Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1538: : The Mo Dao Thing

After seeing Lv Bu as King of Jin, Mi Zhu still treated him with the same easy-going attitude as before, which relieved him a lot. After people have power and status, some changes will inevitably occur. As a subordinate, he naturally has to be more cautious.

"The lord, the messengers of the three parties, really went to the Chamber of Commerce to ask for Modao, all for the subordinates to shirk." Mi Zhu said.

Lu Bu said: "Among the princes, there are also craftsmen who can build hundreds of steel-smelting weapons, but the price of building these weapons is a bit heavier. From Zizhong's point of view, if they are sold by Modao, the price is the most appropriate. ?"

"Master, Modao is an important thing in the army. If sold to other princes, wouldn't it make the princes more powerful?" Mi Zhu asked in surprise.

Lu Bu said: "Even if the prince did not sell the Modao to the princes, wouldn't they be able to imitate it? Since the prince sold the Modao to the princes, he naturally has a way to deal with them. In exchange for the Modao, he must use rice grains. In exchange, if the craftsmen of the princes master the method of forging by hundred steel-making, the price of Modao will inevitably fall."

Mi Zhu nodded. The reason why Mo Dao is mysterious is also related to Lu Bu's protection, but the shape of Mo Dao will inevitably be revealed. He instantly understood Lu Bu's thoughts and couldn't help asking: "Lord, is it this year? Will there be war?"

Lu Bu said: "That's the case, otherwise why is the prince so urgently in need of food and grass, and now Qingzhou and Jizhou have gradually stabilized, but the supply of food and grass is not much. By next year, Jizhou will be able to provide enough for the army. Grain and grass, the people of the three supplementary land are gradually stabilizing, and their demand for food and grass will be reduced a lot."

Mi Zhu handed his hands: "The subordinates will definitely try their best to raise more food and grass."

The stronger Lu Bu's strength is, the more the officials under his rule will get.

"Master, in the opinion of his subordinates, Modao can be sold for ten thousand dollars." Mi Zhu said.

Lu Bu's face was surprised. Although it took a lot of effort to build the Modao compared to an ordinary weapon, there was not much difference in the materials used.

"The princes need Modao, why not take the opportunity to bring greater benefits to Chang'an. As the lord said, if the princes can create a Modao, they will definitely not go to Chang'an to buy the Modao." Mi Zhu said.

"Well, Zizhong will be responsible for this matter, but we must not disclose what our army will fight this year." Lu Bu said.

"Here." Mi Zhu arched his hands.

The princes may have noticed something from Lu Bu's large amount of preparations for grain and grass, but as the situation has just stabilized today, Lu Bu will definitely not take action against the princes of the Central Plains, at most it will only be armed with Liangzhou.

Liangzhou was a chaotic place in the eyes of the princes. The most important thing was the disaster of the Qiang people. The Protector of the Western Regions didn’t have much respect for the big man. This is good news. Even after Lu Bu took over Liangzhou, it would not help much to improve the power of governance.

After the war in Liangzhou, the people did not survive the war. After getting Liangzhou, with Lu Bu's character, they will definitely pay a greater price to transform Liangzhou. As long as Lu Bu does not focus on the Central Plains, they can feel at ease.

"Zizhong, now that Zhen'er is pregnant, please go and have a look." Lu Bu said.

Mi Zhu handed over and said, Mi Zhen had Lu Bu's child, which was a great encouragement for the Mi family. The child could stabilize Mi Zhen's position in the palace, which also made the Mi family less worried about the family under Lu Bu's rule. Although settled down, there will still be fights secretly for profit. It is because of this level of identity that the Mi family avoids losses in many fights.

Lu Bu can naturally understand the thoughts of governing officials. He also knows why the Mi Family will help him so hard. The biggest reason is because of Mi Zhen.

"Master, the news about Xiao Mu has been found out." Dian Wei walked into the room and said in a low voice.

Lu Bu smiled after reading it: "I didn't expect this Xiao Mu to be Xiao Yan's beloved son."

When Mi Zhu returned to the Chamber of Commerce to release the news, the excitement of the tripartite envoys could be imagined. Mo Dao was the most important task for their trip.

However, when Mi Zhu revealed the price of Modao, the messengers of the three parties showed hesitation. After all, the price of Modao is too expensive. If Modao can be sold at the same price as a hundred steel knives, they will buy it without hesitation. Thousands, but one thousand Mo Dao is enough to buy three thousand Hundred Steel Knives, making the three messengers a little depressed.

After temporarily agreeing, the news from Chang'an was transmitted back at an extremely fast speed, and Mo Dao needed rice grains in exchange for it, so that the messengers of the three parties felt an extraordinary taste from this incident.

Chang'an Medical Center, formerly known as Jinyang Medical Center, when Lu Bu shifted the focus of his treatment to Chang'an Most of the doctors in the medical center also came to Chang'an, and even the name of the medical center was changed. Chang'an Medical Center.

After Wang Yue was injured in the assassination method in Yizhou, he stayed in the Chang'an Medical Center. After Hua Tuo watched it in person, Lu Bu was relieved. Wang Yue has shown him in every action. the value of.

The more successful the assassination of the king in this trip, the promotion of his position, he is also more happy. What he yearns most is power, but now under Lu Bu's command, he has got what he wants and has become a pivotal figure. Wei's identity is not on the bright side, and now no one knows that he Wang Yue served under Lu Bu's command, and he was even more frightened when he talked about him.

Wang Yue is already quite satisfied with the current situation. After the assassination Fazheng was injured, he also felt that he was old. When dealing with some emergencies, it was much worse than when he was young, but this is not the case. He couldn't dispel his fighting spirit, and now Lü Bu has been promoted to the king, and if he goes further, he is a minister from the dragon, which is too temptation for an official.

During this period of time in the hospital, Wang Yue gradually calmed down after his initial excitement. He began to recall what happened in the past. It was his daughter Wang Ying who most assured Wang Yue. After getting old, the same can also find that there are too many mistakes in what I have done in the past.

In the beginning, for fame and gain, Wang Yue did not visit his wife when he was seriously ill. His daughter left him in anger. When he first learned about this, Wang Yue did not feel that he was doing something wrong, because he was about to become an emperor. What a prestigious position, and although Wang Ying has some martial arts, after all, it is her daughter's home, and she will come back sooner or later. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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