Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1564: : Qiang People's Attack on Fuping (Part 2)

The generals in the army gradually calmed down after hearing Zhong Quan's words, but their hatred of the Qiang people became more and more high.

The actions of the Qiang people were provocations in the eyes of the Han army. Such provocations meant that they did not put the soldiers of the Han army in their eyes. Once upon a time, the Qiang people could barely survive under the protection of the Han people. The many years of warfare, however, let the Han people survive. The army is completely at a disadvantage. If Lu Bu did not send troops to attack the Qiang people in Liangzhou, one can imagine the environment in which the people of Liangzhou would live in a few years.

After the moat was filled, the Qiang people suffered a lot from the hands of the Han army. Although there were only a thousand defenders in the city, the power of the people was manifested at this time. The tragedy of the Han people outside the city, they It must not be forgotten that if the Qiang people are allowed to break the city, their fate will be the same as the people outside the city.

In the face of the crisis of life and death, the people are also very motivated. Although they do not use bows and arrows to kill the enemy, they can carry arrows and wood for the defenders, so that more defenders can participate in the defense of the city. .

The defenders of Fuping felt the strength of the people for the first time.

Originally, from Dianling’s point of view, even if the walls of Fuping were somewhat high, they could be easily captured after the moat was filled in. Who knew that the defenders were still so tough at this time, and the Qiang who attacked the walls several times The soldiers drove off the city wall.

The Han army has always been weak in the eyes of Dian Ling. At this point, the Qiang people have a common understanding. They were originally the inferior people in the eyes of the Han people. Now they can dominate the destiny of the Han people. This is the improvement of strength. The benefits come.

Filling the moat with the Chinese people is enough to see Dian Ling's cunning in using soldiers.

Outside Fuping City, the Qiang people launched a fierce attack, and the strength of the Qiang people was best demonstrated when they attacked the city.

Once the Qiang soldiers are allowed to board the city wall, it is difficult to drive them off. Often a Qiang soldier can kill the lowest two Han soldiers after boarding the city wall.

Three days later, the number of defenders dropped sharply to five hundred. The Qiangs also paid a disastrously low price during the siege. Thousands of Qiangs died outside Fuping City. It also deepened the anger of the Qiang people towards the Han people.

After attacking the city, what the Qiang pawns like to do most is torturing the Han people, as if only in this way can they weaken the anger on the battlefield.

Dian Ling’s gaze was a little low. If Fuping were to be captured according to this situation, the Qiang would have to pay the price of two thousand people. According to the news from the scouts, Han soldiers could reach the outside of Fuping city in three days at most. .

Had it not been for the Han army to have a strong city, Dian Ling would have defeated the Han army long ago. This is also the helplessness of the Qiang army when facing the Han army.

The Han soldiers have the convenience of the city, which can cause huge damage to the siege Qiang soldiers on the city wall.

However, after much consideration, Dian decided to continue to attack Fuping. If Fuping can be broken, the Qiang people can get more things. There is sufficient food and grass in Fuping City. The armor and blades of the Han soldiers are excellent in the eyes of the Qiang people.

This is also the main reason why Dian Ling still chose to attack Fuping when the Han army is about to come. Occupying Fuping means that they can have a greater advantage in the battle against the Han army. The Han army has in the past battles. Being able to use the city wall to cause huge damage to the soldiers of the Qiang people, after the city is in their hands, it can have the same effect.

"General, the Qiang people's offensive is too fierce." A school captain was covered in blood and his voice was a little hoarse.

Zhong Quan said: "Even if the Qiang people are strong, we must defend Fuping. There are tens of thousands of people in Fuping City. Do you want to watch these people suffer the slaughter of Qiang soldiers?"

The soldiers around were silent. The Qiang people’s treatment of the Han people is very clear. As long as the Qiang people are allowed to enter the city, the people in the city will be plunged into dire straits, and the busy people above and below the city are also very clear. Let them move.

"Our army's reinforcements will be here soon." Zhong Quan said relievedly.

The school lieutenant heard the words and stopped talking. This is the third time Zhong Quan has said this. However, his army has not been traced yet, and there is no news from the scouts.

The siege was still going on. The Qiang soldiers were able to cause huge damage to the defenders in the process of attacking the city by relying on simple ladders. This kind of combat power is definitely not comparable to the defenders in the city.

Behind them were the people they were protecting, and the enemy in front of them. The defenders also broke out tough combat power. Some soldiers were wounded, but they did not retreat in the slightest. They still clung to the wall. They knew that the city could fight. There are not many soldiers, and once they retreat from the wall, it means that someone needs to fill their vacancies.

After Zhong Quan frowned and pondered for a long time, he thought of a strategy. When facing the attack of the Qiang army, the lieutenant soldiers suffered a However, their armor and weapons were still there. If the young and Zhuang among the people added to the army, it would surely be able to play a huge role.

It can be seen from the Qiang pawns attacking Fuping that in the face of life and death threats, the fighting power displayed by ordinary people is also powerful, and they want to survive this battle.

"Stick to the city wall, order the people to gather the armor and blades of the dead soldiers in one place." Zhong Quan ordered.

Although the lieutenant was a bit unclear, he executed the order.

In the city, young people among the people were gathered in one place.

Zhong Quan took a look at these people. From these young and strong faces, they could feel the anger of the people. Many young and strong even had blood stains on their bodies. It can be seen that they were also affected by the Qiang attacking the city. Little involvement.

"You are the young and strongest among the people in the city. When the Qiangs attacked the city, this general admired your bravery. Now Fuping has reached the critical moment of life and death. The number of defenders is less than four hundred. People are attacking Fuping from two sides. If we continue like this, Fuping will definitely be difficult to defend." Zhong Quan said slowly.

The atmosphere in the court seemed a bit solemn because of Zhong Quan's words. The reason why they worked so desperately was to survive this war, to repel the Qiangs, and to protect their homeland.

"However, with you here, this general sees the hope of victory. King Jin has sent one of his five tiger generals, General Tai Shici, to lead his army to Fuping. As long as these difficult times have passed, our reinforcements will come. , The soldiers under the command of King Jin won all battles and defeated the Qiang people. It is definitely not a problem." Zhong Quan said. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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