Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1547: : Han Sui Allegiance

Han Sui was silent for a long time and stood up and solemnly saluted: "Chen Han Sui paid homage to the lord."

Lv Bu smiled and said: "With a letter of help, why worry that the king of Japan can't beat Liangzhou."

After making the decision, Han Sui felt a lot more relaxed. After seeing the strength of the Chang'an army, he could no longer have the thought of confronting Lu Bu. Facing such a powerful army, even if he united with the Qiang people, the ultimate The end will also be a failure, and after that failure, it means that all previous efforts will be passed away. Chang'an's army is only part of Lu Bu's strength, and there are elite cavalry on the grassland.

After taking refuge in Lu Bu, he will not lose his fame and fortune, and Li Ru's persuasion has played a vital role.

"Wen has been in Liangzhou for many years. I don't know what to think of the current situation in Liangzhou?" Lu Bu asked. Han Sui's refuge was within his expectations. When Han Sui was in Liangzhou, he had already concluded that Han Sui would gradually move closer to him. , When a person shows too strong strength, it will make it difficult for others to produce resistance.

Han Sui was silent for a moment and said: "Now in Liangzhou, the lord owns the four counties of Longxi, Wudu, Anding, and Beidi, and the subordinates control Hanyang, Jincheng, Wuwei and Zhangye. It seems that most of Liangzhou has been occupied. In fact, Liangzhou Qiangdi is divided into more than 30 kinds. They are now even scattered in Wudu County, Longxi County, Beidi County, Wuwei County, and Jincheng County. In fact, Zhangye County and Jiuquan County have gathered the most Qiang people today. It seems that it has become the foundation of the Qiang people."

"The Qiang tribes are powerful. Although their numbers are not large, the soldiers are extremely crazy on the battlefield. Now, among these Qiang people, the first Qiang people have zero Qiang, participated in wolf Qiang, burned He Qiang, Dian Na Qiang, and white horse. Qiang’s strength is the strongest. At the beginning, Beigong Boyyu was the leader of the Qiang people. After beheaded for his subordinates, although the Qiang people had been chaotic for a period of time, the Beigong seal among the Qiang people is now an extremely powerful existence."

"Is there a connection between Beigongfeng and Beigong Boyu?" Lu Bu asked.

Han Sui nodded and said: "Bei Gong Feng and Bei Gong Boyu are of the same clan, but there is a discord between Bei Gong Feng and Bei Gong Boyu. After Bei Gong Boyu died, he once gave Bei Gong Feng the power of Baima Qiang. However, Beigongfeng is a remarkable figure. Since taking charge of the White Horse Qiang, he has gradually grown. The princes seldom focus on Liangzhou in the battle. Beigongfeng led the White Horse Yiqiang to grow stronger in Liangzhou, and now it is even more so. Became the leader of the Qiang people in Liangzhou, sitting on most of Jiuquan County and Zhangye. If only this is the case, the disaster of the Qiang people is not a concern. The most important thing is that the tribes of the Qiang people are scattered among the counties of Liangzhou. Once the two sides go to war, Liangzhou will inevitably fall into turmoil."

"Bei Gongfeng is a smart person. He is unwilling to fight against his subordinates, but secretly shows good. In fact, the strength of the Qiang people has grown stronger in these years. The Qiang people even stretched their tentacles to the Western Regions. Changshi Mansion, the merchants traveling to and from the big Han, passing through the territory of the Qiang people, all have to pay a large sum of money before they can leave." Han Sui said.

Lu Bu said: "I didn't expect Beigongfeng to have such a method, but Wudu County and Qiangdi in Longxi County showed no signs of rebellion."

"Lord, the reason that Qiangdi has not rebelled now is because he did not perceive the danger. Once the lord sets up troops to go, it will inevitably cause great turmoil in Qiangdi. The time for the Lord to fix Ma Chao was too short, and Qiangdi did not respond. Coming over, the Ma family had a high prestige in Qiangdi, and Ma Chao was even regarded as a divine and mighty general by Qiangdi.” Han Sui said, the Ma family was eradicated from Liangzhou in a thunderous manner, indeed. After eradicating a huge disaster, the Ma family's prestige among the Qiang people is higher than that of him.

Lu Bu frowned and said, "So, if you want to deal with Qiangdi, Liangzhou is bound to fall into turmoil?"

"Exactly, although Qiangdi is scattered, they are extremely united. If the leaders of Qiangdi gather in one place, they can hold more than 100,000 troops." Han Sui said.

A sharp look flashed in Lu Bu's eyes. The more powerful Qiangdi's strength in Liangzhou, the more he couldn't let Qiangdi continue to be so arrogant. Liangzhou could not go on like this. Lu Bu's goal was not just to calm the princes of the world. It is even more necessary to let the prestige of the army spread all over the surrounding areas. Sooner or later, Guishuang, Anxi, and the Roman Empire will meet him in battle, and the territory of the Han will be further expanded in his hands.

Since he intends to do it, he must be thorough. It can be seen from his dispatch of Ding Feng to lead the navy to the country of Japan. It can be seen that the country of Japan is rich in resources, and if it can be used by its own side, it will play a significant role in future wars. .

"Wenyue stay in Chang'an for the time being. After the king's soldiers and horses are mobilized, they will rush back to Liangzhou with the army." Lu Bu said slowly.

"Here." Han Sui handed his hands. He has already felt Lu Bu's determination from Lu Bu's words, but if he can completely calm the disaster in, it is also something for the military and civilians of Liangzhou. Fortunately, if he can play a key role in it, his position under Lu Bu's rule will definitely be greatly improved in the future.

The Qiang had more than 100,000 soldiers. Under the strong Chang'an army, it was very difficult to preserve. Lu Bu was not a weakened man at the beginning. He had a strong army.

After Han Sui left, Lu Bu ordered Li Ru to be summoned. Li Ru has been in Liangzhou for a long time. He must have a clear understanding of the situation in Liangzhou, and Li Ru is the key to pacifying Liangzhou. There are many alien races in Liangzhou. To treat these alien races, gentle methods are no longer needed. If you want these alien races to surrender, you must use stronger and more horizontal methods.

"Wenyou, what do you think of the situation in Liangzhou today?" Lu Bu asked directly.

Li Ru was silent for a moment and said: "Lord, Liangzhou has been in chaos for a long time. If you want to calm Liangzhou, Liangzhou will inevitably fall into greater turmoil. If the lord sends troops to attack Liangzhou, you should guard against Qiangdi in advance. "

Lu Bu said: "If the Qiangdi of Beidi County and Anding County are handed over to the army of Anding County and Beidi County, how many odds does Wenyou have?"

"Less than 50%." Li Rudao.

The Northland County and Anding County seem to be in his hands, but the power of Qiangdi cannot be ignored. If these people suddenly rebelled, it would definitely cause great turbulence to Anding County and Northland County. And Beidi County, Li Ru was also secretly implicated in Qiangdi, otherwise, would Qiangdi let Li Ru occupy the land of the two counties so easily.

"Less than 50%?" Lu Bu was a little surprised when he heard this. The combined army of Anding County and Beidi County totaled 6,000. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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