Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1543: : Go to Chang'an

The first is to surrender to Lu Bu and become a courtier under Lu Bu. Perhaps he will become a pivotal figure under Lu Bu because of his great contribution to the suppression of Liangzhou. But in this way, he loses his military power. In these troubled times, once The loss of military power also means the loss of the right to speak before the princes. It will become an existence that can be slaughtered by others. This is exactly what Han Sui does not want. If the monarch is wise, he will have a good end, otherwise , The fate facing will be tragic.

Second, to fight against Lu Bu and unite the strength of the Qiang people may not be able to resist the army from Chang'an. But if this is the case, the two sides will become an endless situation. With Han Sui’s influence among the Qiang people, Wu The Qiang people in the capital and the north took the opportunity to rebel. As a result, Liangzhou would be caught in the flames of war again, but Han Sui did not have the slightest confidence in such a method, mainly because the strength of the army under Lu Bu was too strong, Xianbei Such powerful nations were all defeated under Lu Bu's iron cavalry, not to mention Liangzhou.

The third is to leave Liangzhou. This choice is the next option. It is not a last resort. No one is willing to leave the place where they have been operating for a long time. When they arrive in a new place, it means that everything has to start again.

Therefore, Han Sui is most likely to take refuge in Lu Bu or rebel against Lu Bu. As for uniting with Lu Bu, it has become impossible under the current situation, because Lu Bu’s forces no longer need an alliance, but need to be thorough. Surrender, Han Sui is quite clear on this point.

That night, Li Ru hosted a banquet in the prefect’s mansion and invited Han Sui. Although Zhao Fang was sitting in the prefect’s position, his expression was a little uncomfortable. Li Ru’s identity is absolutely confidential in Anding County, so most people think that , Zhao Yang is still the prefect of Anding and Beidi County, with a high position.

During the banquet, the ambitions staggered, and the military general Yang Qiu took advantage of his drinking spirit to dance his sword in the hall. It was quite vigorous and attracted everyone to befriend each other.

Han Sui said: "The official once heard that a poem by the king of Jin Dynasty, named Bingzhou Ci. From the perspective of the official, it would be more appropriate to change this poem to Liangzhou Ci."

"Oh? What does Wen Yue mean by this?" Li Ru asked, putting down the wine cup in his hand.

Although many generals looked at Li Ru with some doubts, they did not feel any abruptness in Li Ru's behavior. The main reason was that Li Ru, whether in civil servants or military commanders, had a prestige that ordinary people could hardly match. On one point, Zhao Yang is much weaker than Li Ru.

Han Sui smiled and said: "This is what the official said after drinking, you must not take it seriously, and you must be familiar with Zhou Ci."

"The grape wine luminous cup, if you want to drink the pipa, immediately remind it; Lord drunk lying in the battlefield, how many people will fight back in ancient times?"

Bingzhou Ci was widely circulated among literati, but it was the first time that many military commanders heard this. After hearing these poems, many military commanders were moved in their hearts. As military commanders, why not this is the case, although many military commanders and Lu Bu I have never met, but I have felt the helplessness of being a military commander from this poem. Perhaps the best destination for a military commander is to die on the battlefield.

"First of all, the grape wine is owned by the Changshi Mansion of the Western Regions. It was once a great man, but there are not many that can be preserved. The luminous cup was created by the Jin Hou, and it is the moonlight cup in the hands of the Changan merchants. In this case, this term should be changed to Liangzhou Ciye, the grape wine is produced in Liangzhou." Han Sui said.

Li Ru smiled and said: “After meeting King Jin, it’s not too late to talk about this.” He naturally wouldn’t talk about whether this is appropriate in the public. The current relationship between Han Sui and Lu Bu is not in the superior, but in the superior. United, but he is Lu Bu's subordinate.

However, this does not prevent the civilian officers and generals in the field from being fond of this word, especially the generals. This word can better show the generals in the army.

After the banquet dissipated, Han Sui was unable to fall asleep in the room for a long time. He already felt that the crisis was approaching. Anding County and Beidi County were under the control of Lu Ru in secret. Once he confronted Lu Bu, he could imagine it. What kind of end there is, Lu Bu will not allow the existence of forces against him in Liangzhou, and maybe Lu Bu will attack Liangzhou in the next step.

If Lu Bu did not shift the focus of his governance to Chang'an, he might be able to continue to maintain an alliance relationship with Lu Bu, but now that Lu Bu has moved to Chang'an, Liangzhou’s role has been highlighted, and no monarch is willing to be threatened. , Especially a powerful monarch like Lu Bu, once the time is right, he will seize Liangzhou, and the same thing will be put on him, and he will choose like this.

On the side of the couch, how can it be allowed to sleep soundly!

Three days later, Li Ru and Han Sui went to Chang'an together. The number of soldiers who accompanied them reached 300, and they looked mighty and mighty along the way.

What surprised Han Sui was that the road from Anding County to Chang'an was actually a concrete road. The concrete road was the most obvious sign under Lü Bu's However, the construction of a concrete road would cost a lot of money. But it is not small, and it is said that after Lu Bu's battle, the captured prisoners were used to build concrete roads. There are still many construction teams in Lu Bu's hands, including soldiers from Xianbei, Wuhuan and princes.

"The concrete road is really much more comfortable than the ordinary road." Inside the carriage, Han Sui said with emotion.

Li Ru smiled and said: "The Marquis of Jin has ordered the construction of concrete roads from Anding County to Jincheng County, Wuwei County, and Zhangye County, all the way to the Changshi Mansion of the Western Regions."

Han Sui's heart moved. From the construction of the road, he could feel Lu Bu's ambition. It seems that Lu Bu not only wanted to pacify Liangzhou, but also wanted to bring the Western Regions Changshi Mansion into his hands, which is no longer the situation in the Western Regions Changshi Mansion. The big Han can control it, and the big Han officials in the Western Regions Long History Mansion no longer exist.

Han Sui has been in Liangzhou for many years, and he still has a certain understanding of the situation in the Western Regions Long History Mansion.

"The ambition of King Jin cannot be compared to my generation." Han Sui said.

"In fact, if Brother Wenyue is to take refuge in King Jin, why not be re-used. Brother Wenyue is a talented person. What King Jin values ​​most is the talents like Brother Wenyue. Liangzhou has been in chaos for many years. Brother Wenyue As a person in Liangzhou, don't you want to restore stability in Liangzhou?" Li Ru said suddenly.

Han Sui frowned. Recently, he was indeed thinking about this issue. When it comes to military strength, Lu Bu's subordinates can definitely be described as being strong. When talking about counsellors and officials, Lv Bu also cannot be underestimated, whether in strength or strength. As for counsellors, he was always at a disadvantage, just like Li Ru in front of him, Han Sui was extremely jealous. It was Li Ru's strategy that made Ma Teng a strange place. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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