Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1552: : The breath of coming war

"Master, the assassin has been successfully trained." Zhou Yu whispered. After all, if things like training the assassin were spread out, it would not have much effect on Sun Ce's reputation.

Although the princes knew that there were three teams of assassins under Lu Bu's command, it was difficult to find the traces of these assassins. This was also the place where the princes were the most jealous. There are important officials under the rule of any prince, and once these assassins succeed, it will be a huge loss for them.

Sun Ce smiled and said: "Since the training is successful, why not let them go for a walk."

Sun Ce has a deep understanding of the power of the Black Ice Terrace. Back then, the assassins of the Black Ice Terrace in Jiangdong made him almost die. Now the power of the Black Ice Terrace is controlled by Lu Bu. Who would have thought of wanting Lu Bu to die repeatedly. Heibingtai will suddenly obey Lu Bu's orders.

Zhou Yu said yes, he set his sights on Yizhou. Without him, Liu Bei of Yizhou is the weakest today, but Liu Bei occupies a good place. If he attacks Jingzhou from Yizhou, he has a topographical advantage. However, if you attack Yizhou from Jingzhou, you will be at a disadvantage. If Liu Bei's strength can be weakened, it will be beneficial to Jiangdong. As long as the Nanjun can be captured and Yizhou can be seized, Jiangdong's strength will be greatly enhanced. The degree of improvement.

Like Jiangdong, Cao Cao's account also began training assassins after the princes jointly attacked Binzhou. The battlefield made Cao Cao aware of the importance of the assassins. The news of the assassination of Yizhou officials made Cao Cao more vigilant. These assassin teams were temporarily lurking. In the city.

The soldiers and horses under Lu Bu's rule continued to gather towards Chang'an. After January, the number of soldiers and horses in Chang'an reached 90,000. Among them, there were flying cavalry, two thousand wolf cavalry, and six thousand prairie cavalry. The total number of cavalry has reached Eleven thousand people, the number of cavalry of this class, among the princes, who can compare.

The rest is the power of the pawns, including the Euphorbia led by Zhang Yun, the trapped camp of Gao Shun, the Xiandeng dead soldier of Ju Yi, and the Mo knife army of Mi Fang, as well as the 10,000 powerful crossbow army led by Chen Dao.

This lineup can definitely be called luxurious.

The Qiang people of Liangzhou also noticed something wrong from the mobilization of troops and horses in Chang'an, especially after being kindly reminded by Cao Cao, the Qiang people began to prepare for war.

Although the strength of the Qiang people in Liangzhou is scattered, they are able to disperse the enemy's forces, and the Qiang people are good at fighting, and if they want to destroy the Qiang people, they have to pay a greater price.

Qiangdi attaches great importance to Lu Bu. Although they have developed their strength in Liangzhou, they have felt the power of Lu Bu from the news about Lu Bu over the years. If Lu Bu is really determined to attack Liangzhou, then Liangzhou It was really dangerous, no one dared to ignore the strength of Lu Bu's army.

However, Qiangdi had enough confidence in his own strength. Even the powerful Han army at the time was defeated by them, let alone the district chief's army.

Lu Bu has a great reputation in the world, and it seems to Qiangdi, but they want to live a stable life in Liangzhou temporarily. As for the peace between Shuo and Han Sui, it is for Qiangdi to make peace. Can gradually establish a foothold in Liangzhou, and now within Liangzhou, Qiangdi has occupied a lot of territory. According to the development of this situation, Qiangdi's strength will play a vital role in Liangzhou.

Qiangdi had ambitions. They were indeed oppressed by Han officials at the beginning, and they were forced to go on the road of betrayal. When the betrayal can benefit Qiangdi enough, the nature of their betrayal occurred. Change, they want to have more territory, they want to have the strength to compete with the Han army, they want to gain a foothold in Liangzhou, and even want to get the whole Liangzhou. Once human ambitions breed, it is difficult to satisfy.

As for what kind of emotion Qiangdi has towards Han Sui and Ma Teng, it is just a temporary fear. Once Qiangdi's strength is improved, how can it be even if Han Sui has tens of thousands of soldiers? The confrontation is because they want to get more benefits when Liangzhou is turbulent, and the existence of Han Sui and Ma Teng can temporarily provide them with protection.

Whether it is Han Sui or Ma Teng, the methods used to treat Qiangdi are gentle. It is reasonable for Qiangdi to give Han Sui and Ma Teng some respect. In the past, Qiangdi suffered a lot from the confrontation with the Han army. After years of recuperation, Qiangdi's strength gradually recovered.

That’s why when they learned that Lv Bu would send troops and horses to level Liangzhou, they didn’t really care. Even the mighty Han army was defeated by Qiangdi, not to mention the district chief’s An army. The strength of the big Han depends on Qiangdi It is more to brag, but the atmosphere of the coming of war has spread in Liangzhou.

As long as Lv Bu is defeated, the benefits gained are unimaginable. Lv Bu is now the most powerful prince in the Han Dynasty, occupying Sili, Bingzhou, Youzhou, Jizhou and Qingzhou, as well as this vast expanse. If Qiangdi's land could be obtained, it would be enough to sweep the world.

Especially Qiangdi’s current leader, Beigongfeng, is an extremely powerful figure among Qiangdi. He let Qiangdi die temporarily in order to confuse the Han army and make the Han army think that Qiangdi wants a peaceful and stable life, and then makes one move. Dangping Liangzhou, Bei Gongfeng understood that only his own strength became stronger, he would not be afraid when facing the Han army. In the era when the princes are together, why can’t Qiangdi get some benefits from it? Is Qiangdi destined to become a vassal of the Han people?

The strategy of Beigong’s sealing has restored Qiangdi’s power. Once they are united, their strength will not be much different than when they faced the Han army. The war has given Qiangdi’s army even greater. Progress and war have made their soldiers more elite. If all the armies of Qiangdi are added together, there are a hundred thousand people. If this kind of army is making waves in Liangzhou, it will be enough to make Liangzhou fall completely Amidst the turmoil, even if Lu Bu unites Han Sui and Zhao Fang, in their opinion, there is nothing to be afraid of.

The principals of the various tribes in Qiangdi rushed to Zhangye in secret, where they carried out a plan that could change the situation in Liangzhou and even Chang'an.

The atmosphere in Chang'an City has become a little dignified due to the gradual increase in the number of troops outside the city. Even ordinary people feel the taste of the coming of war. Whenever there is war, it is also when the people are most worried. Their children are in the army. In China, the start of the war means that there will be soldiers who die on the battlefield to serve the king of Jin and die well. Family members can also receive compensation. Who does not want their children to live safely. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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