Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1546: : Great Army

Han Sui did not neglect Pang Tong's appearance because of his ugliness. After he reached his position, he was even more cautious when acting. Lu Bu's ability to accompany Pang Tong was enough to see the importance of Pang Tong under Lu Bu. , Han Sui also heard about Pang Tong.

"Brother Shiyuan, can you go to the army to watch it in detail?" Han Sui said, after having such a title, he could clearly feel that the relationship between the two was getting closer.

Pang Tong nodded and said, "Of course it is possible."

The training method of the sergeant soldier opened his eyes to Han Sui. He had never encountered many things before. Li Ru also had the same experience. He had been in the army for a long time, but it was the first time he entered the army. He was curious. Not at all weaker than Han Sui.

"This is the most common infantry under King Jin's command. There are three thousand men for one, and one hundred cavalry men are used as scouts." Pang Tongdao.

After reading it briefly, Han Sui was a little surprised. From the most ordinary soldiers, he felt the high morale. If such a team appeared on the battlefield, it would definitely be a terrifying existence. He even suspected Pang Tong. Is deliberately exaggerating.

As if seeing the doubts in Han Sui’s mind, Pang Tong explained: “Perhaps the two of you don’t know much about the army under King Jin’s account. If King Jin ordered 10,000 soldiers to be recruited, the number of soldiers sent to Chang'an would be average. It will reach 15,000. That is to say, out of the 15,000, only 10,000 can stay. The surplus 5,000 will be eliminated in training and want to become soldiers in the army. It is not a simple matter. Soldiers in the army will receive monthly salaries. Of course, after becoming a full-fledged soldier, only those who have just joined the army can become soldiers after three months of training."

Han Sui knew about some of the conditions of Lu Bu's soldiers. As for the detailed information, he did not have a thorough understanding. Not only Han Sui, but other princes would not say that they had been trained from the young and strong when they were recruiting. When making selections, when they conscript, they are more forced to conscript. How could it be possible to incorporate the people’s ideas into it.

"Whenever the king of Jin ordered conscription, the people under the rule enthusiastically participated. After they became soldiers, they would not only receive salary, but also improve their relatives' treatment, such as not having to pay taxes for five years." Pang Tong said slowly.

"If this is the case, where do the food and grass needed by the Jin king's army come from?" Han Sui asked in doubt.

Pang Tong smiled and said: "Just a businessman, the harvest he can bring to King Jin every year is enough to support the army. Moreover, not all people can send their children to the army. The army also has The presence of farm troops can greatly relieve the pressure on the grain and grass."

Han Sui was full of admiration in his heart. Such courage and methods are unimaginable on him. What follows is how powerful a lieutenant soldier will burst into combat when he is a soldier in the army. Don't worry about what's behind them, they will have no scruples on the battlefield.

Both Li Ru and Han Sui were silent, and the reality made it difficult for them to react for a while.

"This is a famous camp. The sergeant receives three times the treatment of ordinary soldiers. Anyone who can enter it is definitely the elite of the generals. The leader of the camp is General Gaoshun, a fierce general under King Jin’s account. The blades used by the sergeant are all forged from 100-smelting steel." Pang Tongdao.

From the soldiers in the trapped camp, Han Sui and Li Ru felt quiet, deadly quiet. This situation shouldn’t happen to the soldiers in the military sergeant, but the trapped camp did not violate the peace. The feeling, behind this quiet, hidden must be terrible fighting power.

Li Ru couldn't help but look at the trapped camp. At the beginning, the flying bear army was blocking the trapped camp. Lu Bu was able to gradually gain a foothold from the First World War outside Luoyang City, and was inseparable from the wolf riding and trapped camps. Relationship.

After the introduction all the way, it was too late, but Han Sui was even more silent. If he suspected that there was an exaggeration between Pang Tong’s words at the beginning, after watching the small army, this doubt has already It's completely gone.

Han Sui has no doubt about Lu Bu's defeat of the Qiang people. The Qiang people have outstanding strength and are extremely brave in battle. However, they have outstanding personal strength but they don't have much strategy. This is also the Qiang people's fear of him. For the sake of.

Strategy is crucial on the battlefield. In many cases, it can even change the outcome of a war.

That night, Lv Bu hosted a banquet in the palace and invited Han Sui and Li Ru. During the banquet, he was naturally accompanied by important civil servants and generals in Chang'an, which made Han Sui feel that Lv Bu attached great importance to him. Although Han Sui was in Liangzhou, he was very interested in Chang'an. The situation has not been relaxed, the other three princes are only stronger than him. However, when dealing with these messengers, Jia Xu or other officials are more responsible. As for the banquet, it is fundamental Impossible, this is also because of Lu Bu's tyrannical strength.

The next day, Han Sui went to the palace to visit Lu Bu, knowing that the time had come for him to make a choice.

Lu Bu didn't have the slightest surprise with Han Sui's arrival. If Han Sui couldn't even see this thing clearly, he couldn't have been in chaotic Liangzhou for so long.

"King Jin." Han Sui bowed his hands in a salute.

"Sit down, there are only you and me." Lu Bu said.

"Thank you Jin Wang." Han Sui saluted again.

After taking his seat, Lu Bu said: "This is the king's study, and it is also a proof that the king is gradually becoming stronger under the rule of the king. A few years ago, who would have thought that the king would have achieved what it is today."

"Jin Wang Yingming, the rest of the princes cannot be compared." Han Sui said, the books in the study really proved the progress of Lu Bu's strength. In the past, there would not be too many books in this large study, and now they are placed. The number of books in Jinyang Bookstore is precisely because of Jinyang Bookstore. Similarly, Jinyang Bookstore has brought a lot of benefits to Lu Bu, and after being powerful, he gets books that are difficult for others to see.

Literati in the world had to spend huge sums of money to buy Jin paper and books when they scolded Lu Bu for being covered with copper. , Also uses Jin paper.

"It's not this king who is wise, but it's the soldiers under his command. The civilians are united. Behind the strong, I know how much the king has paid. Presumably, I also know the letter." Lu Bu said: "The situation in Liangzhou is worrying now, and this king is impossible. Sit back and watch the Qiang people go on like this, and let Wenyue go to Liangzhou in the first place, not only to stabilize the situation in Liangzhou, but also to prepare for the smoothing of Liangzhou in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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