Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1593: : Successful Assassination (Part 2)

Seeing the respectful performance of the guard leader, Cheng Qian was a little satisfied. He was about to turn around and leave, but another camp was on fire. This made Cheng Qian hesitate. The weather at this time was slightly dry, but there would not be fires one after another. .

"My officer is going to check the situation, you are responsible for fighting the fire." Cheng Qian said, things are strange and must be weird.

Originally, Qin Tian didn't feel much hope for being able to assassinate Cheng Qian this time. These guards were too dedicated, and even when the camp was on fire, they didn't have the intention to check it out. It can be seen that in the eyes of these Qiang guards, protecting Cheng Qian is How important.

Judging from Cheng Qiang's reprimanding of these Qiang guards, it can be seen that these Qiang guards were sent by Bei Gongfeng to protect Cheng Qian, and Cheng Qian was somewhat dissatisfied with the performance of these guards.

Putting the same thing on Qin Tian's body, he would also feel awkward. There are only two or three guards outside the camp of the other generals, but there are dense guards outside his camp. People who don't know think that criminals are being held here. , The key is that these Qiang guards' attitude towards Cheng Qian is not very good.

After Cheng Qian's anger just now, the guards outside the tent naturally didn't dare to violate Cheng Qian's order, and Qin Tian stood behind Cheng Qian without a trace.

Cheng Qian led the five guards towards the camp that was on fire. Qin Tian was fortunate in secret. At this time, the area around the camp seemed a little chaotic, and the fire fighting Qiangs came and went.

Cheng Qian seemed to think of something. He turned his head and glanced back. In the light of the fire, he saw a crossbow. Cheng Qian recognized it at a glance. It was a crossbow. He also had such a crossbow on his body, behind him. The guards who followed suddenly took out a crossbow, which made Cheng Qian realize that it was not good.

Without any hesitation, Qin Tian pulled the trigger.

"There is an assassin." Cheng Qian yelled these words before he shot the Xiu Nu, and then felt a sharp pain in his chest.

Cheng Qian's turning back was so sudden, and Qin Tian's movements were so fast that the other four guards didn't react, and they saw the crossbow arrow on Cheng Qian's chest.

Cheng Qian was a literati, so naturally he wouldn't wear heavy armor when traveling in the army, and he couldn't have imagined that the enemy's assassins would be so rampant that they dared to sneak into the army and make assassinations.

"There are assassins." Qin Tian yelled, learning the tone of the Qiang people.

Qin Tian’s shouts made the guards no doubt about Qin Tian’s identity for the time being, while the rest of the guards looked a little flustered. The main reason was that Cheng Qian’s identity was too important. If Cheng Qian died under their protection, they Nor will it end well.

"Here, this person, this person is, yes..." Cheng Qian opened his eyes wide, his expression was full of unwillingness. He has already achieved a high position in the army of Qiang people and has not yet enjoyed enough. The glory and wealth brought by being in such a position are about to die.

"It was this person who made the shot." A Qiang man pointed at Qin Tian angrily. The direction of Cheng Qiang's finger was exactly where Qin Tian was. The guard, noticing where Qin Tian was before, was just able to assassinate Cheng Qian.

"This person is not a guard to protect the military division, he is a meticulous work." A guard pointed at Qin Tian and shouted.

As soon as the voice fell, a long sword appeared in Qin Tian's hand, and he took the guards at an extremely fast speed. The two guards fell into a pool of blood before they had reacted to the shock.

The other two Qiang men hurriedly raised their swords to fight, but how powerful Qin Tian's martial arts was. With the sword in his hand, the two Qiang guards fell to the ground, and Qin Tian kept shouting.

The noisy surroundings gave Qin Tian a good cover, but the four guards and Cheng Qian died, but they were discovered by the Qiang soldiers fighting the fire.

Although Cheng Qian is a Han in the army of Qiang people, he has a very high status. Although Qiang people are secretly contemptuous of Cheng Qian, they still have to show respect to Cheng Qian on the surface. The dead had Cheng Qian, which caused even greater turmoil in the death of the Qiang people. Since the beginning of the war, they have been able to feel the importance of the Qiang King’s Beigong Feng to this Han.

"The military division is dead." A Qiang soldier shouted, and soon news of Cheng Qian's death spread among the army.

After Qin Tian killed the guards, although several soldiers found and pursued them, Qin Tian's extraordinary posture made it difficult for these Qiang soldiers to catch the trace, and they could only return without success.

The Qiang camp was in a panic because of Cheng Qian's death, mainly because Bei Gongfeng was extremely angry when he learned of this. Now is the crucial time to fight the Han army, but the military divisions in the army were assassinated.

"Bring all the guards who protect the military division." Bei Gong Feng said coldly.

After reviewing these guards, Bei Gong Feng concluded that the assassination was made by Han people, and only Han people hated Cheng Qian so much. After killing Cheng Qian, he could indeed be at a Trash, a group of trash, among tens of thousands of army, even let the enemy sneak in and kill the military division. What is the use of this king, come, kill all the guards that protect the military division, and bury them for the military division. "Bei Gongfeng shouted.

Although Cheng Qian is a Han Chinese, he has a high status in Bei Gongfeng's heart. It is with Cheng Qian's help that Bei Gongfeng has reached his current position step by step. With the current strength, Cheng Qian is resourceful. On the above, they have won the approval of Beigong. It can be said that the two met at the most difficult time for the Qiang people. Naturally, the emotions are not comparable to the patriarchs of ordinary Qiang tribes.

"King Qiang, after all, the military commander is a Han, and he has already died. If Qiang's guards are executed for this, I'm afraid it will arouse discussion from other tribesmen." said a patriarch of the Qiang tribe.

The patriarchs of the other Qiang tribes all agreed. In their opinion, Cheng Qian is a Han Chinese anyway. He usually looks superior in front of them. Although Cheng Qian’s performance is very low-key, he still makes these patriarchs feel uncomfortable. It is the army of Qiang people, how can you tolerate a Han Chinese gesticulating here?

Cheng Qian's death made many thousands of tribe patriarchs secretly delighted without the help of the Han people. If this battle is won, it will be the merit of the Qiang people and has nothing to do with the Han people.

King Di Yang said ten million times: "King Qiang, now the army division is unfortunately assassinated, but the Han army has gathered tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. War may start at any time. On this occasion, we should strengthen the defense of the camp to prevent the enemy. Attack the camp."

Cheng Qian was protected by fifty of Qiang's most elite soldiers in the Qiang army, and was assassinated, which made Yang Wan feel the urgency. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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