battlefield. Facts have proved that the Youzhou Army is indeed on the battlefield of Jizhou. Shine.

As if seeing Liu Bei's concern, Zhuge Liang said: "Lord, although Jin Marquis is tough, but Yizhou has a large population and sufficient food and grass, as long as the elites are trained, He worry will not be able to seize Jingzhou in the future, and he will not be able to calm the rebels in Chang'an."

On the surface, Liu Bei naturally wanted to call Lv Bu the Marquis of Jin. However, in the dark, officials and generals knew exactly what it was called. Such things as the king can be done.

"Lord, Jin Hou announced that the world was king in order to fight against the Han Dynasty. Now Cao Cao has Liu Cong in his hands, Yizhou has a saint, and the two sides occupy the righteousness, while Sun Ce and Lu Bu are nominally weak. After Lu Bu became king, this situation could change dramatically." Zhuge Liang said.

If the same thing happened to Liu, he would also persuade Liu Bei to become king. Only after the civilian officers and generals under his command see hope, they would follow. Otherwise, why should he let his subordinates follow? The civil servants and military commanders did their best.

People are selfish. If they have enough benefits, even brothers can turn against each other, let alone the officials and generals under the rule.

Liu Bei said: "In any case, Lu Bu is provoking the Han Dynasty when he becomes king."

"The lord must not be at odds with the Marquis of Jin at this time. Not only can he not make an order to scold him, he must send someone to congratulate him, so as to demonstrate his identity as a Marquis of Jin." Zhuge Liang said.

Liu Bei meditated for a while, nodded and agreed. Lu Bu represents the powerful force among the princes. At present, other princes are also mainly making good friends with Lu Bu.

After the two talked for a long time, Liu Bei got up and said: "Kong Ming will recover his injuries first, and then return to the general's mansion after the injuries healed."

"Here." Zhuge Liang arched his hands.

After Liu Bei left, Zhuge Liang looked at the injury on his left arm and thought about the assassination that night. He was also a little afraid. If he hadn't paid more attention to Shi's direction at the time, I am afraid that this arrow could kill him. Zhuge Liang was deeply jealous of the strength of these assassins, and at the same time he understood why Fazheng had arranged a large number of guards around the mansion after returning to Yizhou from Jiameng Pass. Fazheng had definitely noticed this in advance. , Meng Da, the guard at Jiameng Pass, was assassinated in Jiameng Pass.

This kind of thing made Zhuge Liang more curious about the assassins under Lu Bu's command, but since Liu Bei handed over the important task of training the assassins to him, he would do his best to accomplish it. After he took control of these elite forces in the dark, His position under Liu Bei's command will be more stable. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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