Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1551: : Banquet

As long as the counties and counties that Jiangdong will obtain in Jingzhou are stable, when Cao Jun and Lu Bu come to Japan, Jiangdong’s opportunity will come. As for what will happen after Lu Bu becomes stronger, Jiangdong Army will naturally not be afraid, and before that, the most important thing is It is to improve one's own strength.

No one wants to go to ruin when the troubled times officially kicked off. Why did Yuan Shao lose on the battlefield in Jizhou and be broken by Lu Bu? It is because Yuan Shao's strength is not as good as Lu Buye.

Looking back at how strong Yuan Shao’s strength was at the beginning, but in the process of fighting Lv Bu, he gradually declined. This incident also made Jiang Dong Army more vigilant. From the Jingzhou incident, it can be seen that this world is fundamental There is no solid alliance, and some are just intrigues, and do whatever it takes to benefit.

Sun Ce’s actions made Jiangdong’s officials shook their heads secretly. Sun Ce has no doubts about the methods used by his subordinates to fight with the leaders. Jiangdong has become more and more powerful over the years. However, what Sun Ce has always been unable to change is to advocate fighting on the battlefield. As Wu The body of Wang Wanjin shouldn't be on the battlefield, but every time Sun Ce would use Lu Bu as a reason to shirk.

Seeing the seven-foot-tall, dark-skinned war horse, Sun Ce hurried forward and ran away. Later officials only saw a dark shadow running in front of them.

Fortunately, Sun Ce's palace was located in the inner city, which did not cause much panic.

"It really is Liangju." Sun Ce stood up and dismounted and laughed.

"Wuhou is good at riding." Li Suzan said.

When Sun Ce heard the words, his face was triumphant.

Zhang Zhao lightly coughed: "Lord, it's not early today."

Sun Ce said: "Set up a residence for the envoy of King Jin in the inner city. Don't be negligent. Tonight, this king will hold a banquet in the mansion to meet the wind for the envoy." Sun Ce became very interested in getting such a magic horse.

"Thank you, King Wu." Li Su bowed his hands and said with satisfaction. After Jiangdong's envoys arrived in Chang'an, they did not receive such treatment. As for the reception of the wind banquet, the officials under the rule are responsible. Like Jiangdong so seriously.

This kind of situation made Yu Fan and Qin Song who had been envoys to Jiangdong extremely dissatisfied with what they were treated in Chang'an, but now the envoys of the Jin King have received such attention after they arrived in Jiangdong.

That night, the palace was extremely lively. Even among Jiangdong’s courtiers who were dissatisfied with Li Suduo, they would not say it on such occasions. They just made things difficult for words, and Li Su’s words about Jiangdong’s courtiers It seemed that he had been expected to do so, and he was polite and polite, which left a very good impression on Sun Ce.

When a messenger goes to other princes, if he can show enough talent, he can also get attention. Of course, this is largely related to the strength of the princes behind.

When Li Su left Jiangdong, Sun Ce ordered Zhang Zhao to send him off, and the conditions offered by Chang'an this time also fascinated Sun Ce. Two thousand excellent war horses, if they can be equipped in the army, can play a great role. .

Now it is not just the Jiangdong Army, but the strength of the other princes is also rapidly improving. This time the three princes have spent a lot of money to purchase a thousand Modao from Changan. If the Modao Army can play a huge role on the battlefield If it is, it can affect the direction of a war.

Not only the Mo Dao Army, but the Cao Jun and Jiangdong Army also paid special attention to the heavy cavalry, especially the Jiangdong Army. After passing through the battlefield in Jingzhou, he saw the power of the heavy cavalry. Under the charge of the heavy cavalry, there were very few foot soldiers. What the **** can stop, even if the Mo Dao Army faces the heavy cavalry, it will be overshadowed. This is also the reason why the Jiangdong Army wants to develop the heavy cavalry.

The horses purchased from Chang'an before, although excellent, still did not meet the standards of heavy cavalry, but he learned the news from the meticulous work. The horses used by the wolf cavalry were all carefully selected from these horses, and then the generals of each department were selected. After that, it will be the merchants' turn to choose. The excellent warhorses in the eyes of merchants are not worth mentioning in the generals of the Chang'an Army.

The war horse promised by Lu Bu is the most sophisticated war horse. Although there are only two thousand horses, if it can be equipped in the cavalry, it will definitely be a great help in the future battlefield. And the development of cavalry by the Jiangdong Army has become the general trend. Now on the river surface, the Jingzhou army has lost its original role. When facing the Jiangdong navy, it does not have any combat effectiveness. The development of the army on the ground will enable the Jiangdong army to gain more on the battlefield of Jingzhou. the benefits of.

"Lord, Li Su is such an extraordinary person." Zhou Yu whispered. From Li Su's way of speaking and doing things, it can be seen that in general, when facing Jiangdong's ministers, he was talking and laughing, without the slightest fear, just this. Tolerance is not something ordinary officials can possess.

Sun Cedao: "This person is the right-hand man of King Jin. He was the person who followed King Jin for the first time. Before, he held the post of Youzhou Shepherd. How could it be so simple."

Zhou Yu said: "If the lord goes to war with Cao Jun at this it is extremely unfavorable. If you don’t wait for the changes and Cao Jun sends an envoy, the lord will form an alliance with him."

Sun Ce nodded and said: "Cao Cao wouldn't be so stupid. Although the king of Jin today has no intention of attacking Yanzhou, but at this time, if he angers King Jin, the consequences are not what Cao Cao can imagine. Does Gong Jin think that Xuzhou really It is so calm on the surface. After the start of the war, Xuzhou is probably the most chaotic. Xuzhou is of great significance to Cao Jun. Losing Xuzhou means that Cao Jun has lost an important source of food and grass."

Zhou Yu nodded slightly, and became more in awe of Lu Bu's methods. Being able to arrange chess pieces in Xuzhou for such a long time did not allow Cao Cao to find a handle. He was sure that there was definitely something involved between Xuzhou Zangba and Lu Bu.

"Gong Jin should be careful of his own safety. You are the king's right-hand man. If you are injured, how can this king lead the Jiangdong army to victory." Sun Ce said: "Going to Yizhou to assassinate the assassins of Fazheng and Zhuge Liang must come from Chang'an. "

Zhou Yu said: "Presumably Liu Bei has seen this too, but he has no evidence and can only admit that he is unlucky. Besides, Lu Bu doesn't care if Liu Bei is angry."

"Gong Jin, how about the assassin that this king asked you to train?" Sun Ce said.

It was not just that Liu Bei began to attach importance to the power of the assassins. After the assassination in Yizhou, the princes attached great importance to the training of the assassins. At this time, they realized the necessity of an assassin team. There was nothing fair and sinister on the battlefield. In other words, as long as the opponent's strength can be weakened, it is the best method. Lu Bu obviously achieved the ultimate in this regard.

(End of this chapter)

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