Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1548: : Li Ruzhiyan

Li Rudao: "My lord, although there are not many Qiangs in the two counties, the Qiangs are brave. If the Qiangs of the two counties are combined, there are tens of thousands of people. Although the armor of these Qiangs is lagging behind, Very brave in battle."

"If you send three thousand Xianbei cavalry to help, what is your chance of winning?" Lu Bu asked.

"Enough to put down the Qiang people." Li Ru said vowedly. Although the Qiang people are strong and they have a strong cavalry force, the addition of three thousand Xianbei cavalrymen is enough to defeat the Qiang people. There is a relationship between the Huns and the Qiang people. A lot of grievances, after the two sides meet, will definitely cause fierce battles, and there will be no such thing as keeping hands.

"Well, Benhou will let General Pound lead three thousand Xianbei cavalry at that time, and Niu Fu and Yang Qiu will follow Pound's orders." Lu Bu said.

"Here." Li Ru arched his hands.

"Wenyou has been working hard in Liangzhou these years, so let's stay with Benhou in the future." Lu Bu said.

"Here." Li Ru's expression was a bit agitated. Staying beside Lu Bu means that his efforts have been affirmed by Lu Bu. As a counselor, if he can't be by the side of the monarch, it will eventually give them a sense of unreliability. , The counsellor can only play a greater and huge role on the side of the monarch.

"The dispatch of troops to Liangzhou is a confidential matter, and this matter must not be spread outside." Lu Bu exhorted.

Li Ru formally entered the level of counselor beside Lu Bu. If he could play a huge role in the process of calming Liangzhou, his status under Lu Bu's rule would surely rise in the future.

Pang Tong's appearance was ugly, and Li Ru's complexion was hideous. At this time, among the counselors in Chang'an, it seemed a little weird. However, no one dared to ignore these two hideous and ugly counselors. Their existence, for the princes, It is bound to become a huge threat.

The seemingly stable Chang'an began a new movement. The army that had been silent for more than half a year began to mobilize. After the three thousand Xiongnu cavalry garrisoned in the surrendered city were ordered, under the leadership of Hu Chuquan, they rushed to Chang'an. Now Hu Chu Quan is already an important figure among the generals of the Han army. He has made Hu Chuquan vigorous with his achievements. Of course, when he was descended into the city, he did not dare to violate Xiao Yan's orders in the slightest, one of the three thousand cavalry soldiers. China has Han generals. For this, the Xiongnu’s cavalry did not reject it. The order of the Han generals is not much different from the order of Hu Chuquan. The Huns treat the Han as equals. The generals are more respectful, which is why Lu Bu assured the Huns to be stationed in the city of Shoujiang.

In the city of Shouyu, now there are not only the Huns, but also the Xianbei and a small number of Wuhuans. Among them, the most noble are the Huns. They occupy the most fertile grassland, and the strength of the tribe has increased rapidly. It's because of their dedication.

The Huns have a very high status in the city of Suffering. Although the Xianbei are not convinced at this point, they dare not act rashly. These Huns now have a lot of soldiers and horses. Of course, these soldiers and horses refer to the tribe. The soldiers and horses of Hu Chuquan led three thousand cavalry, among them were the Xianbei and Wuhuan people. The number of troops among the three thousand cavalry has become an important factor in measuring the strength of the three parties.

Although Xiao Yan had two thousand soldiers and horses in his hands, he was the most elite Han army. Under Lu Bu's order, many Han people moved to the city of Shoujiang. In the beginning, these people faced foreigners. , It is inevitable that there will be some fear, and finally they found that these aliens were the same fear when facing them, and gradually let go of the worries in their hearts.

In the city of Shouxiang, Han people have a high status, and intermarriage between Han and foreigners is supported. Even after intermarriage, foreigners can choose to accompany the Han people to live in Sené, which further increases the status of the Han people. .

The reason for this choice was to allow the Huns, Xianbei, and Wuhuan people to gradually ease the relationship with the Han people. After decades, regardless of each other, they truly control the grassland.

In dealing with these aliens, the officials of the Han people uphold fairness and justice, and will not levy and levy abuses on the tribes, and the tribes also select officials with higher prestige to supervise the Han people. Under such a system, they gradually treat the Han people. The officials developed trust.

Xiao Yan looked at the far away army. Although he was a little old, his expression was proud. Who could have imagined that the foreigner who had committed a lot of blood debts to the man would now become the sword in Lu Bu's hand. Facts proved that , Lu Bu’s actions are correct. Let these aliens rely on Succeed City, and gradually let them recognize the Han system and protect Succeed City. After a few years, no aliens can threaten the big Han. When they gradually After getting used to the life of the Han people, they will regard themselves as Han people.

Among the Xianbei, Xiongnu and Wuhuan, many merchants have also been born. Among their tribes, the most indispensable are the fur, cattle and sheep, which can be sold in the Han territory. As long as they follow the rules, not only will they not be embarrassed after entering the big man, but will be protected. Such businessmen are increasingly in the city.

Moreover, there are not a few big Han merchants going to the city of Suffering. In their eyes, the foreigners are rich and stupid. If there is no official intervention, only Jinjiu and other things can be sold in the city at twice the ordinary price. , Especially the patriarchs of the tribes, in the eyes of the merchants are the rich and powerful.

When there are more such things, the aliens are naturally prepared. They also have merchants. After going to the Dahan, they can also get things. In this way, the Dahan merchants dare not raise the price too much.

The number of merchants increased, and the prosperity in Shoujiang city followed. In the beginning, Shoujiang city was just a rudiment. After a large number of captives of princes and soldiers were sent in, the construction speed of Shoujiang city increased a lot. The captives will become the people of the surrendered city in the future.

Also as a prisoner, if it is an alien rebellion, the price to bear is not what the alien wants to see, but it can only be the fate of the prisoner in his life.

Betrayal was a common occurrence in Shoujiang City at first, and what Xiao Yan liked most was seeing foreigners rebelling, which meant that more young men could be produced to participate in the construction of Shoujiang City.

Xiao Yan is very satisfied with his current life. He even thought about being buried outside Shoujiang City after his death, watching the Shoujiang city become more and more prosperous under the governance of Han officials, and finally the aliens gradually disappeared. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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