Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1592: : Successful Assassination (Part 1)

Feng Wenyan from Beigong nodded in agreement. The reason why Qiang pawns have repeatedly won on the battlefield over the years is because they have a great relationship with the environment in which they live. Not only do they have to face the pressure of survival, but also To endure the oppression of the Han people, how can the warriors of the Qiang tribe endure it.

"We have to rely more on military divisions to repel the Han army." Bei Gongfeng laughed.

Cheng Qian hurriedly said, "This is a matter for the subordinates, and King Qiang doesn't need to do this."

Bei Gongfeng nodded with satisfaction. Not only does Cheng Qian have extraordinary strategies, he is also not comparable to those of the arrogant Qiang tribe's patriarchs in the world, especially the so-called Di King among the Di population. It has been severely declined, and is still so prestigious in the army. It is clear that the situation is not clearly recognized. If the Di people are strong, the Qiang people may be able to tolerate one or two. Now is the most critical moment to attack the Han people. Repulsed, it's not too late to clean up these people.

But in some cases, Cheng Qian was more arrogant. As an important figure under the Beigong confession, Cheng Qian had the capital of pride.

Since receiving Lü Bu's order, Qin Tian sneaked into Diren's camp. In order to ensure that there would be no omissions in this mission, all those who followed Qin Tian were the most elite iron eagle swordsmen in the Black Ice Terrace.

After Qin Tian took charge of the Black Ice Platform again, he carried out a series of rectifications on the Black Ice Platform. Among them, the criteria for the selection of Iron Eagle Swordsmen were stricter than before. Being able to become an Iron Eagle Swordsman is a manifestation of strength in itself.

Disguise was not too difficult for an assassin. Changing his appearance a little, and adding that he was dressed as an ordinary soldier of the Qiang tribe, but it did not arouse the suspicion of others.

The Qiang people gathered so many soldiers and horses. Although the soldiers of the Qiang tribe were assigned to the Beigong, they did not know each other.

After many days of side beating, Qin Tian finally got news from the Han Chinese in the Qiang army. This person was named Cheng Qian, and he was trusted by the Qiang King’s North Palace. Bei Gongfeng made suggestions, but the Qiang people were hostile to the Han people's posture. This also led to the fact that in ordinary times, Cheng Qian had a lot of elite protection by his side. It was not a small problem to kill Cheng Qian.

In recent times, Qin Tian occasionally appeared near Cheng Qian’s camp, in order to investigate the problems surrounding Cheng Qian’s defense. Qin Tian discovered that Beigong Feng really attached great importance to Cheng Qian, and these Qiang dynasties could be described as doing something. When Cheng Qian was in constant protection, as long as Cheng Qian left, they would follow, and there would be soldiers guarding closely outside the camp.

The Qiang people seem to have a very good code of due diligence in executing orders. Even at night, they will not say that they are sleepy. The fifty people are divided into two groups to protect Cheng Qian’s safety. Qin Tian can bear it for a while. Finally, , Qin Tian decided to take the risk, if he could kill Cheng Qian before the beginning of the battle between the Qiang army and the Han army, Bei Gongfeng would lose a major support.

The method Qin Tian chose was to start with the Qiang guards outside the camp. These Qiang guards were originally soldiers of the Beigong seal, but were the most elite soldiers selected from the Qiang tribe, and as long as these Qiangs were mixed in. Among his guards, there was a chance to become a guard so that he could easily get close to Cheng Qian, and with Qin Tian's methods, he could kill Cheng Qian without knowing it.

Even if Cheng Qian succeeded in killing Cheng Qiang, it would inevitably be a very difficult thing to leave the Qiang camp. The soldiers of the Qiang were brave, and Qin Tian’s martial arts was so strong that he had not yet reached the power of one person. The strength to break through from the Qiang camp of tens of thousands.

When the two groups of guards were taking turns to rest, a Qiang soldier was anxious. After saying a few words, he walked not far away.

Qin Tian quietly followed when he saw the opportunity.

With a flash of sword light, the Qiang guard fell to the ground and struggled constantly, holding on to Qin Tian. After knowing that the Qiang guard had no movement, Qin Tian stripped off the Qiang guard's clothes.

The Qiang guards obviously have a high status among the Qiang soldiers, and the armor on their body is not much stronger than that of Qin Tian's armor during the time he saw Qiang soldiers.

This Qiang was born tall and tall, and he was similar in height to Qin Tian, ​​but Qin Tian was even thinner.

This is the stronghold of the Qiang people, and the guards protecting Cheng Qian will naturally not think too much about it. After all, this is their territory, and the dim sky provides protection for Qin Tian.

When Qin Tian returned to the camp, it happened to be the turn of Qin Tian and his group of guards to rest. Qin Tian fell asleep just like the other guards, but was listening to the surrounding movement.

About a quarter of an hour later, the two camps around Cheng Qian's camp lit up a big fire, and there was the screams of the Qiang soldiers. This sound shocked more Qiang soldiers and participated in the fire fighting~www Qian wakes up from his sleep, raises the camp, yawns, and asks: "What happened and why is it so noisy?"

"Military officer, the camp nearby caught fire." A guard replied.

"If this is the case, you send some people to see, so as not to disturb more people." Cheng Qian said.

The guards were embarrassed when they heard the words. Their main task was to protect Cheng Qian’s safety. If they left, they would be punished for King Qiang to find out. This was also when the nearby camp was on fire. The guards did not step forward. s reason.

At this time, Qin Tian quietly came to a place not far from Cheng Qian, but Xiu Nu appeared in his hand. As long as he had the opportunity, he could assassinate Cheng Qian as quickly as possible, and then took advantage of it. The army fled in chaos. Once they left the Qiang camp, it was extremely difficult for the Qiang people to find Qin Tian's trail.

Cheng Qian didn't realize that the **** of death was approaching, and said angrily: "Don't even follow the orders of the official?"

The guard leader hesitated for a moment or agreed. After all, Cheng Qian’s status in front of the cover of the Beigong was much higher than them. If they were to be rectified, it might be a matter of one sentence. They usually protect Cheng Qian. It caused a lot of discussion, and there was some dissatisfaction with Cheng Qian, but there was Beigongfeng's order on it, and they didn't dare to violate it.

Although the Qiang people hate the Han people, they are very afraid of the cunning of the Han people, for fear that they will anger Cheng Qian and become a hapless person.

Cheng Qian said: "This place is in the army. Why do you need protection? Do you think that the Han army dares to enter our army's camp?"

The guard leader repeatedly said yes, not daring to go against Cheng Qian. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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