Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1566: : Pound Arrives

Zhong Quan murmured: "If the reinforcements do not come again, Fuping will be really hard to defend."

Fuping is now not only a city of Han people, but also a place of hope for tens of thousands of people. However, the defenders in the city naturally do not want the people to be like the Han people in the hands of the Qiang people outside the city.

On the second day when Qing Zhuang participated in the defense of the city, the city wall was in crisis several times. If Zhong Quan had not led the soldiers to kill again and again, the city wall would have fallen into the hands of the Qiang people. The price, including the young and strong, the defenders only had three hundred men.

The Qiang attacked from two walls, which meant that one wall had only one hundred and fifty defenders, so when defending against the Qiang, they would fall into a dangerous situation. Once the Qiang dispersed and attacked , It is difficult for the defenders to do effective defense.

In terms of the elite level of the soldiers, the Han sergeants are hard to compare with the Qiangs. This is obvious to all. After the Qiangs boarded the city wall in large numbers, it was a nightmare for the Hans.

Zhong Quan said: "I am waiting for the king of Jin. Even if you die, what's the matter? You are soldiers in the army. Even if you face the most powerful enemy, don't retreat, even if you die in battle. A warrior under King Jin’s command."

The atmosphere on the city wall was a bit solemn. The generals who had threatened to go out of the city to fight the Qiangs kept silent. This is the difference in strength. Relying on the city is so difficult, let alone fighting outside the city, even if they are their reinforcements. After arriving, I am afraid they can only stick to the wall and consume the strength of the Qiang army.

"Regardless of whether there are reinforcements, we should do our best to defend the city and resist the Qiang army, which is to protect the people in the city." Zhong Quan said slowly.

"Willing to fight to the death with the general!" The general beside Zhong Quan roared firmly.

Zhong Quan nodded in satisfaction. The situation in the city is very critical. I am afraid that today's defense of the city will be difficult to complete. How many familiar faces have died in the hands of the Qiang people.

"Bring this general's spear." Zhong Quan said slowly.

"General, you are the main general in the city. If you are going to fight, who will command?" the deputy general said.

Zhong Quan smiled and said: "There are not many defenders in the city now, and the command of this general is no longer needed. This general is the main general in the army, so he should fight the enemy bravely. This general once heard that King Jin led the army. When going to war, whenever there is a war, I take the lead as the king of Jin, let alone wait for me."

Hearing this, the lieutenant was silent.

This kind of battle allowed the tacit understanding between the lieutenants and soldiers to rise rapidly, and their strength was also improved in the battle. The war made the soldiers in the army become more elite, but to become an elite, the effort required The price is heavy.

"Kill, after breaking through Fuping, everything in the city is ours." Dian Ling raised the long knife in his hand and shouted.

The Qiang pawns launched another crazy attack towards Fuping. Their expressions showed enthusiasm and yearning. After seizing the city, the things of the Han people in the city belonged to the Qiang people, and even the people of the Han people were their spoils.

Seeing the offensive situation of the Qiangs, Dian Ling nodded with satisfaction. Today, the defense of the Han soldiers on the city can be described as sparse. The addition of the young and strong among the people made the Qiangs spend an extra day. , Otherwise, the army might have broken the city yesterday.

Dian Ling was even thinking about how to deal with the defending generals in the city after the city was breached. He even dared to resist this way, causing the Qiang people to pay a heavy price. If these characters were not punished, wouldn't they have helped the Han army? The arrogance.

The situation on the city wall became urgent again. At noon, the two sides started a fierce battle on the city wall. The Qiang wanted to complete the battle on the wall, but the defenders refused to give up.

After learning that the Qiang army was besieging Fuping, Pound put Niu Fu in charge of the affairs of the army, and he led three thousand cavalrymen towards Fuping, even though Pound knew that at the speed of the cavalry, after reaching Fuping, it was very Maybe the city has been breached, but as long as there is hope, he will not give up easily. There are tens of thousands of Han people in Fuping City.

Pound kept urging the cavalry to speed up.

Faced with Pound's order, the Xianbei cavalry did not dare to violate the slightest. Over the years, Pound had established absolute prestige among the Xianbei people, and was definitely the first person after the king of Jin.

How many Xianbei soldiers died during Pound's training of cavalry. In order to make the Xianbei cavalry more sophisticated, Pound led the Xianbei cavalry into battle several times. The rebellion of Fuyu and Goguryeo was responsible for suppressing the rebellion of Fuyu and Goguryeo.

Of course, after breaking the city, the Xianbei soldiers received many rewards.

Some patriarchs of the Xianbei tribe were not happy when they saw this situation. They knew that If it goes on like this, the Xianbei can only become a tool for the Han people to fight, while the Xianbei people are It is necessary to continue to pay a heavy price on the battlefield.

Ordinary Xianbei cavalry did not have the foresight of the tribal chief. They needed victory, and they longed for victory. They not only feared Pound, but also had awe.

Under Pound’s constant urging, I finally saw the Fuping city wall not far away. From Niyang to Fuping, there are a total of six hundred miles. The road is not as flat as the state of Bingzhou. At the speed of cavalry, it took three days. See the Bupyeong City Wall.

Seeing the banner of the Han army floating above the city, Pound's expression did not relax, because they heard the sound of fighting on the city.

"Kill it!" Pound ordered without hesitation.

The arrival of the 3,000 Xianbei cavalrymen caused a lot of turmoil in the Qiang army. Although there were cavalry in the Qiang army, there were only 500 men. Even if it were 500 men, it was already an extremely tyrannical force. When the army of the Hans fought against the Qiangs, the cavalry of the Qiangs made the Han army a disadvantage.

Now that they suddenly saw so many cavalry, their shock can be imagined. The most important thing is that these cavalry are actually wearing the black costumes of the soldiers under the banner of the Han army.

And today, except for the king of Jin, the soldiers of the other princes still follow the previous rules, and the soldiers wear scarlet costumes.

Black gives people a sense of solemnity and depression.

"Order the cavalry to go to war." Dian Ling hurriedly issued an order, and at the same time ordered the army to stop attacking Fuping. What the Qiang people have to do is not to break the city, but how to retreat from the sudden arrival of the cavalry. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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