Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1565: : The situation is critical

When the young man in the field heard these words, he inevitably had doubts in his heart. The people spontaneously carried consumables such as arrows and logs for the defenders. They played a certain role on the battlefield, but they failed to change a war. effect.

"The people of Liangzhou have no cowardly people. For the home behind them, they dare to take the lead, even if they pay the price of their lives. This is the case for the athletes in the army. This general believes that you can do it, too. To enter the army, go out, choose armors and participate in the defense of the city." Zhong Quan said.

There was a lot of discussion among the young people in the field. There is still a big difference between moving things and real defending the city. Defending the city is to face the enemy directly, and moving things can provide them with greater safety.

Zhong Quan said solemnly: "Quiet, the situation in Fuping is critical now. If you can't hold the city, do you think you can still survive in the hands of the Qiang? You must have known what happened to the Han people outside the city. These Qiangs When people deal with the Han people, they do everything they can. After the city is breached, your fate will be like the people outside the city."

"General, Caomin is willing to defend the city." A young man walked out with a resolute complexion. After choosing a set of armor, he didn't pay much attention to the blood stains on the armor.

With the leader, the remaining young men also started to take action. The scene was a little silent for a while. They were originally ordinary people in the city, but when the enemy came, they wanted to participate in the defense of the city and go face to face. For the mighty Qiang people, they had already seen the madness of the Qiang people outside the city when they were carrying things. They didn't have much confidence in fighting against such enemies.

Outside the city, Dian Ling, who was just about to order his soldiers to launch a new round of offensive, saw the situation on the front of the city, his eyes tightened. The soldiers on the front of the city were already very sparse. As long as Qiang soldiers can board the wall, they can It easily caused huge damage to the Han army, but now the number of Han soldiers on the wall has increased. Looking at the situation, there is not much difference compared to when the Qiang army first arrived.

The soldiers among the Qiang people were also in a panic when they discovered this situation. They were not afraid of death on the battlefield. However, the Han army showed extreme tenacity when defending the city. The Han army was at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. The city has the greatest confidence to break through, and now the number of defenders has increased again. This change gives them a feeling of being caught off guard.

Dian Ling’s complexion is a bit low. If this situation is followed, it will be difficult for the Qiang people to break Fuping before the Han army arrives. Once the Han army arrives, the Qiang people’s superiority in numbers will be wiped out. Fuping city With monsters throwing boulders, one can imagine whether there will be such a thing in the Han army.

The armors and equipment of the Han army are absolutely excellent in the eyes of the Qiang people. This is also the biggest worry of the Qiang people when they are fighting with the Han army.

"Offensive!" Dian Ling ordered, even if he couldn't succeed, he would have to make the last fight. Besides, the sudden appearance of so many Han soldiers on the city was a bit strange in itself.

Many young people may feel agitated when receiving armored weapons, holding the thought of coexisting and dying with the city. However, when facing the offensive of the Qiang pawns, the unstoppable fear will be generated in their hearts. This is The biggest difference between ordinary people and soldiers.

Many young men turned around and fled when they saw the robe around them dead, but the soldiers in charge of supervising the battle did not hesitate to raise the swords and spears in their hands. At that time, they were already soldiers in the army. If they face the situation of the sergeant's escape and do not stop it, there will be more soldiers fleeing. Such a situation will be a nightmare for the army.

An army can be at a disadvantage, but it cannot lose its military discipline.

A famous young man was mercilessly beheaded after escaping, causing a lot of turmoil in the young man. In their view, defending the city is the duty of the soldiers in the city, and they are just helping to defend the city. When they After the soldiers around him and the general had finished talking about the rules, many young men were silent, knowing that there was no way out.

Besides, Qiang people are so cruel. If they flee when facing the enemy, doesn't it mean that the people in the city will suffer. When they choose to defend the city, they have already made a decision.

After the thoughts were clear, Qing Zhuang looked at the Qiang people who were attacking the city, and the fear in his eyes gradually turned into hatred. It is precisely because the arrival of these Qiang people has affected their current lives. Otherwise, why would they have come? The wall helps defend the city.

Dian Ling sneered after seeing the situation on the city’s head. It turned out that these Han troops were actually selected young men from the city to rush into the army. If this were the case, it would be much easier to break through Fuping, and the people would participate. Defender, he really doesn’t understand how the defender thinks ~ Even if it is lightly dressed among the people, it is still difficult to compare with the soldiers in the army. When faced with difficult battles, they will produce Fear will run away, and these escaped soldiers have created opportunities for Qiang soldiers.

However, as time went by, Dian Ling showed doubts on his face, because he found that when the Han soldiers on the front of the city faced a frenzied attack by his own army, they were initially flustered, and then they steadily occupied the city wall.

After a day’s siege, soldiers killed and wounded can be seen everywhere, but the most casualties were the young men who had just joined the army. When facing war, they lacked enough experience, although the soldiers around them could teach them. In a few sentences, there is still a huge gap, and this gap needs to be filled with life.

However, the fighting power displayed by these young men on the city’s head is to the satisfaction of Zhong Qian. If these young men flee as a whole when facing the Qiang army, he has nothing to do. If they do that, Fuping It's really hard to hold.

Now it seems that his choice is correct. Otherwise, it would be difficult for Fuping to defend against the offensive of the Qiang army just today.

"General, after having these young men, although he barely resisted the Qiang army's attack, in a day, these young men have lost more than half of them." The lieutenant said in a low voice.

Zhong Quan nodded and said, "Tell the lieutenant generals that King Jin’s reinforcements are coming."

The lieutenant clasped his fists helplessly. He could not remember how many times it was mentioned that reinforcements were coming. However, this news seemed to be a great encouragement to the soldiers in the army. Whenever he heard the news At that time, their faces will show the color of yearning. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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