Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1540: : Gift marriage

"Haha, the girl's face is thin, just now, do you have other ideas?" Wang Yue asked with a smile.

Shi A hurriedly shook his head and said, "The disciple will obey the master's order."

"For many years, you have been by your side as your teacher, and you have been wronged with a good martial arts." Wang Yue said.

Shi A hurriedly said: "The disciple is willing to stay with the master. The disciple's martial arts was taught by the master."

Wang Yue nodded slightly, not only was Shi A already very high in swordsmanship, but he was also a person who knew the rewards of grace. This kind of character is what Wang Yue admired most.

"Let's go, help as a teacher to the Jin Dynasty Palace." Wang Yue said.

Shi A doubted: "Why did you go to the Jin Dynasty Palace?"

Wang Yue smiled and said, "Of course it is to let King Jin give the marriage. Do you want to marry Yinger home like this?"

Shi A's face was flushed, but his heart was full of joy.

"It's a pity, if you have the head of Zhuge Villager, you will definitely get a greater reward." Wang Yue sighed.

"The disciple is incompetent and failed to complete the assassination." Shi A looked guilty.

Wang Yue waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I must give us the master and apprentice for the thin face of King Jin."

Seeing Shi A and Wang Yue walking into the hall, Lu Bu hurriedly got up.

"Meet King Jin." The two paid homage.

Lu Bu helped Wang Yue up and said, "The commander Wang was injured, not resting in the hospital. If there is something to do, let people tell Dian Wei to speak, so why not come here in person."

"King Jin, his subordinates are here today, but there is something that disturbs King Jin." Wang Yue handed his hands over, with excitement in his heart. From Lu Bu's attitude towards him, all he could feel was sincerity. Lu Bu didn't. It is extremely difficult for a monarch to change his attitude towards them because of the changes in his position. The more Wang is able to appreciate the psychological changes brought about by the promotion of his position, especially when Lu Bu is the king, then But apart from the emperor, the most prominent person.

"Commander Wang, please sit down. If you have something to say, it's okay." Lu Bu smiled. Wang Yue and Shi A have made great contributions to him for many years under his command.

Wang Yue said: "The subordinate has a beloved daughter named Wang Ying, who was separated many years ago, but now she has returned to her subordinates. The subordinate's beloved daughter and Shi-A are wishful thinking, and the subordinates dare to ask King Jin to marry him."

Lü Bu laughed and said: "It turns out that it is such a thing. It is a blessing that the daughter of the king commander can come back. This king has agreed."

"Thank you, King Jin." Wang Yue and Shi A got up and thanked them.

Lü Bu waved his hand and said: "It's all trivial things. Compared to the merits of the two masters and apprentices under the rule of the king, it is not worth mentioning."

After the three chatted for a while, Wang Yue got up and left.

Lu Bu felt a different breath from Wang Yue's body at this time. In the past, Wang Yue felt a bit cold, but now he is showing kindness.

A letter in front of him about the Western Regions Protector House was opened by Lu Bu. These news were all Han Sui's actions in Liangzhou.

Han Sui is a person who is unwilling to be lonely. It can be seen from his kidnapping Ma Teng and threatening Ma Chao that the war in Bingzhou was not very clear at that time, but he was standing by Lu Bu's side. This can be described as a gamble. If he wins, it means he can get more things. If he loses, he can only flee to another country. Facts have proved that Han Sui does have an extraordinary vision.

"Ling Han Sui, come to Chang'an." Lu Bu said.

Han Sui dare not come to Chang'an, but it is not within Lu Bu's consideration. He needs to know the situation of the Western Regions Protectorate and the situation of the Qiang people in Liangzhou in more detail. Liangzhou cannot continue to chaos like this, even if Guishuang Now there is no intention of attacking the big man, but it has to be guarded, and if Liangzhou continues to be chaotic like this, it will be extremely detrimental to Chang'an.

Since Han Sui chose to take refuge, he still had to follow Lu Bu's orders in some matters, and going to Chang'an would be a huge test for Han Sui.

When Han Sui helped Lv Bu to settle Ma Chao and Ma Teng, he returned to Jincheng, and while maintaining a good relationship with the Qiangs, he seized Zhangye County. Zhangye and Wuwei were the areas where the Qiangs were most active.

In fact, the Dahan wanted to abandon the entire Xiliang area, mainly because of the war with the Qiang people that year. The Dahan was exhausted to deal with it, and the treasury was empty for it. The heroic warfare of the Qiang people caused a lot of damage to the Dahan's army. As long as Liangzhou is abandoned, there is no need to worry about the Qiang people’s problems. However, they are opposed. No matter how chaotic Liangzhou is, it will be the rule of the Han, and the people of Liangzhou are the sons of the Han. Min, if you abandon Liangzhou because of the Qiang rebellion, how would people in the world think about it? Besides, there is no emperor who dares to bear such infamy. Other people.

The protracted war between Dahan and Qiang made Liangzhou even more barren.

Now the Qiang people are mainly active in Beidi County, and then Zhangye County and Jiuquan County. These people can be said to block the road from the Western Regions Duhu Mansion to But this is also why The country in the Western Regions is satisfied, and no one wants to bow down like this. Since the great Han can't eliminate the Qiang rebellion, they have enough reasons not to pay tribute to the great Han.

Faced with such a situation, Han Sui is not worried. Even though Han Sui is a man who does nothing to help his fame, he is from Liangzhou and has deep feelings for Liangzhou. As for Han Sui and Qiang There is a deep friendship between people. Is this really the case? If Han Sui does not have a good relationship with the Qiang, it means that he will pay a greater price when facing the Qiang. The soldiers of the Qiang are extremely brave when fighting. It can be said that they are desperate. Waiting for the army to appear on the battlefield is definitely a terrible thing.

Attaching to Lu Bu, didn’t Han Sui want to settle Liangzhou with Lu Bu’s hands. Liangzhou has been in chaos for too long. At the beginning, the big man fell into weakness because of the war in Liangzhou. He didn’t think Lu Bu would take such an easy move. Because Lu Bu's eyes should be placed above the world, Liangzhou is a barren land after all.

After receiving Lu Bu's order, Han Sui was slightly surprised. When Lu Bu came to the king of the Jin Dynasty, Han Sui sent Yan Xing to congratulate him. Not long after Yan Xing came back, Lu Bu called for something, which made Han Sui a little unclear.

"The lord, the king of Jin is calling at this time, is it because he wants to be disadvantageous to the lord, in the opinion of his subordinates, the lord should not go easily." Yan Xing persuaded.

Han Sui was silent for a long time and said: "The King of Jin definitely won't be disadvantageous to the official at this time. What Jin Marquis wants is a stable Liangzhou. If the official is killed in Chang'an, what turbulence will be caused in Liangzhou. King Jin is a smart person." The online service of real lady sister can help you find books and chat with you. Please Wechat/Search/Search Hot Net or rdww444 waiting for you~

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