Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1544: : Heartbeat

So far, Han Sui cannot forget the tragic situation in Jixian County under the flood, and how many people have suffered because of it, but this incident seems to Li Ru to be a common occurrence. If he is an opponent of these characters, it can be. I want to know what kind of crisis it will face.

"This matter is very important, even if the official agrees, there are still many soldiers under his command." Han Sui said.

Li Ru smiled and said: "Brother Wen Yue is too cautious. How could King Jin be a narrow-minded person? Brother Wen Yue must have known that the counselors under King Jin, Jia Xu and Li Su, were officials under Dong Zhuo's command. After taking refuge in King Jin, he was reused. Now Jia Xu is even the first counselor under King Jin. He has a high position and is trusted by the King."

"Gu Yong is from Jiangdong, Chen Tian is from Youzhou, Xu Rong is also under Dong Zhuo, and Tian Yu is under Gongsun Zan. All these are enough to see the broad mind of the King Jin and the talent of his brother. If you are under the command of King Jin, you will become the shepherd of a state in the future."

Han Sui's heart moved. Li Ru gave these examples and he understood them. Now, if they think together in one place, it always gives people a feeling of heartbeat. Han Sui asked himself that there is not much difference between the talents of these people.

"Brother Wen Yue thinks that King Jin will always be King Jin failed?" Li Ru lowered his voice.

Han Sui wondered: "What does Brother Lu mean?"

"And today the son is unknown, the Han family is dark and weak, and there are two emperors. Otherwise, how can the King of Jin be the king? If we talk about the strength of the power, who can compare with the King of Jin in the world, given time, wait for the King of Jin After the rule is stable, hundreds of thousands of soldiers will be enough to sweep the world." Li Rudao.

These words set off stormy waves in Han Sui's heart. He is an ambitious person, so the more powerful princes must also be ambitious. In this way, Lu Bu is very likely to become the highest position person, so take refuge After Lu Bu, the future achievements can be imagined, and from Lu Bu's body, Han Sui felt the possibility of success, and Han Sui was moved at this moment.

Unlike Dong Zhuo of the past, although Lv Bu now feels tyrannical, he is not like Dong Zhuo when he treats civilians and generals under his rule. The people don’t need to mention Lv Bu. However, Lv Bu’s reputation among the aristocracy is too great. Bad, this is a big flaw.

"The king of Jin is powerful, looking at the princes of the world, no one can compare, even the original leader of the princes, Yuan Shao, was defeated in his hands." Han Sui sighed. Before Lu Bu attacked Qingzhou, Yuan Shao had sent people into the city to unite with him. , But it was because Han Sui refused, because from Yuan Shao, Han Sui did not feel the hope of winning. In the confrontation between Lu Bu and Yuan Shao, he was more optimistic about Lu Bu, so he was the key to the allied forces attacking Bingzhou. I always chose Lu Bu, and it turns out that his choice was correct.

Li Ru nodded and said, "Brother Wen Yue can see here, so he must have made a decision."

"Liangzhou has been turbulent for too long, and someone needs to break the current situation." Li Rudao, he also has deep feelings for Liangzhou. Dong Zhuo rose from Liangzhou back then. He has a huge reputation in Liangzhou. Dong Zhuo is extremely respectful.

Whether it is Li Ru, Han Sui or Jia Xu, naturally they hope that Liangzhou can stabilize. They are all Liangzhou people.

After arriving in Chang'an, Han Sui and Li Ru were surprised by the great changes in Chang'an. With the continuous efforts of the construction team, the city wall has been repaired. The traces of the war have almost been repaired. The new city gate and the heavy city wall have been repaired. The people and businessmen who came and went, gave people a feeling of prosperity. When he went to Jinyang that year, Li Ru had the same feeling.

The shock in Han Sui's heart was the greatest. He knew exactly what Chang'an was like at the beginning. After a short period of time, Chang'an had undergone earth-shaking changes.

From a distance, Chang'an is like a giant, giving people the feeling of looking up. Even if the defending army is only ten thousand people, the 100,000 army can never easily take it down. It is just the width of the moat. Hunger can make people feel desperate.

"Go into the city." Li Rudao, the more powerful Lu Bu showed up under his rule, the more benefits he brought, and after he left Anding County, it meant that he would come to Lu Bu's under his command, and provide advice and stability for Lu Bu. The prefect of the county will be sent by officials from the Chang'an Mansion.

In fact, if Li Ru recommends Zhao Yang as prefect, Chang’an Prefecture will definitely respect Li Ru’s opinions. However, what Li Ru feels from Zhao Yang’s restless thoughts is that Zhao Yang had absolutely respected his Niu Fu before. However, after occupying Anding County, he found that Zhao Yang was gradually changing. The strength represented by the Zhao family was even more of a powerful family. This situation was most feared by Lu Bu. He understood that under Lu Bu's rule The aristocratic family cannot be so strong, and the Zhao family will be unlucky sooner or Of course, if Zhao Yang can abandon the current interests, it may not be able to protect the family, but once people are greedy to a certain degree, they will Will not be aware of the danger of approaching, and will not easily stop.

After Li Ru and Han Sui entered the city, Lu Bu got the news. Lu Bu had already learned about Han Sui’s stay in Anding County. Even Han Sui’s remarks at the Prefect’s Mansion were passed down to Lu Bu in detail. Lu Bu laughed off this incident.

Han Sui is the most important factor affecting the stability of Liangzhou. At the beginning, Han Sui was placed in Liangzhou to allow Han Sui to further stabilize Liangzhou. It is best to conflict with the Qiang people. However, under the deterrence of Han Sui's powerful strength The Qiang did not have a rebellion, but shrank in Jiuquan County and Zhangye County. At this time, the strength of the Qiang people cannot be underestimated. The reason why they contracted their power was also that they had lost too much by competing with the Han’s army. More troops.

If the Qiang people are allowed to develop, they will become a threat to the existence of the big man in the future.

Lu Bu will not allow this to happen. As for the abandonment of Liangzhou, it is even more impossible. After a country shows weakness, the negative impact will be huge. If Liangzhou is lost, these Qiang people may look at it. It is hard to satisfy the ambition to invest in the land of Sansuke, and even the states and counties of the Central Plains. The best way is to beat these Qiangs to the ground, so that they dare not have the slightest ambition, and officials who face the Han people dare not. The slightest violation.

Lu Bu knew the reason why the Qiang people rebelled back then. The Qiang people at that time were undoubtedly pitiful. However, the pitifulness of the Qiang people has gradually turned into hateful. The current situation in Liangzhou is largely It is because of the Qiang people. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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