Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1539: : Father and daughter recognize each other

However, Wang Yue ignored Wang Ying's character. Wang Ying, who has been practicing martial arts since she was a child, is extremely decisive in character and will not change the decision easily.

His eldest disciple Shi A liked Wang Ying’s things. Wang Yue naturally saw that. For Shi A, Wang Yue was extremely satisfied. He wanted to wait for the marriage of the two to be settled after becoming an emperor. Who Knowing that such a thing happened unexpectedly.

And Shi A has not married yet, which is also the most regrettable thing in Wang Yue's heart. For Shi A, he admires Shi A very much. Even when he was at his most desperate, Shi A would not leave and follow his orders.

The door creaked open, interrupting Wang Yue's thoughts.

"Commander Wang, it's time to take medicine."

However, Wang Yue stared at the visitor with scorching eyes, and his expression was a little excited.

"Ying'er, is that you?" Wang Yue murmured.

The visitor didn't seem to see the emotional Wang Yue, and walked over with the medicine.

Wang Yue's expression suddenly became even more agitated. "Ying'er, don't you recognize your father?"

"Isn't the king leader greedy for the power in his hands now?" the woman said lightly, she did not expect that Wang Yue would be able to recognize her.

Wang Yue looked at the woman in front of her with scorching eyes, showing a kind smile, "For my father, I know Yinger won't run around."

The woman showed a look of disgust and snorted coldly: "I wouldn't have come if I hadn't learned that you were injured by an arrow."

"Since Ying'er is back, don't leave." Wang Yuedao, the older people are, the more they seem to be inseparable from their relatives. Wang Yue was so energetic when he was young. It can be said that as long as you know Wang Yue Yes, all praise, but as I grow older, I miss my family more and more.

"Commander Wang, the concubine is just coming back for a look, and will leave later." The woman concealed the excitement in her expression very well.

Wang Yue said, "Ying'er, when you come back, don't leave. Shi A has been waiting for you for so many years, so don't you have the heart to let him wait like this?"

The woman was hesitant. She didn’t know Shi A’s love for him, but he couldn’t forgive Wang Yue’s actions back then. He would not have come to meet him if he hadn’t learnt about Wang Yue’s injury. Originally, I wanted to leave immediately after watching Wang Yue. Who knew Wang Yue would recognize her at a glance.

"Whether you want me to stay, you have to make amends in front of your mother." Wang Ying finally let out a sigh of relief. He knew that it would be extremely difficult for Wang Yue to say this, but he thought of his mother back then. Being seriously ill, Wang Yue failed to even go home once for his own fame and fortune, and he still felt uncomfortable in his heart.

But when Wang Ying didn't understand, her mother told her not to blame Wang Yue for this.

Wang Yue's face was embarrassed. "Back then, your mother was very ill. It was not that I didn't want to go back, but the affairs of the court were busy. How could the affairs of the family be more important than the affairs of the court."

"Mother is seriously ill, don't you even have time to come back once? Even if you become an emperor, what can you do?" Wang Ying's depressed emotions broke out completely. These things have always been she wanted to confront Wang Yue face to face. "You became an emperor, what happened afterwards? Don't you still return home sadly, if it weren't for the invitation of the Jin Hou, Wang Tongling is still at home now."

"You..." Wang Yue's complexion flushed, Wang Ying's remarks can be said to be his pain point. As the emperor of the great Han, his identity is so prominent, but he did not receive the attention of the princes and acted too much. The injury of his left arm was severely affected, and the painful brow was frowned.

There was a trace of worry on Wang Ying's face, she concealed it well, and said coldly: "Why, commander Wang asked the little girl to talk about the pain?"

"Ying'er, don't mess around and come back." In the end, Wang Yue's tone still softened.

"If you want me to go back, Commander Wang will make sacrifices. I wonder if Commander Wang is willing to give up his current fame and fortune?" Wang Ying said.

Wang Yue was silent when he heard the words, and said for a long time: "Ying'er, if I gave up my current fame and fortune for my father, how can I get a foothold in Chang'an? The people under Jin Hou's rule are living well, that's because Ying'er didn't see life. The poor people do not mean that everyone can live without worrying about food and clothing. After his father arrived in Jinyang, he stepped up to where he is today. Do you know how much you have paid?"

"Is fame and fortune so good? It's worth your life?" Wang Ying asked.

Wang Yuechang sighed, "Ying'er, you don't understand."

The conversation between the two suddenly reached a deadlock, but now that Wang Ying appeared in front of Wang Yue, she naturally had the idea of ​​wanting to return to Wang Yue's side, but thinking of Wang Yue's behavior back then, her heart still remained. It's just a little angry.

"Ying'er, have you been in Chang'an all these years?" Wang Yue asked, breaking his silence.

After the silence, Wang Ying seemed to have become much calmer, and she narrated her experience over the years.

It turned out that when Wang Ying first left home, she wandered through the rivers and lakes, and she could live with a hand of swordsmanship. However, she gradually felt that this kind of life had no fun, and the people in Yuzhou and other places suffered. No receipt, she went to Jinyang with the people, and then entered the Jinyang Medical Center.

In his early years, he was literate, and Wang Ying was clever to establish himself in the medical hall.

"I've been wronged Yinger these years, and now you are under the command of King Jin." Wang Yue said.

Wang Ying snorted coldly: "Whether Jin Wang is not Jin Wang, the little girl just thinks that Chang'an is acceptable."

"In front of outsiders, don't talk nonsense. The honor of the king of Jin is something I can talk about." Wang Yue said with a serious face.

"Got it." Wang Ying showed impatience.

"So Ying Er intends to return to the father's side?" Wang Yue said with joy.

Wang Ying's face was struggling. She wandered for too long and really wanted to return to Wang Yue. This was also the reason why she didn't hold back coming after learning that Wang Yue was injured. After nothing happened, he quietly left, but he didn't expect it to evolve into the current situation.

"Father, I..." Wang Ying was not eloquent.

Wang Yue smiled and said: "Ying'er, I will be by my father's side from now on, and I will ask King Jin to marry you and Shi A for my father."

Wang Ying's face was flushed. When she appeared in front of Wang Yue, her heart was softened, and her blood was dissolved in water. Anyway, Wang Yue was his father. After learning that Wang Yue was injured, he was still very nervous.

"Shi, how long do you want to stay outside?" Wang Yue's mood was also particularly comfortable.

Shi A pushed open the door and walked in, his face was reddish. It was obvious that he had just heard Wang Yue's words. When Wang Ying saw this scene, he glared at Wang Yue and hid his face and fled. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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