Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1550: : Cao Cao's actions

The counsellors in the court fell into silence upon hearing this. They hated Lu Bu, but they had to admire Lu Bu's strength. The achievements made today as a military commander made the princes jealous, and the soldiers under his command were extremely powerful, even if they were When Chang'an was empty, the princes could not have the idea of ​​confrontation. Once Lu Bu pacified Liangzhou, the military strength became stronger. Why should the princes fight against Lu Bu, relying on the imperial court and the illusory righteousness in their hands.

"Master Xun is a bit unreasonable worry about the world. When the Han Dynasty was strong, the soldiers from all over the country were not able to put down the Liangzhou Qiang rebellion, but now it is so difficult to get down Liangzhou by relying only on the soldiers and horses of the Jin king. Can secretly reveal the news to Qiangdi." Cheng Yu said.

When other counsellors heard the words, their brows inevitably wrinkled slightly. Qiangdi and his ilk were aliens and thieves in their eyes. It was precisely because of the rebellion in Liangzhou that the power of the big man was getting weaker and weaker and he was facing the Yellow Turban rebellion. At that time, there was not even more troops to deal with, and Liangzhou became the most chaotic area of ​​the Han.

If Lv Bu's leading soldiers can pacify Qiangdi, it would be a great contribution to the big man. No matter how rampant Lu Bu is, the things he did are enough to spread through the ages, so that Xianbei was given the head and bowed his head to be a minister, etc. Adjudication of officials is very different from the past. It is to include the Xianbei people in the city under the rule, and even build a city on the grassland to control the Xianbei people. These courage and methods are beyond the reach of ordinary princes. If If Lu Bu puts down the Liangzhou rebellion, the credit will be enough to shake the past and the present.

Cao Cao pondered for a moment and said, "Zhongde's words are reasonable."

"My lord, the Qiangdi and his ilk are rebels after all. The king of Jin led the troops to put down Liangzhou, which is a great contribution to the big man. If you remind Qiangdi, it will be a little inappropriate after all." Xun Yu persuaded.

Cao Cao glanced at Xun Yu coldly, "Will there be Han Dynasty in Lu Bu's eyes after Liangzhou is pacified? Lu Bu and Sun Ce became kings one after another, and they were the rebels of the big man, but now the strength of the two rebels is too great. Being strong, I can only make false claims. When Lu Bu loses his army in Liangzhou, it is my opportunity to wait."

Xun Yu was shocked. From the look in Cao Cao's eyes, he actually felt the killing intent. Since Cao's army has been fighting abroad, Xun Yu is responsible for the stability of the rear, just like Xiao Hezhi to Liu Bang, with great credit.

"Hey." Xun Yu said with his hands, and now the revitalization of the big man is all in Cao Cao's body, and Cao Cao still respects the Han family after Lu Bu and Sun Ce became king. This loyalty is enough for them to support.

Seeing Cao Cao's anger, the other officials bowed their hands and said yes.

Cao Cao sighed: "It's not that this lord is willing to do this. Once the strength of Chang'an's army is increased again, even if it is to unite with other vassals, it is extremely difficult to break Lv Bu. Instead of this, it is not weak to take the opportunity to weaken Chang'an's army. troops."

The officials in the venue are all savvy people, and they naturally understand the reason for doing this.

"My lord, my subordinates suggested that if the king of Jin led the army to attack Liangzhou, he should order the imperial decree to reward him, to show the emperor's grace." Xun You arched his hands.

Cao Cao nodded his head, which just reflected the value of the imperial court. As for how such an emperor's grace could cause waves in Lu Bu's army, it was not something that Cao Cao could consider.

Jiangdong ushered in Chang'an's messenger.

Lu Bu's desire to attack Liangzhou must have been seen by the princes, but Chang'an hasn't made it clear now, they can't determine it. Besides, according to Lu Bu's past behavior, the next move is not easy for the princes to guess.

Li Su was the messenger of Chang'an to Jiangdong. Unlike the low-key princes' messengers when they went to Chang'an, Li Su, as the messenger of Chang'an, was very grand, and even more solemn than the current court messengers when they went to the princes. This meant that The Chang'an officials attached great importance to the face of King Jin. Naturally, Li Su could not lose his momentum at this time.

Jiangdong is a vital part of the Chang'an army attacking Liangzhou's rebellion. As long as it can maintain a good relationship with Jiangdong, even if Cao Jun is in trouble when the Chang'an army attacked Liangzhou, Cao Jun can't think about it. After getting the benefits, Chang'an's defenders are not weak, and now Chang'an is the most important place under Lu Bu's rule, and there is no doubt about it in defense.

Sun Ce attached great importance to the messengers from Chang'an, and sent Zhang Zhao to greet them outside the city. Compared to the Jiangdong messenger's treatment in Chang'an, I don’t know how much better treatment, but this is also due to the strength. Strength of strength.

Li Su and Zhang Zhao entered the Jianye City together, but they were extremely calm, talking and laughing, giving people a feeling of not only easygoing, but also an envoy, which made Zhang Zhao, who was secretly observing, nodded.

"Wu Wang was injured by the villain's secret arrow in Jingzhou in the King Jin has always been concerned about it, but Chang'an's affairs are busy, and it is only this time that the humble post came to Jiangdong." Li Su arched his hands.

Sun Ce said lightly: "The messenger does not need to be so polite. King Jin is very helpful to Jiangdong and is a friend of Jiangdong."

"The king of Jin sent a humble position to come, which is also a solid alliance with Jiangdong." Li Su said directly.

Sun Ce frowned slightly. At this time, Lu Bu's relationship with Jiangdong's solid alliance was obvious. His intention was to mobilize troops. In fact, if he talked about the frequent use of troops, Lu Bu was more than the princes of Zhongyuan. However, Lu Bu was under his command. The soldiers of the army were able to maintain a high combat effectiveness, mainly because Lü Bu did not lead the soldiers to fight for too long each time.

"This is natural. Since this king has already formed an alliance with King Jin, he will not tear up the covenant. Please tell the envoy to Marquis Jin on this point." Sun Cedao.

"Thank you Wu Wang, Jin Wang has heard that Wu Wang likes BMW, but this time he got a good horse from the grassland, able to travel 800 per day, extremely beautiful, and sent it to Wu Wang." Li Su said.

Sun Ce's eyes lit up. He was naturally very longing for Shenjun's horse. Although he was a high-ranking man, he still considered himself a military commander in his bones, otherwise he would not brazenly initiate a fight against Cao Jun on the battlefield of Jingzhou.

A good horse is a great help for the generals on the battlefield, and has a huge influence on the generals' strength on the battlefield.

"Where is Liangju now? Take this king to watch." Sun Ce said, in fact, the mobilization of troops and horses in Chang'an has long been passed on to Jiangdong. No matter what actions Lu Bu takes this time, Jiangdong will remain neutral. Jingzhou battlefield Jiangdong has already got enough benefits. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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