Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1549: : Dispatch troops and generals

At the same time, Pound led three thousand Xianbei cavalrymen to Chang'an. Pound also handed over the power in Danhan Mountain to the officials of Bingzhou. Danhan Mountain has become a city of Han people, but he is going to lead the alien race. The human cavalry conquered the battlefield.

Like the cavalry in the surrendered city, among the three thousand cavalry, there were quite a few Wuhuan and Huns, but they were still dominated by the Xianbei cavalry. Pound did not prevent these cavalry from fighting normally, but during the war, If the three cavalry dared to violate the slightest, the consequences of violating the military order can be imagined.

Pound was a little excited when he learned that Lu Bu was going to send troops to Liangzhou. He had been in Liangzhou for many years and had a deep understanding of the current situation of the people in Liangzhou. The Qiang people were less kind than the Xianbei on the grassland. Where to go, the life of the Han people in the hands of the Qiang people is extremely miserable, and Pound had not low prestige among the Qiang people when he followed the horse and surpassed the Qiang people.

In Jizhou, after receiving the order, Zhang Yun led the Euphorbia to Chang'an with 10,000 Jizhou troops. Qingzhou’s soldiers and horses were not mobilized. Qingzhou has just settled down for less than a year, and it needs to be stabilized and needs recuperation.

Bingzhou also mobilized 20,000 soldiers and horses to Chang'an.

The Chang'an army, which had been silent for less than a year, began to fight again. The situation of the mobilization of troops and horses under Lu Bu's rule spread to the ears of the princes, and Liu Bei and Cao Cao were the most worried.

During the campaign last year, Lv Bu got out of the war very quickly, but Cao Cao had a stalemate with the Jingzhou Army for too long. If Lv Bu sent troops to seize other places in Sili at this time, Cao Jun would surely again. Be involved in the war.

Like Qingzhou, Cao Jun needs to recuperate. Liu Bei is also worried that Lu Bu will send troops to attack the land of Yizhou, ordering many soldiers to be stationed on the critical road into the middle of Sichuan, to guard against Lu Bu's army and the envoys of the three princes, and also rush to Chang'an again. They wanted to ascertain what Lu Bu wanted to do behind this movement of troops and horses.

Nothing is more exciting than Jiangdong’s messengers. Now they are an alliance with Lu Bu, and the relationship between this alliance is much stronger than that of Cao Cao and Liu Bei. If Lu Bu attacked Cao Cao, Jiangdong could take advantage of the situation to seize Jingzhou and strengthen his own strength.

However, Cao Cao had some speculations about the goal of mobilizing troops and horses under Lu Bu's rule. Since Lu Bu became king, Chang'an has hoarded a large amount of grain and grass. However, Lü Bu's hoarding of grain and grass cannot be prevented by the princes. Considering the consequences of transporting rice grains to Chang'an, and at this time Lu Bu is supported by Jizhou, Hanzhong, and Bingzhou. In terms of grain and grass, they are not as scarce as they thought.

When selling the weapon's blade, Lü Bu gained even greater benefits. When the princes exchanged the hundred steel-smelting weapons, all they used were rice grains. However, in the face of this situation, the princes could only grit their teeth and admit it. Compared with Lu Bu, their strength in building weapons is far from that of Lu Bu.

Of course, under these circumstances, what has attracted is the frantic investigation of the Baibogu craftsman's workshop. As long as these methods of forging weapons can be obtained, it means that they can occupy more initiative in future wars.

Lu Bu attaches great importance to the defense of Baibogu, especially after the decisive battle between his army and the army of princes. Strength is improved.

The princes dispatching meticulous crafts to the craftsman's workshop can be described as going forward and succeeding. As long as they can get the things in the craftsman's workshop, their strength can be improved in a short time. If they get the production method of some things, they will live to obtain huge benefits.

"Lord, now it seems that King Jin intends to send troops to pacify Liangzhou." Cheng Yu said.

Cao Cao said with a sneer: "It is clearly overpowering to do this first. It must be very clear what the situation in Liangzhou is like. The strength of Chang'an's army may be strong, but it will be a disaster for the Qiang people in Liangzhou for many years. Pinging down is an extremely difficult task. If Chang'an's troops are mobilized, it will be the opportunity for our army to seize Jingzhou in one fell swoop."

"Master, the Jiangdong Army has deployed a large number of soldiers and horses in Jingzhou. If they lead the troops to attack Jingzhou, wouldn't it make the Jin king do what he wanted?" Xun Yu said.

In Xun Yu’s view, Lv Bu is the biggest obstacle to the unification of the world. Only when Lv Bu is wiped out can he deal with other princes. When the princes first united, they did this very well. However, with the passage of time, the princes I have forgotten the ease of the alliance at the beginning, and even fought for their own interests. If this situation continues to develop, it is likely that Lu Bu will win in the end.

Anyone who claims to be a king seems to Xun Yu to be the rebellion of a big man. After the White Horse Alliance, any king of different surnames among the princes will cause a total attack by the princes of the world. At this point~www.readwn. Com~ princes shared a common understanding, but it was Lu Bu who broke the rules left by this ancestor first.

At that time, Lü Bu had no respect for the Han Dynasty. The messengers of the imperial court went to Chang'an, instead of receiving courtesy, but worried about being censure. The image in his heart is even more obscured. Xun Yu has deep feelings for the big man, so naturally he doesn't want the big man's situation to go down like this.

Today, Cao Cao has an absolute advantage in justice. As long as Cao Cao is willing to take out the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom, he will surely be able to make the court of Xudu orthodox. It is generally believed that other princes outside of Lu Bu also knew this way. After the breach of Shouchun, how could Cao Cao give up Yuxi, and Cao Cao remained silent on this matter, even after the imperial court moved the capital to Xudu, he still remained There is no intention to take out the jade seal.

This made the officials under his command a bit dissatisfied with the officials who tried to revitalize the Han. The reason why they assisted Cao Cao in his great cause was not to let the Cao family dominate, but to restore stability to the world and control Yuxi. It can make the influence of the big man weaker and weaker among the princes.

Cao Cao said: "Don’t you think that if Fengxian led the army to attack Liangzhou, it would be unprepared in Chang'an. At the beginning, the allied forces of the princes gathered more than 200,000 soldiers and horses, and they could not break Chang'an and Huguan, not to mention that Yuan Shao has been destroyed now. , Liu Beigui was retracted in Yizhou, and even the dangerous checkpoints such as Jiameng Pass fell into the hands of Lu Bu. The possibility of sending troops from Yizhou no longer exists, and he must always worry about the soldiers from Hanzhong entering Yizhou. , With our army, can it be possible to break Chang'an?"

(End of this chapter)

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